
  • VLS Bulletin – August 2024 – VLS 010181

    VLS 010181 – Aztec Oils Torotec 5W-30 TSL

    On 9th January 2023 the case was accepted by VLS.

    VLS received a complaint about 5W-30. The Complainant alleged that a sample of a 199L was taken from a motor factor for testing to assess performance against its marketed claims. The product, they claim, was found to fail the following testing:

    ACEA C2, C3: Elastomers (CEC L-112-16)
    ACEA C2, C3: Oxidation with biodiesel (CEC L-109-14)
    API SN: TEOST (ASTM D7079)
    MB 229.51, 52: HTCBT (Mod. ASTM D6594)

    On this basis the Complainant alleged that the product did not meet key performance requirements of ACEA C2, ACEA C3, API SN and MB 229.51, MB 229.52, and therefore was misleading to the end consumer.

    VLS accepted the case and arranged to procure and test a sample of the product. VLS found that the product passed the following tests:

    Oil -Elastomer Compatibility using test method CEC L-112-16 against the market standard ACEA C2, C3.
    HTCBT with B100 using test method modified ASTM D6594 against the OEM specification MB 229.51, 229.52.

    However, VLS also found that the product failed the following tests against the following market standards;

    Oxidation with Biodiesel for Engine Oils operating in the presence of Biodiesel Fuel using test method CEC L-109-14, against market standard ACEA C2, C3.
    TEOST MHT using test method ASTM D7079, against market standard API SN.

    Consequently, VLS upheld the complaint against the product for being non-compliant against Oxidation with Biodiesel for Engine Oils operating in the presence of Biodiesel Fuel using test method CEC L-109-14, against market standard ACEA C2, C3, and TEOST MHT using test method ASTM D7079, against market standard API SN.

    In response the Named Party identified the batch, and conducted their own investigation into the product which they believed was a technology issue rather than a QC blend issue, and arranged to have the product tested for TEOST MHT using test method ASTM D7079 against the specification API SN along with a sample made with another additive package. The Named Party did not arrange to test the batch for Oxidation with Biodiesel for Engine Oils operating in the presence of Biodiesel Fuel using test method CEC L-109-14, against market standard ACEA C2, C3.

    VLS considered the investigation into the matter to be closed and agreed to take into account the Named Party’s investigation and the product test results obtained to ASTM D7079 and CEC L-109-14 in the six-month case review.

    On 29th November 2023, after detailed consultation with the technology provider, an interim formulation adjustment had been made by the Named Party concerning the level of antioxidant in the finished lubricant, so it was expected to meet or exceed the required specification. Confirmation through independent analysis would be shared when available.

    On 21st August 2024 VLS undertook a six-month review of the case in line with its’ stated process.

    As part of the review VLS sourced and tested a sample of the product. The test results showed that the product remained in compliance at the six-month stage, and the Named Party confirmed that the formulation in use is supported by a Candidate Data Package. Consequently the case can be closed.

    David Wright, Company Secretary of VLS said “We want to ensure we have the highest standards in Europe for lubricant manufacture, blending and marketing, and we want a ‘level playing field’ for all participants, so that we protect the interests of the consumer and other end users.

    In the Verification of Lubricant Specifications (UK) Ltd, we have set our course for stronger industry self-regulation by working positively towards more open and transparent competition that benefits all lubricant organisations.”

    August 2024

  • VLS Newsletter – August 2024

    VLS Newsletter August 2024

    Case Summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 120, with 17 products under investigation, 3 not compliant following investigation, 5 case escalated to Trading Standards following investigation, 1 compliant during investigation, 3 compliant following investigation, 4 compliant following six month review and 87 archived.

    Case 010220 – Anonymous. Is an advisory notice concerning the product’s compliance with HTHS for an ACEA C3 PCEO.

    Case 010219 – Anonymous. Is an advisory notice concerning the product’s compliance with HTHS for an ACEA C3 PCEO.

    Case 010218 – Anonymous. Is an advisory notice concerning the product’s compliance with HTHS for an ACEA C3 PCEO.

    Case 010217– Anonymous. Is an advisory notice concerning the product’s compliance for Sulphated Ash for an ACEA C4 claim and HTHS for ACEA C4, C3 and the OEM claims made and Noack volatility against MB 229.51 and 226.51.

    Case 010216– Anonymous. Concerns the product’s compliance for Yield Stress and an advisory for HTHS against performance claims for ACEA C2 and ACEA C3.

    Case 010215 – Anonymous.  Concerns the product’s compliance for HTHS and TBN against performance claims for ACEA C2 and ACEA C3. The product could not be found on open sale in the UK market and consequently the case has been suspended.

    Case 010214 – Anonymous.  Concerns the product’s compliance of Phosphorous content on a 5W-30 PCMO claiming API SN.

    Case 010213 – Anonymous. Concerns the product’s compliance of Sulphated Ash on a 5W-30 ACEA C3 PCEO and associated OEM claims made.

    Case 010212 – Anonymous. Concerns the product’s compliance of TBN and Sulphated Ash against a VW 502.00/505.00  performance claim, and an advisory regarding the products HTHS and Noack Volatility.

    Case 010211 – Anonymous. Concerns the product’s compliance for HTHS on a 5W-30 ACEA E9 and E7 automotive diesel engine oil.

    Case 010210 – Anonymous. Concerns the product’s compliance for Sulphated Ash on a 5W-30 ACEA C2 PCEO.

    Case 010209 – Anonymous. Concerns the product’s compliance for HTHS on a 5W-30 ACEA C3 PCEO and associated OEM claims.

    Case 010208 – Anonymous.  Concerns the product’s compliance for TBN and SA against a performance claim for VW 502.00, and the validity of a claim against VW 505.01 on a 5W-30 ACEA C3 PCEO.

    Case 010207– Anonymous. Concerns the product’s compliance for TBN against a performance claim for ACEA A1/B1-12.

    Case 010206 – Anonymous. Concerns the product’s compliance for Phosphorous and HTHS against an ACEA C3 claim, HTHS Phosphorous and Calcium against a VW 504 00/507 00 and Porsche C30 claim, and Noack Volatility against a MB 299.51 claim on a 5W-30 PCEO.

    Case 010205 – Anonymous. The case concerns the non-compliance with industry specifications of an ISO 46 hydraulic oil. The case was accepted by VLS on the 18thJune 2024. The product has been sourced, sampled and tested and the results are with the Technical Review Panel (TRP) for determination.

    Case 010204 – Anonymous. The case concerns the non-compliance with industry specifications of an ISO 32 hydraulic oil. The case was accepted by VLS on the 17thJune 2024. The product has been sourced and sent to the test house for testing.

    Case 010203 – Anonymous. VLS has concluded its investigation concerning the PCEO claim against VW 504 00/507 00, ACEA C3, BMW LL-04 and MB 229.51 with an alleged non-compliant HTHS test result of 2.9 mPa.s versus the specifications minimum of 3.5 mPa.s. The product has been sourced, sampled and tested. The HTHS value determined, did not meet the requirements for the specifications claimed VLS has written to the Lubricant Marketer on the 22nd April and they have replied, providing their quality certificates showing the two most recent batches meet HTHS limits, but not for the tested batch as the samples are retained for a one year period only and the batch date precedes this. On the 28th May, VLS shared the batch code from the Complainant’s tested sample, which was less than a year old with the Lubricant Marketer and asked that they test their retained sample and provide details of the test results.  The test results have been provided and are with the TRP for consideration.

    Case 010202 – Exol Ultramax 32. The case results have been published to the website on 26th May. The case is due for a six-month review in November 2024.

    Case 010201 – Aztec Oils Emprotec 10W-40 HDDO. The case is subject to a six-month review in August 2024.

    Case 010200 – SCT Vertriebs GmbH Mannol Brake Fluid DOT-4 (3002). VLS has published the case details to the website and escalated the non-compliance as a consumer safety issue to Trading Standards. On 22nd May the Lubricant Marketer wrote to their distributors to quarantine the affected batch number until further notice and asked them not to resell product. The case is due for a six-month review in September 2024 and a press release has been prepared and will be issued to the trade press as a customer safety issue.

    Case 010199 – Westway Lubricants 5W-30 BMW LL-04. The six-month review has been completed and the results shared with the Lubricant Marketer, prior to publication. A final website publication notice and bulletin has been issued. The case will be archived on the 21st August.

    Case 010198 – Westway Lubricants 5W-30 VW Audi LL3. The six-month review has been completed and the results shared with the Lubricant Marketer, prior to publication.

    Case 010196 – Rock Oil Truck-Guard Elite LS FE 5W-30. The case has recently completed its six-month review and the results shared with the Lubricant Marketer. A final website publication notice has been issued along with a bulletin and the case will be archived on the 15th September.

    Case 010195 – Silverhook Supreme Plus 5W-30 API SP, ACEA C2 C3. The six- month review was completed on 3rd May, a bulletin has been issued and the case has been escalated to Trading Standards due to non-compliance and the non-cooperation of the Lubricant Marketer. Bucks & Surrey Trading Standards have referred the matter to the home authority of the Lubricant Marketer.

    Case 010193 – Exopro C2, C3 5W-30 LS PRO. The six-month review has been completed and the results have been shared with the Lubricant Marketer. The case has concluded, a final website publication notice has been issued along with a bulletin and the case will be archived on the 2nd September 2024.

    Case 010192 – Maxiflow 5W-30 Fully Synthetic. The case concerns PCEO 5W-30 Fully Synthetic and marketing claims against ACEA C2, C3, API SN and VW 502 00/505 00. The six-month review has been completed. VLS were earlier advised that the Lubricant Marketer was to remove the VW 502.00/505.00 claim as this is incompatible with the mid SAPS claims detailed on the Technical Data Sheet. The claim against VW 505.00 had been removed and a new claim against VW 505.01 is being made. The Lubricant Marketer was advised that the claim against VW 502.00 was to be removed and was still being made at the six-month review stage. Additionally, the way ACEA was referenced in relation to claims made was technically incorrect and the Lubricant Marketer was advised to correct this and also to register with SAIL to make claims against the ACEA engine oil sequences. The details of the case would be escalated to VLS’s Primary Authority partner Bucks & Surrey Trading Standards on a non-compliant basis. A bulletin has been issued and a six-month case publication notice published to the website.

    Case 010190 – SCT Vertriebs GmbH Mannol Central Hydraulic Fluid. The complaint concerns the OEM specifications claimed on a Central Hydraulic Fluid. The case is currently subject to a six-month review and a new sample of the product has been procured and has been tested and found to be non-compliant. Case to be escalated to Trading Standards.

    Case 010188 – SCT Vertriebs GmbH Mannol Multi UTTO WB 101. The results of the six-month review have been published to the website and will be archived in August.

    Case 010187 – The case is archived.

    Case 010184 – SCT Vertriebs GmbH Fanfaro MAX 6 75W-90 GL-5 gear oil. The case concerns 75W-90 gear oil. The investigation had concluded in June and was subject to a six-month review in December 2023. The product has been re-sourced, sampled and tested and found to be non-compliant however the date of manufacture at 2018 predates the date of the VLS case. Consequently, VLS believes that no new stock is being made available on the marketplace and the investigation is closed. However, stock which is beyond its expiry date of five years and non-complaint at low temperatures is still available in the UK. Lubriage Ltd trading as Mannol UK & Ireland have confirmed to VLS that they do not stock the product and the product is being made available on the UK market through European internet channels. On the 23rdMay VLS wrote to SCT Vertriebs GmbH asking what steps they will be taking to withdraw old stock from their European distributors and reformulating the product as stock that is in excess of five years old is finding its way to the UK market which is beyond the shelf life of the product. A reminder was issued on the 10th June, and again on the 17th July.

    Case 010183 – Westway Lubricants 75W-90 Synthetic gear oil. The case concerns 75W-90 gear oil. The case was subject to a six-month review in January, the product was found to be non-compliant and has been escalated to Trading Standards.

    Case 010182 – Varol Varpress 46 AW hydraulic oil. The case concerns the product’s compliance against the DIN 51524 Part 2 standard. The case is currently undergoing a six-month review. A new sample of the product was sourced, sampled and tested and found to be non-compliant. However, the batch date of the sample pre-dated the investigation. VLS has sourced a further sample of the product which is at the test house for testing.

    Case 010181 – Aztec Torotec 5W-30 TSL. The case concerns PCEO 5W-30. The case is currently undergoing a six-month review and the product has been sourced, sampled and tested. The test results show that the product is compliant against the specific complaint made, however the VLS has raised a question about the claim against MB 229.51/229.52 against the test result for CEC L-109-14, the response to which was considered by the Technical Review Panel to be satisfactory.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    The Board has agreed to allow each VLS member one desktop review in the current year at no cost, if a complaint involves product testing then this would be an additional cost. To raise a complaint with VLS, visit

    VLS can only investigate complaints made against products available on open sale in the UK. For case submission guidance visit

    VLS marketing claims guidance can be found at

    Industry News

    UK Government Department for Transport. The Secretary of State Louise Haigh has set out five policy proprieties for transport including delivering greener transport.

    The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders report that car production is down in the first half of the year as manufacturers invest in electric future.

    The Independent Garage Association Welcomes Government’s Commitment to Economic Stability and Growth

    The Institute for the Motor industry Vacancy Rate Tracker: 20,000 automotive vacancies still a big gap to fill

    National Franchised Dealer Association – EU new car market rebounds to growth, capping off a fluctuating first half of the year, electric continues to falter, 18 July 2024.

    International Industry News

    ACEA: #FutureDriven Manifesto policy recommendation: Take a strategic view and rethink the regulatory framework.

    ATIEL: EELQMS Bulletin on the use of additive packs giving performance indication only without data supporting ACEA performance claims.

    EU Commission DG Grow: Commission approves €998 million Dutch State aid scheme to support renewable hydrogen production.

    EU Commission DG Grow: EU and Serbia sign strategic partnership on sustainable raw materials, battery value chains and electric vehicles.

    EU Commission Mobility and Transport: EU invests record €7 billion in sustainable, safe and smart transport infrastructure.

    Euractiv: Renault CEO calls for flexibility in European EV transition timeline.

    Politico: No the EV isn’t dead just briefly comatose.

    Reuters: BMW to set up five new assembly sites for high-voltage batteries.

    Reuters: Explainer: What are e-fuels, and can they help make cars CO2-free?

    Reuters: US market provides a headache for global carmakers.

    API: Unauthorised use of API marks showing 38 entries.

    Hydrogen Europe – Spanish government to launch new hydrogen subsidies, 23rd July.

    Media Editorial

    Aftermarket July/August VLS Chairman Harald Oosting explains why oil choice is so critical for working on classic car engines, page 26.

    Aftermarket July/ August. Harald Oosting succeeds Jacquie Berryman as Chairman of VLS. Page 57.

    Professional Motor Mechanic, July/August. Reports on a VLS case concerning Silverhook. Page 8.

    Garage and MOT magazine, July. VLS swift closes case 201 after Aztec takes swift action.

    Professional Motor Mechanic Online, July.  Brake fluid safety warning issued by VLS, Mannol responds.

    F+L Online, July. Brake fluid safety warning as VLS escalates investigation to Trading Standards.

    CAT, July 2024. Safety warning as faulty Mannol brake fluid still on sale.

    LubesNGreases Online. July. VLS refers Silverhook complaints.

    Fleetpoint, July. Brake fluid safety warning as VLS escalates investigation.

    Garage and MOT Online. Brake fluid safety warning as VLS escalates investigation to Trading Standards.

    Autotechnician Online, July. VLS issues brake fluid safety warning.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop, July/August. New chairman for VLS.

    LubesNGreases, July. VLS names new Chairman Harald Oosting as successor to Jacquie Berryman.

    Garage Talk Online, July. Brake fluid safety warning as VLS escalates investigation to Trading Standards.

    Autorepair Focus, July. VLS issues warning over brake fluid.

    Professional Motor Factor, July/August. VLS closes case after Aztec Oils withdraws performance claim.

    As a member, we would encourage you to disseminate the materials and content generated by VLS through your own communication channels.

    Media Advertising

    Lube magazine, June 2024, third page VLS advertisement, Page 51.

    Aftermarket magazine June 2024, half page VLS advert, Page 9.

    CVW June 2024, half page VLS advert, Page 14.


    VLS Annual General Meeting 10.50am, Friday 27th September 2024, Manchester Hall, 36 Bridge Street, Manchester. M3 3BT. Please note this is a members’ only event.

    Lubricant Expo, Stuttgart, 17-19 September 2024.

    UEIL Congress, Revolutionising the Lubricants Industry. Porto, 16-18 October 2024.

    Social Media

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    To follow VLS on X click here.
    You need to be logged into Twitter, or X, now to read tweets.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here.

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Harald Oosting

  • VLS Bulletin – July 2024 – VLS 010196

    VLS 010196 – Rock Oil Truck Guard Elite 5W 30 LS-FE

    On 29th September 2023 the case was accepted by VLS.

    VLS received a complaint concerning the above product which alleged that the profile of this product, as it appeared on the website, technical datasheet, brochure and product labelling, clearly showed under ‘Performance Specifications, Approvals & Recommendations’ a reference to: Volvo VDS-5 / Renault RLD-5, Mack EOS-5.’

    The Complainant alleged that the inference is that this product can be used in these applications. The reality, the Complainant alleged, is that additive technology complying with these specifications has not been released into the aftermarket and therefore they should be removed as they are misleading and not supported.

    VLS upheld the case complaint on the 20th October 2023 on the basis that VLS believes there is no widely available market general additive technology that has been released to the automotive aftermarket to be able to meet these performance claims.

    At the close of the investigation, Rock Oil had not provided any technical evidence in support of the performance claims made on the product within the timeframe set out within the letter sent from VLS to the company on the 20th October, and consequently the claims were unable to be verified to the satisfaction of VLS.

    End users therefore need to assure themselves to their full satisfaction that the product is capable of performing in line with the claims made on the product by Rock Oil.

    On 10th July 2024 VLS undertook a six-month review of the case in line with its’ stated process. The product was found to be not available on open sale in the UK market at the time of the review and hence the investigation is concluded and the case is closed.

    David Wright, Company Secretary of VLS said “We want to ensure we have the highest standards in Europe for lubricant manufacture, blending and marketing, and we want a ‘level playing field’ for all participants, so that we protect the interests of the consumer and other end users.

    In the Verification of Lubricant Specifications (UK) Ltd, we have set our course for stronger industry self-regulation by working positively towards more open and transparent competition that benefits all lubricant organisations.”

    July 2024

  • VLS Bulletin – July 2024 – VLS 010193

    VLS 010193 – Exopro C2, C3 5W-30 LS-PRO

    On 24th July 2023 the case was accepted by VLS.

    VLS received a complaint alleging that the product claimed performance against VW 502.00/505.00 together with API SN and ACEA C2, C3. The Complainant said that the VW 502.00/505.00 specification is mutually exclusive with API SN on the 5W-30 viscosity grade due to the Phosphorus limits.

    The Sulphated Ash limit, the Complainant also claimed, for the VW 502.00/505.00 is not compatible with ACEA C2, C3 SA limits. That the TBN of the product according to the Technical Data Sheet (TDS) is 7.1 mgKOH/g which is below the VW 502.00/505.00 requirements of 10 mgKOH/g.

    On this basis, the Complainant said that the product is confirmed to claim conflicting specifications and not meeting key performance requirements and, therefore, is misleading to the end consumer.

    VLS reviewed and upheld the complaint for the reasons given above.

    The Named Party referred the matter to their blender who confirmed that while the Named Party maintained that the VW 502.00/505.00 reference is just a recommendation not a formal claim, however the marketer is happy to remove this from product labelling going forward so that there is no clash of mid SAPS and high SAPS references on one label. In addition, the ACEA C2 specification will be removed in response to a VLS advisory concerning a possible conflict between ACEA C2 and VW 504 00/507 00.

    Consequently VLS was satisfied that the product was brought back into compliance and the investigation was closed subject to the six-months’ review.

    On 2nd July 2024 VLS undertook a six-month review in line with its’ stated process.  VLS found that the case complaint had been met subject to an advisory concerning the claim against dexos2 which did not form part of the original complaint, and the case was closed.

    David Wright, Company Secretary of VLS said “We want to ensure we have the highest standards in Europe for lubricant manufacture, blending and marketing, and we want a ‘level playing field’ for all participants, so that we protect the interests of the consumer and other end users.

    In the Verification of Lubricant Specifications (UK) Ltd, we have set our course for stronger industry self-regulation by working positively towards more open and transparent competition that benefits all lubricant organisations.”

    July 2024

  • VLS Bulletin – July 2024 – VLS 010192

    VLS 010192 – Motor Parts Direct Maxiflo PCEO 5W-30 Fully Synthetic

    On 24th July 2023 the case was accepted by VLS.

    The complaint concerned the product claims against VW 502.00/505.00 together with API SN and ACEA C2, C3.

    – The complainant alleged that the VW 502.00/505.00 specification is mutually exclusive with API SN on the 5W-30 viscosity grade due to the Phosphorus limits.

    – The complainant alleged that the Sulphated Ash (SA) limit for the VW 502.00/505.00 is not compatible with ACEA C2, C3 SA limits.

    On this basis, the complainant stated that the product is confirmed to claim conflicting specifications and not meeting key performance requirements and, therefore, is misleading to the end consumer.

    The Technical Review Panel reviewed the case and upheld the complaint.

    In response the Named Party confirmed that the claims had been amended to remove reference to the claim against VW 502 00/505 00 and also VW 504 00/507 00. As evidence they provided revised copies of their Technical Data Sheet and product label. They said that they would ”re-label” all existing products and resubmit the specification sheet to all their customer base, including customers that have purchased the product.

    On 3rd June 2024 VLS undertook a six-month review of the case in line with its stated process.

    VLS were earlier advised that the Lubricant Marketer was to remove the VW 502.00/505.00 claim as this is incompatible with the mid SAPS claims detailed on the Technical Data Sheet. The claim against VW 505.00 had been removed and a new claim against VW 505.01 is being made. The Lubricant Marketer was advised that the claim against VW 502.00 was to be removed and was still being made at the six-month review stage. Additionally, the way ACEA was referenced in relation to claims made was technically incorrect and the Lubricant Marketer was advised to correct this and also to register with SAIL to make claims against the ACEA engine oil sequences.

    The details of the case would be escalated to VLS’s Primary Authority partner Bucks & Surrey Trading Standards on a non-compliant basis.

    David Wright, Company Secretary of VLS said “We want to ensure we have the highest standards in Europe for lubricant manufacture, blending and marketing, and we want a ‘level playing field’ for all participants, so that we protect the interests of the consumer and other end users.

    In the Verification of Lubricant Specifications (UK) Ltd, we have set our course for stronger industry self-regulation by working positively towards more open and transparent competition that benefits all lubricant organisations.”

    July 2024

  • VLS Bulletin – July 2024 – VLS 010188

    VLS 010188 – SCT Vertriebs GmbH Mannol Multi UTTO (Universal Tractor Transmission Oil) WB 101

    On 30th May 2023 the case was accepted by VLS.

    VLS received a complaint about the product, against which the Complainant alleged;

    1. It was alleged that the product labelling claimed Massey CMS M1135, M1141, M1143, M1145 and Case MS 1206 compliance. All of these specifications quote Brookfield Viscosity (ASTM D2983) limits of:

    Massey CMS M1135: 10,000 mPas @ -18°C
    Massey CMS M1141: 4,000 mPas @ -18°C
    Massey CMS M1143: 4,000 mPas @ -18°C
    Massey CMS M1145: 4,000 mPas @ -18°C
    Case MS 1206: 5,600 mPas @ -18°C

    The Complainant alleged that they tested the lubricant in accordance with the recognised test method and a result of 39,000mPas was obtained at -18°C. They therefore claimed that the product does not comply with these specifications despite them being present on the product label. They went on to say that failure to pass the requirements of this test could lead to equipment damage due to cavitation, system pressurisation and inadequate lubrication at low temperatures.

    2. The Complainant alleged that the product labelling claims John Deere J20C and J20D compliance. Both of these specifications quote Brookfield Viscosity (ASTM 2983) limits:

    J20C: 70,000 mPas max. @ -35°C
    J20D: 20,000 mPas max. @ -40°C

    The Complainant claimed the lubricant was tested in accordance with the recognised test method and a result could not be obtained due to complete solidification at both test temperatures.  They went on to say that the product does not therefore comply with these specifications despite them being present on the product label.

    They claimed that failure to pass the requirements of this test could lead to equipment damage due to cavitation, system pressurisation and inadequate lubrication at low temperatures.

    3. The Complainant also alleged that the product claims to meet a wide range of agricultural specifications that all have pour point limits, as shown below:

    Ford WSS-M2C 86B:        -27°C max.
    Ford WSS-M2C 86C:        -37°C max.
    Ford WSS-M2C 134D:      -37°C max.
    Case MS 1206:                 -34°C max.
    Case MS 1207:                 -37°C max.
    Case MS 1209:                 -37°C max.
    CNH MAT 3525:                -37°C max.
    CNH MAT 3526:                -45°C max.
    Massey CMS M1135:        -26°C max.
    Massey CMS M1141:        -37°C max.
    Massey CMS M1143:        -34°C max.
    Massey CMS M1145:        -33°C max.
    John Deere J20C:             -36°C max.
    John Deere J20D:             -45°C max.

    Using the industry Pour Point Method, ASTM D7346, the Complainant claims that a test was carried out on the product and a result of -9°C was obtained.  They alleged that the product does therefore not comply with these specifications. They went on to say that the failure to pass the requirements of this test could lead to equipment damage due to cavitation, system pressurisation and inadequate lubrication at low temperatures.

    4. This product makes specification claims that have defined Kinematic Viscosities at 100°C.

    CNH MAT 3525:                9.1 – 9.8 cSt.
    CNH MAT 3526:                8.5 – 9.0 cSt.
    Massey CMS 1141:           9.6 cSt. max.

    The KV@100oC value obtained for this product was 11.17 cSt. and therefore the product does not comply with these specifications.

    VLS reviewed and upheld the claim based on the complaint’s technical merits. VLS independently procured a sample of the product within the UK and tested it for low temperature properties against ASTM D2983, Pour Point and Kinematic Viscosity @100°C. The results were as follows:

    1. The Brookfield Viscosity @-18°C (ASTM D2983) returned a value of 4100 mPa.s, versus a limit of 4000 mPa.s which is within the reproducibility limits of the test. Therefore based on this sample tested, the low temperature viscosity requirements of the Massey and Case specifications detailed are met.

    By the same method the result at -35°C supports John Deere J20C, however, the value determined at -40°C of 225,600 mPa.s does not meet the requirement of John Deere J20D.

    2. The Pour Point value of -30°C does not meet the requirements of John Deere J20D, (-45°C).

    3. The Kinematic Viscosity @100°C value of 10.13 cSt does not meet the requirements of:

    a. CNH MAT 3525:  9.1 – 9.8 cSt.
    b. CNH MAT 3526:   8.5 – 9.0 cSt.
    c. Massey CMS 1141: 9.6 cSt. max.

    In response the Lubricant Marketer  conducted their own investigation with their technology provider.

    They temporarily removed claims against John Deere – 20D and CNH MAT 3526 until their tests and investigation were completed which they believe arose due to a rogue batch.  They checked a sample of the specified batch, the formula according to which the oil was made, and the retained sample from the batch results did not match with those obtained by VLS. The Lubricant Marketer requested a sample of the product that was tested by VLS to identify whether a counterfeit product had been procured, and VLS will release a sample of the tested product following closure of the investigation, however VLS found similar failings to the product test results to those observed by the Complainant.

    On 3rd June 2024 VLS undertook a six month review of the case in line with its stated process.

    As part of its review, VLS sourced and tested a new sample of the product. The findings were that the Brookfield viscosity of the sample at -18°C was measured to be 4320 mPa.s which can be considered within the test precision limits against a specification of 4000 mPa.s.

    The Lubricant Marketer has retracted claims against John Deere J20D, CNH MAT 3525 & 3526, & Massey CMS 1141 claims and this has been reflected on the website and the product’s Technical Data Sheet. The view of VLS is that the product is in compliance.

    VLS has requested and is still waiting on a copy of the revised product label with the omission of the above OEM specifications.

    Consequently the complaint has been met and the case has been closed.

    David Wright, Company Secretary of VLS said “We want to ensure we have the highest standards in Europe for lubricant manufacture, blending and marketing, and we want a ‘level playing field’ for all participants, so that we protect the interests of the consumer and other end users.

    In the Verification of Lubricant Specifications (UK) Ltd, we have set our course for stronger industry self-regulation by working positively towards more open and transparent competition that benefits all lubricant organisations.”

    July 2024

  • VLS Bulletin – July 2024 – VLS 010199

    VLS 010199 – Westway Lubricants PCEO 5W-30 BMW LL-04

    On 20th October 2023 the case was accepted by VLS.

    VLS received a complaint about the above product concerning the technical data and product labelling claims ACEA A3, B4, C3. The Complainant alleged that ACEA A and B categories and the ACEA C category are mutually exclusive as distinguished by their TBN limits: ACEA A/B greater than 10 mg/KOH/g, ACEA C less than 10 mg/KOH/g. TBN on the website states 6.00 mg/KOH/g. This combination of ACEA specifications they claim was not possible.

    VLS upheld the claim on the basis of the incompatible ACEA claims, A3/B4 and C3, however this is on the basis of Sulphated Ash content and not TBN.  The TBN of ACEA C3 ≥ 6.0 and A3/B4’s limit is ≥10.0 (i.e., theoretically the TBN requirements are compatible). However, A3/B4’s sulphated ash limit is 1.0-1.6 compared to C3’s limit of <0.8.

    In response the Named Party amended the claims made on to the product 5W-30 BMW LL-04 by removing any reference to ACEA A3/B4.

    VLS were content that the Named Party had met the complaint and the product was now compliant, and the case was closed subject to the six-month review.

    On 21st June 2024 VLS undertook a six-month review of the case in line with its stated process. VLS found that the claim against ACEA A3/B4 had continued to be withdrawn. The claim against the use of the obsolete API CF claim is acceptable and we have asked that their additive company can support it, and VLS has made them aware that it is an obsolete category not suitable for most diesel cars built after 2009.

    However, the continued use of ACEA C3, requires that they should be registered with SAIL in order to make claims against the ACEA engine oil sequences.  On this basis that they will register with SAIL to be able to make claims against the ACEA engine oil sequences, VLS is content to close the case.

    David Wright, Company Secretary of VLS said “We want to ensure we have the highest standards in Europe for lubricant manufacture, blending and marketing, and we want a ‘level playing field’ for all participants, so that we protect the interests of the consumer and other end users.

    In the Verification of Lubricant Specifications (UK) Ltd, we have set our course for stronger industry self-regulation by working positively towards more open and transparent competition that benefits all lubricant organisations.”

    July 2024

  • VLS Newsletter – July 2024

    VLS Newsletter July 2024

    Case Summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 105, with 3 products under investigation, 4 not compliant following investigation, 4 case escalated to Trading Standards following investigation, 5 compliant following investigation, 3 compliant following six month review and 86 archived.

    Case 010205 – Anonymous. The case concerns the non-compliance with industry specifications of an ISO 46 hydraulic oil. The case was accepted by VLS on the 18thJune 2024.

    Case 010204 – Anonymous. The case concerns the non-compliance with industry specifications of an ISO 32 hydraulic oil. The case was accepted by VLS on the 17thJune 2024.

    Case 010203 – Anonymous. VLS has concluded its investigation concerning the PCEO claim against VW 504 00/507 00, ACEA C3, BMW LL-04 and MB 229.51 with an alleged non-compliant HTHS test result of 2.9 mPa.s versus the specifications minimum of 3.5 mPa.s. The product has been sourced, sampled and tested. The HTHS value determined, did not meet the requirements for the specifications claimed VLS has written to the Lubricant Marketer on the 22nd April and they have replied, providing their quality certificates showing the two most recent batches meet HTHS limits, but not for the tested batch as the samples are retained for a one year period only and the batch date precedes this. On the 28th May, VLS shared the batch code from the Complainant’s tested sample, which was less than a year old with the Lubricant Marketer and asked that they test their retained sample and provide details of the test results.

    Case 010202 – Exol Ultramax 32. The case results have been published to the website on 26th May. The case is due for a six-month review in November 2024

    Case 010201 – Aztec Oils Emprotec 10W-40 HDDO. The case is subject to a six-month review in August 2024.

    Case 010200 – SCT Vertriebs GmbH Mannol Brake Fluid DOT-4 (3002). VLS has published the case details to the website and escalated the non-compliance as a consumer safety issue to Trading Standards. On 22nd May the Lubricant Marketer wrote to their distributors to quarantine the affected batch number until further notice and asked them not to resell product. The case is due for a six-month review in September 2024 and a press release has been prepared and will be issued to the trade press as a customer safety issue.

    Case 010199 – Westway Lubricants 5W-30 BMW LL-04. The six-month review has been completed and the results shared with the Lubricant Marketer, prior to publication.

    Case 010198 – Westway Lubricants 5W-30 VW Audi LL3. The six-month review has been completed and the results shared with the Lubricant Marketer, prior to publication.

    Case 010196 – Rock Oil Truck-Guard Elite LS FE 5W-30. The case is currently undergoing a six-month review.

    Case 010195 – Silverhook Supreme Plus 5W-30 API SP, ACEA C2 C3. The six- month review was completed on 3rdMay, a bulletin has been issued and the case has been escalated to Trading Standards due to non-compliance and the non-cooperation of the Lubricant Marketer.

    Case 010193 – Exopro C2, C3 5W-30 LS PRO. The six-month review has been completed and the results have been shared with the Lubricant Marketer.

    Case 010192 – Maxiflow 5W-30 Fully Synthetic. The case concerns PCEO 5W-30 Fully Synthetic and marketing claims against ACEA C2, C3, API SN and VW 502 00/505 00. The six-month review has been completed. VLS were earlier advised that the Lubricant Marketer was to remove the VW 502.00/505.00 claim as this is incompatible with the mid SAPS claims detailed on the Technical Data Sheet. The claim against VW 505.00 had been removed and a new claim against VW 505.01 is being made. The Lubricant Marketer was advised that the claim against VW 502.00 was to be removed and was still being made at the six-month review stage. Additionally, the way ACEA was referenced in relation to claims made was technically incorrect and the Lubricant Marketer was advised to correct this and also to register with SAIL to make claims against the ACEA engine oil sequences. The results of the investigation have been shared with the Lubricant Marketer, prior to publication.

    Case 010190 – SCT Vertriebs GmbH Mannol Central Hydraulic Fluid. The complaint concerns the OEM specifications claimed on a Central Hydraulic Fluid. The case is currently subject to a six-month review and a new sample of the product has been procured and is being tested.

    Case 010188 – SCT Vertriebs GmbH Mannol Multi UTTO WB 101. The results of the six-month review have been published to the website and will be archived in August.

    Case 010187 – John Neale Coolant CS-AQ. The case concerns the performance claims made on an aluminium synthetic cutting fluid. The case has been subject to a six-month review and is compliant. The case will be archived in July.

    Case 010184 – SCT Vertriebs GmbH Fanfaro MAX 6 75W-90 GL-5 gear oil. The case concerns 75W-90 gear oil. The investigation had concluded in June and was subject to a six-month review in December 2023. The product has been re-sourced, sampled and tested and found to be non-compliant however the date of manufacture at 2018 predates the date of the VLS case. Consequently, VLS believes that no new stock is being made available on the marketplace and the investigation is closed. However, stock which is beyond its expiry date of five years and non-complaint at low temperatures is still available in the UK. Lubriage Ltd trading as Mannol UK & Ireland have confirmed to VLS that they do not stock the product and the product is being made available on the UK market through European internet channels. On the 23rdMay VLS wrote to SCT Vertriebs GmbH asking what steps they will be taking to withdraw old stock from their European distributors and reformulating the product as stock that is in excess of five years old is finding its way to the UK market which is beyond the shelf life of the product. A reminder was issued on the 10th June, as no response had been received.

    Case 010183 – Westway Lubricants 75W-90 Synthetic gear oil. The case concerns 75W-90 gear oil. The case was subject to a six-month review in January, the product was found to be non-compliant and has been escalated to Trading Standards.

    Case 010182 – Varol Varpress 46 AW hydraulic oil. The case concerns the product’s compliance against the DIN 51524 Part 2 standard. The case is currently undergoing a six-month review. A new sample of the product was sourced, sampled and tested and found to be non-compliant. However, the batch date of the sample pre-dated the investigation. VLS is therefore currently re-sourcing a new sample of the product to test for compliance.

    Case 010181 – Aztec Torotec 5W-30 TSL. The case concerns PCEO 5W-30. The case is currently undergoing a six-month review and the product has been sourced, sampled and tested. The test results show that the product is compliant against the specific complaint made.

    The test results are with the Technical Review Panel for consideration.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    The Board has agreed to allow each VLS member one desktop review in the current year at no cost, if a complaint involves product testing then this would be an additional cost. To raise a complaint with VLS, visit

    VLS can only investigate complaints made against products available on open sale in the UK. For case submission guidance visit

    VLS marketing claims guidance can be found at

    Industry News

    UK MVBEO – UKLA has issued a leaflet explaining the UK Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Order.

    SMMT – Car manufacturing dips as factories switch to electric models, 27 June.

    IMI – Automotive professional body publishes analysis of manifestos to help members navigate policies, 24 June.

    National Franchised Dealer Association powered two-wheeler market sees second consecutive month of moderate growth, 11 June.

    ACEA: Europe’s election frenzy: auto industry anticipates real change. 24 June.

    EU MBVER – UEIL has issued its feedback and position on the 2024 review of the EU MVBER, 24 June.

    EU DG Competition – Commission approves €3 billion German State aid scheme to support the development of Hydrogen Core Network, 21 June.

    EU DG Competition – Commission carries out further unannounced antitrust inspections in tyres sector cartel investigation, 18 June.

    EU DG Competition – Commission invites comments on draft revised State aid rules for land and multimodal transport, 18 June.

    EU DG Grow – Commissioner Breton discusses electricity grid preparedness for electric vehicles, 12 June.

    PR newswire: Autonomous Vehicle (AV) Development Platform Market size is set to grow by USD 230.24 billion from 2024-2028, Increasing presence of strategic alliances in autonomous vehicle (AV) development platform market boost the market, Technavio, 28 June.

    API: Unauthorised use of API marks showing 38 entries.

    Reuters: Tesla deliveries set to fall for second straight quarter, 1 July.

    Hydrogen Europe – Rolls-Royce to jointly develop hydrogen engine for CHP systems, 24 June.

    Media Editorial

    PMM Online June 2024. VLS provides a summary of cases investigated.

    Lube magazine June 2024. VLS case 010195 Silverhook 5W30 case bulletin. Page 58.

    Autorepair Focus, June 2024. VLS announce Harald Oosting as the new Chairman.

    Lube magazine June 2024, An open letter to UK lubricant blenders from Andrew Goddard, Chairman, Morris Lubricants. Page 57.

    Aftermarket Online, June 2024. Oosting succeeds Berryman as Chairman of VLS.

    CAT magazine, June 2024. Oosting succeeds Berryman as Chairman of VLS.

    Lube Report EMEA reports on Harald Oosting succeeding Jacquie Berryman as Chair of VLS, June 2024.

    Garage and MOT magazine, June 2024, VLS discusses the issue of using modern engine lubricant formulations in classic cars, page 28.

    Auto Repair Focus June 2024, reports on the closure of a case by VLS concerning Aztec Oils.

    Lube report June 2024, VLS brings changes to cutting fluid.

    As a member, we would encourage you to disseminate the materials and content generated by VLS through your own communication channels.

    Media Advertising

    Lube magazine, June 2024, third page VLS advertisement, Page 51.

    Aftermarket magazine June 2024, half page VLS advert, Page 9.

    CVW June 2024, half page VLS advert, Page 14.


    Lubricant Expo, Stuttgart, 17-19 September 2024.

    UEIL Congress, Revolutionising the Lubricants Industry. Porto, 16-18 October 2024.

    Social Media

    X (was Twitter)
    To follow VLS on X click here.
    You need to be logged into Twitter, or X, now to read tweets.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here.

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Harald Oosting

  • VLS Newsletter – June 2024

    VLS Newsletter June 2024

    Case Summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 103, with 1 product under investigation, 5 not compliant following investigation, 4 case escalated to Trading Standards following investigation, 6 compliant following investigation, 2 compliant following six month review and 85 archived.

    Case 010203 – Anonymous. The case is under investigation and concerns a PCEO claim against VW 504 00/507 00, ACEA C3, BMW LL-04 and MB 229.51 with an alleged non-compliant HTHS test result of 2.9 mPa.s versus the specifications minimum of 3.5 mPa.s. The product has been sourced, sampled and tested. VLS has written to the Lubricant Marketer on the 22nd April and they have replied. The reply is with the Technical Review Panel for consideration.

    Case 010202 – Exol Ultramax 32. The case concerns an ISO 32 hydraulic oil failing to meet the demulsification requirements of industry standards quoted on labelling and Technical Data Sheet. The product has been sourced, sampled, tested and found to be non-compliant. The Lubricant Marketer has been written to on the 25th April and responded on the 26th April. The response has been accepted by the Technical Review Panel and the investigation has been closed. The case results have been published to the website on 26th May. The case is due for a six-month review in November 2024

    Case 010201 – Aztec Oils Emprotec 10W-40 HDDO. The case is subject to a six-month review in August 2024.

    Case 010200 – SCT Vertriebs GmbH Mannol Brake Fluid DOT-4 (3002). The complaint concerned the performance claims against the DOT 4 brake fluid specification. The product has been sourced, tested and found to fail its performance claim on three different parameters, which in the view of the TRP could lead to the brakes not being as effective in operation. VLS have written to Lubriage Ltd trading as Mannol UK & Ireland who are the distributor, concerning the issue and they have advised VLS that they have stopped selling the product, and VLS has also escalated the non-compliance as a consumer protection issue to Trading Standards. On 22nd May the Lubricant Marketer wrote to their distributors to quarantine the affected batch number until further notice and asked them not to resell product. The case is due for a six-month review in September.

    Case 010199 – Westway Lubricants 5W-30 BMW LL-04. The case concerns conflicting ACEA claims made on PCEO 5W-30. Westway amended the claims made on the product to 5W-30 BMW LL-04, and ACEA C3. A case publication notice has been issued and the product is currently undergoing a six-month review.

    Case 010198 – Westway Lubricants 5W-30 VW Audi LL3. The case concerns conflicting ACEA claims made on PCEO 5W-30. Westway revised the claims made on the product. A case publication notice has been issued at the end of the investigation and the case is currently undergoing a six-month review.

    Case 010197 – To be archived on 5th June 2024.

    Case 010196 – Rock Oil Truck-Guard Elite LS FE 5W-30. The case concerns HDDO 5W-30 and its compliance against stated OEM specifications. VLS has published the results of its investigation on a non-compliance basis due to the non-cooperation of Rock Oil over this case. The case is subject to a six-month review in June 2024.

    Case 010195 – Silverhook Supreme Plus 5W-30 API SP, ACEA C2 C3. The case concerns PCEO 5W-30 and its marketing claims against several OEM specifications including VW 504 00/507 00 and other applications. The six- month review was completed on 3rd May, a bulletin has been issued and the case has been escalated to Trading Standards due to non-compliance and the non-cooperation of the Lubricant Marketer.

    Case 010193 – Exopro C2, C3 5W-30 LS PRO. The case concerns PCEO 5W-30 ACEA C2, C3 and its claim against VW 502 00/505 00 alongside ACEA C2 and C3. The six-month review has been completed and the results are under consideration by the VLS Technical Review Panel.

    Case 010192 – Maxiflo 5W-30 Fully Synthetic. The case concerns PCEO 5W-30 Fully Synthetic and marketing claims against ACEA C2, C3, API SN and VW 502 00/505 00. The six-month review has been completed, and the results have been shared with the Lubricant Marketer prior to website publication.

    Case 010191 – case archived.

    Case 010190 – SCT Vertriebs GmbH Mannol Central Hydraulic Fluid. The complaint concerns the OEM specifications claimed on a Central Hydraulic Fluid. The case is subject to a six-month review in June 2024.

    Case 010189 – case archived.

    Case 010188 – SCT Vertriebs GmbH Mannol Multi UTTO WB 101. The case concerns Universal Tractor Transmission Oil. The case is currently undergoing a six-month test, the product has been sourced, sampled and tested and the results shared with the Lubricant Marketer prior to website publication.

    Case 010187 – John Neale Coolant CS-AQ. The case concerns the performance claims made on an aluminium synthetic cutting fluid. The case has been subject to a six-month review and is compliant. The case will be archived in July.

    Case 010184 – SCT Vertriebs GmbH Fanfaro MAX 6 75W-90 GL-5 gear oil. The case concerns 75W-90 gear oil. The investigation had concluded in June and was subject to a six-month review in December 2023. The product has been re-sourced, sampled and tested and found to be non-compliant however the date of manufacture at 2018 predates the date of the VLS case. Consequently, VLS believes that no new stock is being made available on the marketplace and the investigation is closed. However, stock which is beyond its expiry date of five years and non-complaint at low temperatures is still available in the UK. VLS has written to Lubriage Ltd trading as Mannol UK & Ireland who are the UK distributor, asking that they write to their distributors to recover non-complaint and expired stock for disposal, and the matter has been escalated to VLS’s Primary Authority partner Bucks & Surrey Trading Standards as a consumer protection issue. Lubriage Ltd have confirmed to VLS that they do not stock the product and the product is being made available on the UK market through European internet channels. Consequently, VLS has escalated the issue directly to SCT Vertriebs GmbH for resolution.

    Case 010183 – Westway Lubricants 75W-90 Synthetic gear oil. The case concerns 75W-90 gear oil. The case was subject to a six-month review in January, the product was found to be non-compliant and has been escalated to Trading Standards.

    Case 010182 – Varol Varpress 46 AW hydraulic oil. The case concerns the product’s compliance against the DIN 51524 Part 2 standard. The case is currently undergoing a six-month review, the product has been sourced, sample and tested. The test results are under consideration by the Technical Review Panel.

    Case 010181 – Aztec Torotec 5W-30 TSL. The case is currently undergoing a six-month review and the product has been sourced, sampled and tested. The test results are with the Technical Review Panel for consideration.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    The Board has agreed to allow each VLS member one desktop review in the current year at no cost, if a complaint involves product testing then this would be an additional cost. To raise a complaint with VLS, visit

    VLS can only investigate complaints made against products available on open sale in the UK. For case submission guidance visit

    Industry News

    UK Government Department for Transport.  Self-driving vehicles set to be on roads by 2026 as Automated Vehicles Act becomes law.

    SMMT: Car production down as sector calls on next government to enhance competitiveness.

    IMI: Mental health issues affecting 1 in 4 automotive industry workers.

    National Franchised Dealer Association EU car market rebounds with significant growth in April, electric vehicles return to strength in build up to EU elections.

    PR newswire: Air Products Announces Plans to Build Network of Commercial-Scale Multi-Modal Hydrogen Refuelling Stations Connecting Northern and Southern California.

    ACEA: EU commercial vehicle market: electrically chargeable vehicle sales rise despite mixed Q1 results.

    ACEA Engine Oils retired HDDO sequence category claims guidance. EELQMS bulletin, Lube magazine June 2024, page 56.

    The European Commission DG Grow.  The European Battery Alliance met to discuss a new action plan, reflecting the current geopolitical context.

    API: Unauthorised use of API marks.

    Reuters: Geneva’s annual motor show to end after more than a century.

    Industry: Japanese car makers join forces to develop small internal combustion engines in latest major EV shun.

    Media Editorial

    Aftermarket May 2024, VLS opens its 100th case on a Heavy-Duty Diesel Oil complaint.

    Lube magazine June 2024, An open letter to UK lubricant blenders from Andrew Goddard, Chairman, Morris Lubricants. Page 57.

    Lube magazine June 2024. VLS case 010195 Silverhook 5W30 case bulletin. Page 58.

    Auto Trade news May 2024. VLS escalates 5W30 PCEO investigation to Trading Standards.

    PMM Online May 2024. VLS reports Silverhook case to Trading Standards.

    PMF Online May 2024. VLS escalates Silverhook case to Trading Standards.

    PMM June 2024. VLS gives a roundup of recent cases.

    As a member, we would encourage you to disseminate the materials and content generated by VLS through your own communication channels.

    Media Advertising

    Lube magazine, June 2024. third page VLS advertisement, Page 51.

    Aftermarket magazine June 2024, half page VLS advert, Page 9.

    CVW June 2024, half page VLS advert, Page 14.

    Professional Motor Mechanic, May 2024; half page VLS advert Page 23.


    Lubricant Expo, Stuttgart, 17-19 September 2024.

    UEIL Congress, Revolutionising the Lubricants Industry. Porto, 16-18 October 2024.

    Social Media

    X (was Twitter)
    To follow VLS on X click here.
    You need to be logged into Twitter, or X, now to read tweets.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here.

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    David Wright
    Company Secretary

  • VLS Bulletin – May 2024 – VLS 010187

    VLS 010187 – John Neale Coolant CS-AQ Aluminium Synthetic Cutting Fluid

    On the 9th May 2023 the case was accepted by VLS.

    VLS have received a complaint concerning the claims made on Coolant CS-AQ Aluminium Synthetic Cutting Fluid which was as follows;

    Reference was made to the product representing ‘No mist hazard’ on the product’s Technical Data Sheet which VLS believed was misleading. Whilst the formulation may contain no mineral oil, other components present, bacteria/fungi or tramp oil could form a mist when the product is in use.

    The MSDS indicated the presence of PYRIDINE-2-THIOL 1-OXIDE, SODIUM SALT, which is classified as ‘toxic if inhaled’. According to HSE MW5 which states “water mix MWF”… “Inhalation of MWF mist can cause lung disease”.

    The product claimed to help users meet their oil mist limits, when in fact there are no limits published.

    The statement is not supported by any evidence in section 11 of the MSDS. Reference was made to zero bacterial growth after 12 months in operation, and VLS asked for this to be evidenced and under what conditions. The product claimed to be ‘sensitizer free, the MSDS indicates the presence of PYRIDINE-2-THIOL 1-OXIDE, SODIUM SALT, which is a known sensitizer.

    In response the Lubricant Marketer replaced sodium pyrithione in the formulation with a suitable alternative. They also revised the product’s Technical Data Sheet to amend the claims to;

    Chlorine-free, Boron-free, MIT/BIT-free, known sensitizers-free, formaldehyde-free, solution synthetic.

    No human hazard labelling on the concentrate.

    No aspiration hazard ingredients according to CLP2020/878.

    VLS reviewed the claims made on the revised TDS and accepted them.

    On 21st May 2024, VLS undertook a six-month review to ensure that the product under investigation was still in compliance. As part of this review, VLS reviewed the current product’s Technical Data Sheet, product details from the Lubricant Marketer’s website as well as the original case summary.

    VLS is content that the product remains in compliance at the six-month stage and the case and investigation was closed.

    David Wright, Company Secretary of VLS said “We want to ensure we have the highest standards in Europe for lubricant manufacture, blending and marketing, and we want a ‘level playing field’ for all participants, so that we protect the interests of the consumer and other end users.

    In the Verification of Lubricant Specifications (UK) Ltd, we have set our course for stronger industry self-regulation by working positively towards more open and transparent competition that benefits all lubricant organisations.”

    May 2024

  • VLS Bulletin – May 2024 – VLS 010195

    VLS 010195 – Silverhook 5W30 Supreme Plus 

    On 13th October 2023 the case was accepted by VLS.

    VLS received a complaint concerning the above product for which it was alleged that the product was making erroneous claims: Ford, BMW, Dexos, etc. with no supporting manufacturers specifications or numbers. The Complainant also alleged that it unlikely that all the bespoke additive packs for each of these specifications could be included in one oil.

    VLS reviewed and upheld the complaint for the following reasons:

    GM Dexos’ is not a specification. There are four dexos specifications and within these different generations exist. This claim therefore needs clarification.

    The exact requirements vary by model for some of the OEM brands listed (BMW, Ford, Nissan, KIA, Toyota), these should be clarified.

    All the listed VW specifications cannot be met by the same oil, in addition the sulphated ash requirements of ACEA C2/C3 are not compatible with the VW 502.00/505.00 claim.

    API SP is an incompatible claim with VW 502.00/505.00, due to the mutually exclusive phosphorous limits.

    VLS is not aware of a proven technology that can support PSA B71 2290 and API SP with the claim against VW 504.00/507.00, can this be evidenced through the Candidate Data Package?

    A claim is made for Honda HTO_06, this is a test not a specification and therefore not appropriate as a claim.

    In response to the complaint, the Lubricant Marketer asked for some information that VLS was working to for the VW 504.00/507.00 requirements. VLS referred the Lubricant Marketer to their technology provider for the information they requested.

    In response to the complaint the Lubricant Marketer stated that the specification for VW 504.00/507.00 has changed in 2020 due to issues with low spark pre-ignition, VAG engines – FSI, TSI and GDI. Latest VW 504.00/507.00 can be API SP.

    VLS considers that the complaint has not been fully resolved by the Lubricant Marketer and has concluded its investigation. VLS will conduct a six-month review in line with its stated process and if the product is found to be non-compliant at this stage, it will be reported as such to Trading Standards.

    On 3rd May 2024, VLS undertook a six-month review of the case in line with its stated process.

    Its findings at the six-month review were as follows:-

    The Technical Review Panel had concerns about the product meeting the fuel economy requirements of ACEA C2 and ILSAC GF-6 whilst meeting the tough durability requirements of VW 504.00/507.00, earlier communications requested support for PSA B71 2290 (ACEA C2/C3 based), none has been forthcoming.

    Other inconsistencies are detailed in the performance claims as above.

    The TDS lists several inaccurate performance claims, detailed under the heading ‘Recommended by Silverhook for applications requiring’, which is ambiguous at best.

    Consequently, VLS believes that the product is still non-compliant and so will be reported as such to its Primary Authority partner Buckinghamshire & Surrey Trading Standards and also to SAIL-Europe under the EELQMS Lubricant Marketer Letter of Conformance for claims made against the ACEA engine oil sequences.

    David Wright, Company Secretary of VLS said “We want to ensure we have the highest standards in Europe for lubricant manufacture, blending and marketing, and we want a ‘level playing field’ for all participants, so that we protect the interests of the consumer and other end users.

    In the Verification of Lubricant Specifications (UK) Ltd, we have set our course for stronger industry self-regulation by working positively towards more open and transparent competition that benefits all lubricant organisations.”

    May 2024

  • VLS Newsletter – May 2024

    VLS Newsletter May 2024

    Case Summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 103, with 2 products under investigation, 5 not compliant following investigation, 3 case escalated to Trading Standards following investigation, 8 compliant following investigation, 1 compliant following six month review and 84 archived.

    Case 010203 – Anonymous. The case is under investigation and concerns a PCEO claim against VW 504 00/507 00, ACEA C3, BMW LL-04 and MB 229.51 with an alleged non-compliant HTHS test result of 2.9 mPa.s versus the specifications minimum of 3.5 mPa.s. The product has been sourced, sampled, tested and found to be non-compliant in its HTHS value versus the performance claims made. VLS have written to the Lubricant Marketer on the 22nd April and awaits a reply.

    Case 010202 – Anonymous. The case is under investigation and concerns an ISO 32 hydraulic oil and its failing to meet the demulsification requirements of industry standards quoted on labelling and Technical Data Sheet. The product has been sourced, sampled, tested and found to be non-compliant. The Lubricant Marketer has been written to on the 25th April and we await a formal reply.

    Case 010201 – Aztec Oils Emprotec 10W-40 HDDO. The complaint concerned a claim against the OEM specification RLD-4 which has been withdrawn by Aztec Oils and the results of the investigation have been published. The case is subject to a six-month review in August 2024.

    Case 010200 – SCT Vertriebs GmbH Mannol Brake Fluid DOT-4 (3002). The complaint concerned the performance claims against the DOT 4 brake fluid specification. The product has been sourced, tested and found to fail its performance claim on three different parameters, which in the view of the TRP could lead to the brakes not being as effective in operation. VLS have written to Lubriage Ltd trading as Mannol UK & Ireland who are the distributor, concerning the issue and they have advised VLS that they have stopped selling the product, and VLS has also escalated the non-compliance as a consumer protection issue to Trading Standards and DVSA. The case is due to be reviewed in September.

    Case 010199 – Westway Lubricants 5W-30 BMW LL-04. The case concerns conflicting ACEA claims made on PCEO 5W-30. Westway amended the claims made on the product to 5W-30, BMW LL-04, and ACEA C3. A case publication notice has been issued and the product is subject to a six-month review in May 2024.

    Case 010198 – Westway Lubricants 5W-30 VW Audi LL3. The case concerns conflicting ACEA claims made on PCEO 5W-30. Westway revised the claims made on the product. A case publication notice has been issued at the end of the investigation and the case is subject to a six-month review in May 2024.

    Case 010197 – case closed.

    Case 010196 – Rock Oil Truck-Guard Elite LS FE 5W-30. The case concerns HDDO 5W-30 and its compliance against stated OEM specifications. VLS has published the results of its investigation on a non-compliance basis due to the non-cooperation of Rock Oil over this case. The case is subject to a six-month review in June 2024.

    Case 010195 – Silverhook Supreme Plus 5W-30 API SP, ACEA C2, C3. The case concerns PCEO 5W-30 and its marketing claims against several OEM specifications including VW 504 00/507 00 and other applications. The investigation has been published to the website and is currently undergoing a six-month review.

    Case 010193 – Exopro C2, C3 5W-30 LS PRO. The case concerns PCEO 5W-30, ACEA C2, C3 and its claim against VW 502 00/505 00 alongside ACEA C2 and C3. The investigation is currently undergoing a six-month review.

    Case 010192 – Maxiflow 5W-30 Fully Synthetic. The case concerns PCEO 5W-30 Fully Synthetic and marketing claims against ACEA C2, C3, API SN and VW 502 00/505 00. The investigation has concluded, and the case is currently undergoing a six-month review.

    Case 010191 – case archived.

    Case 010190 – SCT Vertriebs GmbH Mannol Central Hydraulic Fluid. The complaint concerns the OEM specifications claimed on a Central Hydraulic Fluid. The case is subject to a six-month review in June 2024.

    Case 010189 – SAR Sarmax Hydraulic Fluids VHVI range. The product is compliant and the case is due to be archived on the 8th May.

    Case 010188 – SCT Vertriebs GmbH Mannol Multi UTTO WB 101. The case concerns Universal Tractor Transmission Oil. The case is currently undergoing a six-month test, the product has been sourced and sampled and is being tested prior to sharing the results with the Technical Review Panel and the Lubricant Marketer.

    Case 010187 – John Neale Coolant CS-AQ. The case concerns the performance claims made on an aluminium synthetic cutting fluid. The case investigation notice has been published to the website and the case is currently undergoing a six-month review.

    Case 010184 – SCT Vertriebs GmbH Fanfaro MAX 6 75W-90 GL-5 gear oil. The case concerns 75W-90 gear oil. The investigation had concluded in June and was subject to a six-month review in December 2023. The product has been re-sourced, sampled and tested and found to be non-compliant however the date of manufacture at 2018 predates the date of the VLS case. Consequently, VLS believes that no new stock is being made available on the marketplace and the investigation is closed. However, stock which is beyond its expiry date of five years and non-complaint at low temperatures is still available in the UK. VLS has written to Lubriage Ltd trading as Mannol UK & Ireland who are the UK distributor, asking that they write to their distributors to recover non-complaint and expired stock for disposal, and the matter has been escalated to VLS’s Primary Authority partner Bucks & Surrey Trading Standards as a consumer protection issue.

    Case 010183 – Westway Lubricants 75W-90 Synthetic gear oil. The case concerns 75W-90 gear oil. The case was subject to a six-month review in January, the product was found to be non-compliant and has been escalated to Trading Standards.

    Case 010182 – Varol Varpress 46 AW hydraulic oil. The case concerns the product’s compliance against the DIN 51524 Part 2 standard. The case is currently undergoing a six-month review, the product has been sourced, sample and is currently undergoing testing.

    Case 010181 – Aztec Torotec 5W-30 TSL. The case concerns PCEO 5W-30. The case is currently undergoing a six-month review and the product has been sourced, sampled and is currently being tested.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    The Board has agreed to allow each VLS member one desktop review in the current year at no cost, if a complaint involves product testing then this would be an additional cost. To raise a complaint with VLS, visit

    VLS can only investigate complaints made against products available on open sale in the UK. For case submission guidance visit

    Industry News

    UK Government Department for Transport  £1.3 million to back cutting-edge transport projects. Organisations and academics can apply for funding to research innovative ideas to improve transport in the UK including the use of hydrogen for plane and boat journeys.

    SMMT: UK car production falls in March as factories adjust for new models.

    IMI: Motor Trades Vacancies: March 2024: 23,000 jobs to be filled.

    National Franchised Dealer Association The ZEV mandate, introduced earlier this year, requires OEMs to meet a target this year of 22% of new car sales and 10% of new van sales to be zero emissions or face penalties. This target percentage will gradually rise each year reaching 52% of new cars and 46% of new vans by 2028.

    PR newswire: UK ran its second Hydrogen Week. During this week, Hyundai set two new records for the driving range of its fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs).

    ACEA: Electric cars: EU needs 8 times more charging points per year by 2030 to meet CO2 targets.

    The European Union Commission DG Comp. Commission approves €267 million Slovak State aid measure to support Volvo Cars’ new electric vehicle plant.

    The European Commission DG Grow.  European Commission launched a call for pledges to achieve the green and digital transition of the EU Mobility Industrial Ecosystem while ensuring its competitiveness and resilience to crises.

    ILMA: California Air Resources Board (CARB) rule would ban most locomotives more than 23 years old starting in 2030.

    The Hill: USA fatal crashes involving Ford’s partially automated driving system prompt investigation.

    API: Unauthorised use of API marks.

    Reuters: Musk disbands Tesla EV charging team, leaving customers in the dark.

    Hydrogen Central: Decentralised, local hydrogen fuel cell applications are the nucleus for the energy transition and transformation of Germany as an industrial location.

    Industry: Ford revises electric vehicle strategy, emphasises hybrid expansion.

    Industry: Some Chinese electric cars are ‘almost uninsurable’ in Britain.

    Industry: Volvo says goodbye diesel, hello electric.

    Media: End of road for EVs? Hertz to sell 20,000 since customers don’t like them – but could you get a good deal buying a cast-off Tesla for $18k?

    Media Editorial

    PMM Online: Interview with VLS Chair Jacquie Berryman.

    Operations Engineer: The role of VLS in fighting rogue suppliers.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop, April 2024: VLS celebrates its 100th case, Page 7.

    Car Mechanics magazine, May 2024: VLS answers a question about the right engine oil to use in a vehicle, Steve Rothwell column, Page 66.

    Lube magazine April 2024: VLS receives its 100th case regarding a Heavy-Duty Diesel Oil, page 49.

    Lube magazine April 2024: VLS bulletin for case 176 published at the close of the case, page 49.

    Lube magazine April 2024: VLS bulletin for case 185 published at the close of the case, page 50.

    Lube magazine April 2024: VLS bulletin for case 186 published at the close of the case, page 51.

    As a member, we would encourage you to disseminate the materials and content generated by VLS through your own communication channels.

    Media Advertising

    Lube magazine, April/May 2024, third page VLS advertisement, Page 51.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop, April 2024: half page advert on VLS, Page 7.

    Professional Motor Mechanic, May 2024; half page VLS advert Page 23.


    Lubricant Expo, Stuttgart, 17-19 September 2024.

    UEIL Congress, Revolutionising the Lubricants Industry. Porto, 16-18 October 2024.

    Social Media

    X (was Twitter)
    To follow VLS on X click here.
    You need to be logged into Twitter, or X, now to read tweets.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here.

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    David Wright
    Company Secretary

  • VLS Newsletter – April 2024

    VLS Newsletter April 2024

    Case Summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 103, with 3 products under investigation, 5 not compliant following investigation, 2 case escalated to Trading Standards following investigation, 8 compliant following investigation, 1 compliant following six month review and 84 archived.

    Case 010203 – Anonymous. The case is under investigation and concerns a PCEO claim against VW 504 00/507 00, ACEA C3, BMW LL-04 and MB 229.51 with an alleged non-compliant HTHS test result of 2.9 mPa.s versus the specifications minimum of 3.5 mPa.s. The product has been sourced, sampled and is subject to testing.

    Case 010202 – Anonymous. The case is under investigation and concerns an ISO 32 hydraulic oil and its failing to meet the demulsification requirements of industry standards quoted on labelling and the Technical Data Sheet. The product has been sourced, sampled and is subject to testing.

    Case 010201 – Aztec Oils Emprotec 10W-40 HDDO. The complaint concerned a claim against the OEM specification RLD-4 which has been withdrawn by Aztec Oils and the results of the investigation have been published. The case is subject to a six-month review in August 2024.

    Case 010200 – SCT Vertriebs GmbH Mannol Brake Fluid DOT-4 (3002). The complaint concerned the performance claims against the DOT 4 brake fluid specification. The product has been sourced, tested and found to fail its performance claim on three different parameters, which in the view of the TRP could lead to the brakes not being as effective in operation. VLS have written to Lubriage Ltd trading as Mannol UK & Ireland who are the distributor, concerning the issue and they have advised VLS that they have stopped selling the product, and VLS has also escalated the non-compliance as a consumer protection issue to Trading Standards.

    Case 010199 – Westway Lubricants 5W-30 BMW LL-04. The case concerns conflicting ACEA claims made on PCEO 5W-30. Westway amended the claims made on the product to 5W-30 BMW LL-04, and ACEA C3. A case publication notice has been issued and the product is subject to a six-month review in May 2024.

    Case 010198 – Westway Lubricants 5W-30 VW Audi LL3. The case concerns conflicting ACEA claims made on PCEO 5W-30. Westway revised the claims made on the product. A case publication notice has been issued at the end of the investigation and the case is subject to a six-month review in May 2024.

    Case 010197 – Anonymous. The case concerns the compliance of PCEO 5W-30 against ACEA C2 C3 with its HTHS value. The case was accepted on the 20th October. The product is unable to be found on the market from the source stated by the Complainant and consequently the case has been closed.

    Case 010196 – Rock Oil Truck-Guard Elite LS FE 5W-30. The case concerns HDDO 5W-30 and its compliance against stated OEM specifications. VLS has published the results of its investigation on a non-compliance basis due to the non-cooperation of Rock Oil over this case. The case is subject to a six-month review in June 2024, in line with VLS’s stated processes if found to be non-compliant at this stage, it will be reported to Trading Standards.

    Case 010195 – Silverhook Supreme Plus 5W-30 API SP ACEA C2 C3. The case concerns PCEO 5W-30 and its marketing claims against several OEM specifications including VW 504 00/507 00 and other applications. The investigation has been published to the website and is subject to a six-month review in April 2024.

    Case 010193 – Exopro C2, C3 5W-30 LS PRO. The case concerns PCEO 5W-30 ACEA C2, C3 and its claim against VW 502 00/505 00 alongside ACEA C2 and C3. The investigation has concluded, and the case is subject to a six-month review in April 2024.

    Case 010192 – Maxiflo 5W-30 Fully Synthetic. The case concerns PCEO 5W-30 Fully Synthetic and marketing claims against ACEA C2, C3, API SN and VW 502 00/505 00. The investigation has concluded, and the case is subject to a six-month review in April 2024.

    Case 010191 – a case complaint enquiry has been made by a lubricant blender, the case registration form has not been completed and subsequently the case is closed.

    Case 010190 – SCT Vertriebs GmbH Mannol Central Hydraulic Fluid. The complaint concerns the OEM specifications claimed on a Central Hydraulic Fluid. The case is subject to a six-month review in June 2024, in line with VLS’s stated processes and if found to be non-compliant at this stage, it will be reported to Trading Standards.

    Case 010189 – SAR Sarmax Hydraulic Fluids VHVI range. The case concerns hydraulic oils. VLS undertook a six-month review of the case in February and found the product to be in continued compliance and the case is closed.

    Case 010188 – SCT Vertriebs GmbH Mannol Multi UTTO WB 101. The case concerns Universal Tractor Transmission Oil. The VLS investigation is concluded, and the results have been published to the VLS website. The case is subject to a six-month review in April 2024.

    Case 010187 – John Neale Coolant CS-AQ. The case concerns the performance claims made on an aluminium synthetic cutting fluid. The case investigation notice has been published to the website and the case is subject to a six-month review in April 2024.

    Case 010184 – SCT Vertriebs GmbH Fanfaro MAX 6 75W-90 GL-5 gear oil. The case concerns 75W-90 gear oil. The investigation had concluded in June and was subject to a six-month review in December 2023. The product has been re-sourced, sampled and tested and found to be non-compliant however the date of manufacture at 2018 predates the date of the VLS case. Consequently, VLS believes that no new stock is being made available on the marketplace and the investigation is closed. However, stock which is beyond its expiry date of five years and non-complaint at low temperatures is still available in the UK. VLS has written to Lubriage Ltd trading as Mannol UK & Ireland who are the UK distributor, asking that they write to their distributors to recover non-complaint and expired stock for disposal, and the matter has been escalated to VLS’s Primary Authority partner Bucks & Surrey Trading Standards as a consumer protection issue.

    Case 010183 – Westway Lubricants 75W-90 Synthetic gear oil. The case concerns 75W-90 gear oil. The case was subject to a six-month review in January and was found to be non-compliant. Subsequently the product has been notified to Trading Standards.

    Case 010182 – Varol Varpress 46 AW hydraulic oil. The case concerns the product’s compliance against the DIN 51524 Part 2 standard. The investigation is closed, a case investigation notice has been published to the website and the case is subject to a six-month review in April 2024.

    Case 010181 – Aztec Torotec 5W-30 TSL. The case concerns PCEO 5W-30. The case publication notice has been published to the website and the case is subject to a six-month review in April 2024.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    The Board has agreed to allow each VLS member one desktop review in the current year at no cost, if a complaint involves product testing then this would be an additional cost. To raise a complaint with VLS, visit

    VLS can only investigate complaints made against products available on open sale in the UK. For case submission guidance visit

    Industry News

    UK Government Department for Transport has issued an open consultation on Adapting the UK’s transport system to the impacts of climate change, responses required by 31 May 2024.

    SMMT: March new car market sustains growth as manufacturers shore up electrified demand.

    IMI: Vacancies remain stubbornly high in Automotive Aftermarket at 23,000.

    PR newswire: Future of Hydrogen in Automotive Market worth 353 thousand Units by 2035.

    ACEA: Average vehicle age on the rise: policy makers must do more to incentivise the switch.

    The European Union Commission DG Comp. Commission approves €900 million French State aid scheme to support the production of energy and fuel from biomass and renewable hydrogen to foster the transition to a net-zero economy.

    The European Commission DG Grow: What’s stopping Europe from reaching its clean hydrogen goals?

    ILMA: Climate Change Amendment Issued for ISO 9001.

    API: Unauthorised use of API marks. Lubechem International Industry LLC and PrinceLube (Asia) PTE Ltd have been added to them list.

    API: API AMAP reports engine oil standards compliance issues, F&L March 2024.

    Reuters: Auto industry must halve EV battery weight over next decade, Stellantis CEO says.

    Hydrogen Central: Green Hydrogen Will Become The 21st Century Version Of Oil – Forbes.

    Media Editorial

    PMM Online: Interview with VLS Chair Jacquie Berryman.

    Operations Engineer: The role of VLS in fighting rogue suppliers.

    Lube magazine April 2024: VLS receives its 100th case regarding a Heavy-Duty Diesel Oil, page 49.

    Lube magazine April 2024: VLS bulletin for case 176 published at the close of the case, page 49.

    Lube magazine April 2024: VLS bulletin for case 185 published at the close of the case, page 50.

    Lube magazine April 2024: VLS bulletin for case 186 published at the close of the case, page 51.

    Autotechnician, March 2024, Pages 38-39. VLS Chair Jacquie Berryman outlines the organisation’s role in supporting independent garages.

    As a member, we would encourage you to disseminate the materials and content generated by VLS through your own communication channels.

    Media Advertising

    Lube magazine, April/May 2024, third page VLS advertisement, Page 51.

    Aftermarket March 2024, half page advert. Page 15.

    Autotechnician March 2024, half page advert. Page 34.


    UNITI Mineral Oil Technology Congress, Stuttgart, Germany, 16-17 April 2024.

    Lubricant Expo, Stuttgart, 17-19 September 2024.

    UEIL Congress, Revolutionising the Lubricants Industry. Porto, 16-18 October 2024.

    Social Media

    X (was Twitter)
    To follow VLS on X click here.
    You need to be logged into Twitter, or X, now to read tweets.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here.

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    David Wright
    Company Secretary

  • VLS Bulletin – March 2024 – VLS 010189

    VLS 010189 – SARMAX VHVI Hydraulic Oils Range

    On 5th June 2023 the case was accepted by VLS.

    VLS received a complaint about the above range of products which was as follows;

    The Product Data Sheet (PDS) listed ISO Grades 15, 22, 32, 46, 68 & 100:
    The claim against Parker Denison HF-2, HF-1 & HF-0 are only applicable to ISO 32, 46 & 68
    The claim against Fives-Cincinnati P-68, P-69 & P70 are only applicable on ISO 32, 46 & 68
    The claim against Eaton E-FDGN-TB002-E is only applicable on ISO 32, 46 & 68
    The claim against AIST 126 & 127 are only applicable on ISO 32, 46 & 68
    The claim against SEB 18122 are only applicable on ISO 22, 32, 46, 68 & 100

    The Bosch Rexroth RDE 90235 claim is not a market general specification and each viscosity grade must be submitted to Bosch Rexroth for formal approval. Is only applicable on ISO 32, 46 & 68.

    VLS reviewed and upheld the complaint that the listed ISO viscosity are not applicable to all the OEM specifications listed. There is however one exception in that: E-FDGN-TB002-E is applicable for ISO 10 through to 150 grades.

    VLS suggested that the Named Party had a rigorous dialogue with their technology provider and align on the appropriate claims that can be made against specific ISO viscosity grades and update the Technical Data Sheet accordingly.

    In response the Named Party revised the Technical Data Sheet for the range of hydraulic oils. They reviewed the issues VLS raised with them in a letter of 5th July 2023, and following discussions with their technology partner, and the subsequent clarifications and amendments which resulted from these discussions, they amended the wording of the various claims made for these grades.

    VLS also suggested they re-run the viscosity and density tests in their lab and amended/updated some of the viscosity and VI data to reflect the current formulations.

    VLS reviewed the revised claims for the hydraulic oils range and was satisfied that the steps they have taken have brought the products back into compliance. Consequently, the investigation was closed subject to a six-month review in line with VLS’s stated process.

    On 8th March 2024, VLS undertook a six-month review of the case in line with its stated process. VLS found that the steps taken by the Named Party to bring the product into compliance were maintained at the six-month stage and consequently the product remained in compliance, and the case was closed.

    David Wright, Company Secretary of VLS said “We want to ensure we have the highest standards in Europe for lubricant manufacture, blending and marketing, and we want a ‘level playing field’ for all participants, so that we protect the interests of the consumer and other end users.

    In the Verification of Lubricant Specifications (UK) Ltd, we have set our course for stronger industry self-regulation by working positively towards more open and transparent competition that benefits all lubricant organisations.”

    March 2024

  • VLS Newsletter – March 2024

    VLS Newsletter March 2024

    Case Summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 100, with 2 products under investigation, 5 not compliant following investigation, 1 case escalated to Trading Standards following investigation, 9 compliant following investigation, 1 compliant following six month review and 82 archived.

    Case 010201 – concerns a claim against the OEM specification RLD-4 which has been withdrawn by the Named Party and the results of the investigation have been published. The case is subject to a six-month review in August 2024.

    Case 010200 – concerns the performance claims against the DOT 4 brake fluid specification. The product has been sourced, tested and found to fail its performance claim on three different parameters, which in the view of the TRP could lead to the brakes not being effective in operation. VLS have written to the Named Party and also escalated to Trading Standards as a consumer protection issue.

    Case 010199 – concerns the conflicting ACEA claims made on PCEO 5W-30. The Named Party amended the claims made on the product to 5W-30 BMW LL-04, and ACEA C3. A case publication notice has been issued and the product is subject to a six-month review in May 2024.

    Case 010198 – concerns the conflicting ACEA claims made on PCEO 5W-30. The Named Party revised the claims made to 5W-30 VW LL3 & BMW LL-04, ACEA C3. A case publication notice has been issued at the end of the investigation and the case is subject to a six-month review in May 2024.

    Case 010197 – concerns the compliance of PCEO 5W-30 against ACEA C2 C3 with its HTHS value. The case was accepted on the 20th October. The product is unable to be found on the market from the source stated by the Complainant and consequently the case has been suspended.

    Case 010196 – concerns HDDO 5W-30 and its compliance against stated OEM specifications. VLS has published the results of its investigation on a non-compliance basis due to the non-cooperation of the Named Party. The case is subject to a six-month review in June 2024, in line with VLS’s stated processes if found to be non-compliant at this stage, it will be reported to Trading Standards.

    Case 010195 – concerns PCEO 5W-30 and its marketing claims against several OEM specifications including VW 504 00/507 00 and other applications. The investigation has been published to the website and is subject to a six-month review in April 2024.

    Case 010193 – concerns PCEO 5W-30 ACEA C2, C3 and its claim against VW 502 00/505 00 alongside ACEA C2 and C3. The investigation has concluded, and the case is subject to a six month review in April 2024.

    Case 010192 – concerns PCEO 5W-30 Fully Synthetic and marketing claims against ACEA C2, C3, API SN and VW 502 00/505 00. The investigation has concluded, and the case is subject to a six-month review in April 2024.

    Case 010190 – The complaint concerns the OEM specifications claimed on a Central Hydraulic Fluid. The case is subject to a six-month review in June 2024, in line with VLS’s stated processes and if found to be non-compliant at this stage, it will be reported to Trading Standards.

    Case 010189 – concerns hydraulic oils. VLS undertook a six-month review of the case in February and found the product to be in continued compliance and the case is closed.

    Case 010188 – concerns Universal Tractor Transmission Oil. The VLS investigation is concluded, and the results have been published to the VLS website. The case is subject to a six-month review in April 2024.

    Case 010187 – concerns the performance claims made on an aluminium synthetic cutting fluid. The case investigation notice has been published to the website and the case is subject to a six-month review in April 2024.

    Case 010186 –  concerns 75W-90 gear oil. VLS undertook a six-month review of the case in January line with its’ stated process. The product was found not to be on open sale in the UK and so the case is closed.

    Case 010185 – VLS undertook a six-month review of the case in January as part of which a new sample was tested and found to be in continued compliance and therefore the case is closed.

    Case 010184 – concerns 75W-90 gear oil. The investigation concluded in June and is subject to a six-month review in December. The product has been re-sourced, sampled and tested and found to be non-compliant, however the date of manufacture at 2018 predates the date of the VLS case. Consequently, VLS believes that no new stock is being made available on the marketplace and the investigation is closed. However, stock which is beyond its expiry date of five years and non-complaint at low temperatures is still available in the UK. VLS has written to the Named Party asking that they write to their distributors to recover non-complaint and expired stock for disposal, and the matter has been escalated to VLS’s Primary Authority partner Bucks & Surrey Trading Standards as a consumer protection issue.

    Case 010183 – concerns 75W-90 gear oil. The case was subject to a six-month review in January and was found to be non-compliant. Subsequently the product has been notified to Trading Standards.

    Case 010182 – concern hydraulic oil ISO 46 AW and its compliance against the DIN 51524 Part 2 standard. The investigation is closed, a case investigation notice has been published to the website and the case is subject to a six-month review in April 2024.

    Case 010181 – concerns PCEO 5W-30. The case publication notice has been published to the website and the case is subject to a six-month review in April 2024.

    Case 010178 – The case is archived.

    Case 010176 – At the six-month review the product is in continued compliance and we have asked the Named Party to ensure that all technical specifications and performance claims for the product are fully aligned on their corporate and retail websites.

    Case 010159 – the case is archived.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    To raise a case with VLS, visit

    VLS can only investigate complaints made against products available on open sale in the UK. For case submission guidance visit

    Industry News

    UK Government Department for Transport have issued guidance on Vehicle Emissions Trading Schemes: how to comply. What participants need to do to meet their obligations under the Vehicle Emissions Trading Schemes (VETS) Order 2023.

    SMMT: Car industry urges ‘fair tax for a fair transition’ to put EVs back in the fast lane. New research shows almost half of would-be EV buyers will now wait until after 2030 to switch – compared with just one in 10 last year.

    IMI: 2024 Spring Budget: Urgent focus is needed to support the automotive businesses that are critical to the road to zero.

    IGA: As of February 22nd, 2024, a significant number of MOT testers, totalling 29,459 have yet to complete their annual MOT Assessments.

    ACEA: The global electric car race: Europe needs to wake up! The European auto industry is up against massive global competition as it makes the seismic shift from combustion engine to battery-electric cars in a very short time frame.

    The European Union Commission DG Comp. Commission approves up to €6.9 billion of State aid by seven Member States for the third Important Project of Common European Interest in the hydrogen value chain.

    The European Commission DG Grow.  New mobile machinery rules to ease safe circulation on public roads across the EU. The European Commission welcomes the political agreement reached yesterday by the European Parliament and the Council of the EU on the road approval and market surveillance of non-road mobile machinery.

    Reuters: Tesla rolls out new incentives in China as price war escalates.

    Hydrogen Central: Department of Energy Announces $10,5 Million to Advance Hydrogen Combustion Engine Innovation.

    ILMA : The Hill. Biden administration considering delaying switch to electric vehicles: Report.

    ILMA : WSJ. The Boom in Battery Metals for EVs Is Turning to Bust. Producers of lithium and nickel pause projects after prices collapsed, and momentum slows for electric-vehicle sales.

    Media Editorial

    Garage and MOT magazine, February 2024 features VLS’s press release on receiving its 100th case.

    Garage Talk Online 15th February 2024, VLS opens its 100th case on a complaint regarding heavy duty diesel oil.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop, March 2024 features an article ‘slippery customers’, VLS Chair Jacquie Berryman gives an insight into the HGV and LCV cases received by VLS.  Page 25-26.

    Autotechnician, March 2024, Pages 38-39. VLS Chair Jacquie Berryman outlines the organisation’s role in supporting independent garages.

    Car Mechanics, March 2024 Page 43. ‘Pour performance’ an article featuring VLS and its role on supporting the industry’s compliance.

    CVW Online, January 2024 features an article by Alan Outhwaite, Chairman of the VLS Technical Review panel on Complex Chemistry.

    As a member, we would encourage you to disseminate the materials and content generated by VLS through your own communication channels.

    Media Advertising

    Professional Motor Mechanic February 2024, half page advert. Page 19.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop, February 2024, half page advert. Page 25.

    Lube magazine, February 2024, third page VLS advertisement, Page 51.

    Aftermarket March 2024, half page advert. Page 15.

    Autotechnician March 2024, half page advert. Page 34.


    UNITI Mineral Oil Technology Congress, Stuttgart, Germany, 16-17 April 2024.

    Lubricant Expo, Stuttgart, 17-19 September 2024.

    UEIL Congress, Revolutionising the Lubricants Industry. Porto, 16-18 October 2024.

    Social Media

    Twitter (now X)
    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.
    You need to be logged into Twitter, or X, now to read tweets.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here.

    Stay Up To Date

    We would encourage all members to make use of the content generated by VLS and share this to your own communication platforms. If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Jacquie Berryman
    VLS Chair

  • VLS Newsletter – February 2024

    VLS Newsletter February 2024

    Case Summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 100, with 3 products under investigation, 5 not compliant following investigation, 1 case escalated to Trading Standards following investigation, 9 compliant following investigation, 3 compliant following six month review and 79 archived.

    Case 010201 – concerns a claim against the OEM specification RLD-4 which has been withdrawn by the Named Party and the results of the investigation will be published to the website on 19th February 2024.

    Case 010200 – concerns the performance claims and technical specification of a DOT 4 brake fluid. The product has been sourced and is being sent for testing.

    Case 010199 – concerns the conflicting ACEA claims made on PCEO 5W-30. The Named Party amended the claims made on the product to 5W-30 BMW LL-04, and ACEA C3. A case publication notice has been issued and the product is subject to a six-month review in May 2024.

    Case 010198 – concerns the conflicting ACEA claims made on PCEO 5W-30. The Named Party revised the claims made to 5W-30 VW LL3 & BMW LL-04, ACEA C3. A case publication notice has been issued at the end of the investigation and the case is subject to a six-month review in May 2024.

    Case 010197 – concerns the compliance of PCEO 5W-30 against ACEA C2 C3 with its HTHS value. The case was accepted on the 20thOctober. The product is unable to be found on the market from the source stated by the Complainant and consequently the case has been suspended.

    Case 010196 – concerns HDDO 5W-30 and its compliance against stated OEM specifications. VLS has published the results of its investigation on a non-compliance basis due to the non-cooperation of the Named Party. The case is subject to a six-month review in June 2024, in line with VLS’s stated processes if found to be non-compliant at this stage, it will be reported to Trading Standards.

    Case 010195 – concerns PCEO 5W-30 and its marketing claims against several OEM specifications including VW 504 00/507 00 and other applications. The investigation has been published to the website and is subject to a six-month review in April 2024.

    Case 010193 – concerns PCEO 5W-30 ACEA C2, C3 and its claim against VW 502 00/505 00 alongside ACEA C2 and C3. The investigation has concluded, and the case is subject to a six month review in April 2024.

    Case 010192 – concerns PCEO 5W-30 Fully Synthetic and marketing claims against ACEA C2, C3, API SN and VW 502 00/505 00. The investigation has concluded, and the case is subject to a six-month review in April 2024.

    Case 010190 – The complaint concerns the OEM specifications claimed on a Central Hydraulic Fluid. The case is subject to a six-month review in June 2024, in line with VLS’s stated processes and if found to be non-compliant at this stage, it will be reported to Trading Standards.

    Case 010189 – concerns hydraulic oils. The product is compliant and the case is subject to a six-month review in February 2024.

    Case 010188 – concerns Universal Tractor Transmission Oil. The VLS investigation is concluded, and the results have been published to the VLS website. The case is subject to a six-month review in April 2024.

    Case 010187 – concerns the performance claims made on an aluminium synthetic cutting fluid. The case investigation notice has been published to the website and the case is subject to a six-month review in April 2024.

    Case 010186 –  concerns 75W-90 gear oil. VLS undertook a six-month review of the case in January line with its’ stated process. The product was found not to be on open sale in the UK and so the case is closed.

    Case 010185 – VLS undertook a six-month review of the case in January as part of which a new sample was tested and found to be in continued compliance and therefore the case is closed.

    Case 010184 – concerns 75W-90 gear oil. The investigation has concluded in June and is subject to a six-month review in December. The product is being re-sourced, sampled and tested.

    Case 010183 – concerns 75W-90 gear oil. The case was subject to a six-month review in January and was found to be non-compliant. Subsequently the product has been notified to Trading Standards.

    Case 010182 – concern hydraulic oil ISO 46 AW and its compliance against the DIN 51524 Part 2 standard. The investigation is closed, a case investigation notice has been published to the website and the case is subject to a six-month review in April 2024.

    Case 010181 – concerns PCEO 5W-30. The case publication notice has been published to the website and the case is subject to a six-month review in April 2024.

    Case 010178 – The case is archived.

    Case 010176 – At the six-month review the product is in continued compliance and we have asked the Named Party to ensure that all technical specifications and performance claims for the product are fully aligned on their corporate and retail websites.

    Case 010159 – concerns PCEO (various viscosities). A bulletin has been published by UEIL and the case will be archived on 11th February 2024.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    To raise a case with VLS, visit

    VLS can only investigate complaints made against products available on open sale in the UK. For case submission guidance visit

    Industry News

    UK Government Department for Transport: Rollout of electric vehicle charge-points to be accelerated. New measures will mean EV owners benefit from easier and more convenient access to charge-points.

    SMMT report that UK reaches million EV milestone as new car market grows.

    The United Kingdom Lubricants Association welcomes the Department for Transport announcement to retain the first MOT test on the third anniversary from the first date of vehicle registration.

    Autotrader: Road to 2035. Retail demand for new EVs cools as consumer incentives surge. Sales of new electric cars slow in 2023 as private buyers show limited interest.

    The European Union Commission DG Comp. Transition pathway for a green, digital, and resilient EU mobility industrial ecosystem published.

    The European Commission is carrying out unannounced inspections at the premises of companies active in the tyres industry in several Member States. The Commission is concerned that price coordination took place amongst the inspected companies, including via public communications.

    ACEA: A Manifesto for sustainable mobility in a shifting global landscape. Getting Europe back into gear, published.

    CECRA: Europe’s Consumers, Independent Automotive Service and Mobility Providers rally for urgent Commission action on vehicle data legislation.

    ATIEL releases Code of Practice Issue 24 further to the publication of the ACEA Oil Sequences 2023 for Light Duty Vehicles.

    ILMA: Forbes Most Surveyed Companies Are Vulnerable To Another Supply Chain Crisis.

    ILMA: Honda Expands Hydrogen Business. The company also plans a sustainable supply chain in which it makes new Honda vehicles out of old Honda ones.

    Reuters: Toyota to outshine rivals as more consumers opt for hybrids amid EV slowdown.

    Hydrogen Central report that BMW says goodbye to electric cars and has now solved the problem of hydrogen vehicles.

    Media Editorial

    Professional Motor Mechanic, January 2024.  Features an interview with VLS Chair Jacquie Berryman, Pages 60-61.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop magazine, January 2024. Mike Bewsey, former VLS Chairman warns against using the most up to date engine oils in ageing vehicles. Page 49.

    Lube magazine, February 2024. VLS publishes bulletins on two cases at the closure of the investigation. Pages 50-51.

    Transport Engineer Online. Features an article by VLS Chair Jacquie Berryman on VLS learnings.

    Aftermarket magazine, January 2024. Jacquie Berryman, VLS Chair discusses innovation in the lubricants industry.  Pages 48-51.

    Professional Motor Factor Online, January 2024. Alan Outhwaite, Chairman of the VLS Technical Review Panel, discusses its role.

    As a member, we would encourage you to disseminate the materials and content generated by VLS through your own communication channels.

    Media Advertising

    Lube magazine, February 2024, third page VLS advertisement, Page 51.


    ICIS World Base Oils and Lubricants Conference, London, UK. 6-8 February 2024.

    Argus Global Base Oils Conference, London, UK. 19-21 February 2024.

    UNITI Mineral Oil Technology Congress, Stuttgart, Germany, 16-17 April 2024.

    Lubricant Expo, Stuttgart, 17-19 September 2024.

    Social Media

    Twitter (now X)
    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.
    You need to be logged into Twitter, or X, now to read tweets.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here.

    Stay Up To Date

    We would encourage all members to make use of the content generated by VLS and share this to your own communication platforms. If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Jacquie Berryman
    VLS Chair

  • VLS Bulletin – January 2024 – VLS 010186

    VLS 010186 – Valvotech 75W-90 Semi-Synthetic Gear Oil

    On 15/03/2023  the case was accepted by VLS.

    The complaint concerned 75W compliance at -40oC as per ASTM D2983 – Standard Test Method for Low Temperature Viscosity using a Rotational Viscometer (Brookfield). The complainant sourced and tested the product and claimed that it was not possible to obtain a result as the product set solid during the test. The result, they claimed, showed the product was not 75W compliant and would therefore not provide adequate circulation in gear systems.

    VLS independently procured a sample of the product within the UK, and tested it for low temperature properties against ASTM D2983. The test results show that the product turned solid at low temperature and therefore was not compliant with SAE J306 for a 75W product of this type.

    The Named Party immediately quarantined the product, arranged for an uplift by their supplier for further investigation and testing.

    VLS believes that the actions taken by the Named Party have brought the product into compliance and therefore the investigation is closed subject to a six-month review in line with VLS’s stated process.

    VLS undertook a six-month review of the case in line with its’ stated process. The product was found not to be on open sale in the UK and so the case is closed.

    David Wright, Company Secretary of VLS said “We want to ensure we have the highest standards in Europe for lubricant manufacture, blending and marketing, and we want a ‘level playing field’ for all participants, so that we protect the interests of the consumer and other end users.

    In the Verification of Lubricant Specifications (UK) Ltd, we have set our course for stronger industry self-regulation by working positively towards more open and transparent competition that benefits all lubricant organisations.”

    January 2024

  • VLS Bulletin – January 2024 – VLS 010185

    VLS 010185 – Granville 75W-90 Fully Synthetic Manual Transmission Fluid

    On 26/01/2023  the case was accepted by VLS.

    The complaint concerned the product’s compliance with SAE J306. The complainant stated that they procured and tested the product for SAE 75W compliance at -40°C as per ASTM D2983 – the Standard Test Method for Low Temperature Viscosity using a Rotational Viscometer (Brookfield). The complainant stated that it was not possible to obtain a result as the product set solid during the test. The complainant stated that the result shows the product is not SAE 75W compliant and will therefore not provide adequate circulation in gear systems. This can lead to accelerated wear when the equipment is started from cold and the product will not support any fuel efficiency expectations.

    When tested against the SAE J306 Standard for Automotive Gear Oils, a result of 19.8 cSt at 100°C was obtained by the complainant. They state that this falls outside of the specified range of 13.5 cSt. to 18.5 cSt. and therefore does not comply with the SAE 90 limits. This may lead to cold baulking issues at low temperatures resulting in poor gear shift quality and the possibility of accelerated wear on synchroniser components, bearings and gears.

    VLS independently procured a sample of the product within the UK, and tested it for low temperature properties against ASTM D2983 which indicated that the product was not compliant due to excessive viscosity at -40°C and therefore not meeting the requirements of an SAE 75W grade as defined in the SAE J306 standard. However, VLS found that the product was in compliance against the SAE 90 Kinematic Viscosity (KV) at 100°C limits. (13.5-18.5 cSt). The Named Party was asked what steps they would be taking to bring the product into compliance.

    The Named Party has changed its supplier since the product was blended in 2020 and filled in 2021. They have also changed their filling procedures and moved to automated blending which they believe has solved the issue, which they believe was due to batch contamination, as the batch VLS tested was blended and filled before automated blending was introduced. The Named Party has also checked all batches subsequently manufactured and stated that they are all compliant according to their testing.

    VLS undertook a six-month review of the case as part of which a new sample was tested and found to be in continued compliance and therefore the case was closed.

    David Wright, Company Secretary of VLS said “We want to ensure we have the highest standards in Europe for lubricant manufacture, blending and marketing, and we want a ‘level playing field’ for all participants, so that we protect the interests of the consumer and other end users.

    In the Verification of Lubricant Specifications (UK) Ltd, we have set our course for stronger industry self-regulation by working positively towards more open and transparent competition that benefits all lubricant organisations.”

    January 2024

  • VLS Bulletin – January 2024 – VLS 010176

    VLS 010176 – XF Premium 0W-30 C32 Fully Synthetic Engine Oil

    On 26/07/2022  the case was accepted by VLS.

    The complaint concerned the performance claims against Fiat 9.55535-GS1 and Fiat 9.55535-DS1. Independent testing by the Complainant of a purchased 1L bottle confirmed the product fails Noack (ASTM D5800) testing at 12.6% v’s the Fiat spec of < 11.0%. On this basis the Complainant claimed that the product is confirmed to not meet a key performance requirement and therefore is misleading to the end consumer.

    VLS procured and tested the product for Noack (ASTM D5800) against the Fiat specifications. The product returned a test result of 13.6% which does not meet the 11.0% limit detailed in the Fiat specifications and was therefore non-compliant against the Fiat specifications claimed.

    Additionally VLS found the following advisories during the course of its investigation;

    1. The claim against Chrysler MS-90047 has the same 11.0% volatility limit as the Fiat specifications, therefore this claim cannot be supported based on the value determined.

    2. ACEA C2, PSA B71 2312 and BMW LL-12-FE specifications mandate a maximum 13% Noack volatility and these claims cannot be supported based on the value determined.

    In response to the investigation, the Named Party confirmed that the product was launched to the open market November 2020.  Their R&D testing documentation of the time indicated two independent Noack volatility readings of 11.2% & 11.3% respectively. Based upon the base oil and additive package cascade used to formulate the finished product and acknowledging an industry acceptable tolerance variance level regarding the Noack volatility of finished products, their action was to remove Fiat 9.55535-GS1 and Fiat 9.55535-DS1 from the “Performance Profile” of the product.

    The Named Party carried out further Noack testing on the retained batches of XF Premium C2 0W-30. The results were as follows.

    Batch no. 331561 Noack = 12.2%
    Batch no. 331294 Noack = 12.1%
    Batch no. 338935 Noack = 11.8%

    The Named Party’s findings indicated that the base oil and additive raw materials used for this product remained as per the original launch formulation and therefore they concluded that the discrepancies in results are attributable to recognised variances in base oil volatility dependent on individual batch tolerances that are reliant on the quality protocol of their suppliers and therefore beyond their reasonable control.

    In conclusion, they acknowledged that whilst the latest results vary from the original tests obtained at the launch of the product when their performance claims were first defined, they continued to indicate that the batches meet the requirements for ACEA C2. (Noack limit ≤13%). They did however, recognise that the results obtained in these tests were currently too high to meet the FIAT 9.55535 GS1 and DS1 and subsequent Chrysler claims and agreed to remove claims against both Fiat and Chrysler OEM specifications for this particular product.

    VLS was content that the steps taken by the Named Party had brought the product into compliance and closed the investigation subject to a six-month review.

    VLS conducted a six-month review of the case in line with its stated process. As part of this review VLS found that the information presented on the online shop has not been updated since the end of the investigation, and reference remained to the Fiat and Chrysler specifications which had been removed from the Millers Oils website. VLS has asked that the shop product description is updated to reflect that of the main Millers Oils website.

    VLS also found further clarification on references to Asian manufacturers which it is satisfied with.

    Consequently, as the claims made against Chrysler and FIAT had been removed from the main Millers Oils website as well as the product’s Technical Data Sheet and packaging, VLS is content to close the investigation.

    David Wright, Company Secretary of VLS said “We want to ensure we have the highest standards in Europe for lubricant manufacture, blending and marketing, and we want a ‘level playing field’ for all participants, so that we protect the interests of the consumer and other end users.

    In the Verification of Lubricant Specifications (UK) Ltd, we have set our course for stronger industry self-regulation by working positively towards more open and transparent competition that benefits all lubricant organisations.”

    January 2024

  • VLS Bulletin – January 2024 – VLS 010178

    VLS 010178 – Dasilad Favoil 10W-40 PCEO Hero A6

    On 23/08/2022 the case was reported to VLS.

    VLS purchased a number of product test reports from the Institute of Materials. One of these reports related to the product Favoil 10W-40 Hero A6. The test report indicated the product to be non-compliant in a number of areas so VLS arranged for the procurement and independent testing of a new sample of the product to verify the results from the IoM report.

    The independent test report that VLS commissioned indicated that the product was not compliant with its own stated technical specification or the performance claims made, for the following reasons:

    The Apparent Viscosity at -25°C measured by Cold Cranking Simulator (CCS) returned a value of 7410 millipascals (mPa.s) when tested which is too high against the technical specification for a product of this viscosity as laid down by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) where under SAE J300 specification the maximum limit is given as 7,000 mPa.s.

    The claim against the OEM specification VW 502 00 is supported by the technology provider and is allowable under VLS marketing claims guidance.

    The Kinematic Viscosity at 100°C test result obtained by VLS was 11.71 centistokes (cSt) which is outside the specification of a minimum of 12.5 cSt for an XX-40 product as defined by SAE J300.

    When the Low Temperature Pumping characteristics were measured at -30°C, yield stress was observed, which is not permitted under the SAE J300 specification.

    In response the Named Party refuted the claims made by VLS and arranged to have the product tested at their own laboratory. The initial results obtained by the Named Party were from a laboratory that did not hold accreditation to ISO 17025 as recognised by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service and subsequently VLS advised that the tests should be re-run at an ISO 17025 laboratory.

    VLS considered the product to be non-complaint on three parameters (CCS, KV at 100 and MRV), and remained in contact with the Named Party up to and including the six-month review period to monitor the steps they were taking to bring the product back into compliance.

    A six-month review of the case was carried out in line with VLS’s stated process. The product was found not to be available on open sale in the UK market and therefore the case was closed.

    David Wright, Company Secretary of VLS said “We want to ensure we have the highest standards in Europe for lubricant manufacture, blending and marketing, and we want a ‘level playing field’ for all participants, so that we protect the interests of the consumer and other end users.

    In the Verification of Lubricant Specifications (UK) Ltd, we have set our course for stronger industry self-regulation by working positively towards more open and transparent competition that benefits all lubricant organisations.”

    January 2024

  • VLS Newsletter – January 2024

    VLS Newsletter January 2024

    Case Summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 100, with 2 products under investigation, 5 not compliant following investigation, 13 compliant following investigation, 1 compliant following six month review and 78 archived.

    Case 010200 – concerns the performance claims and technical specification of a DOT 4 brake fluid.

    Case 010199 – concerns the conflicting ACEA claims made on PCEO 5W-30. The Named Party amended the clams made on the product to 5W-30 BMW LL-04, and ACEA C3. A case publication notice has been issued and the product is subject to a six-month review in May 2024.

    Case 010198 – concerns the conflicting ACEA claims made on PCEO 5W-30. The Named Party revised the claims made to 5W-30 VW LL3 & BMW LL-04, ACEA C3. A case publication notice has been issued at the end of the investigation and the case is subject to a six-month review in May 2024.

    Case 010197 – concerns the compliance of PCEO 5W-30 against ACEA C2 C3 with its HTHS value. The case was accepted on the 20thOctober. The product is unable to be found on the market from the source stated by the Complainant and consequently the case has been suspended.

    Case 010196 – concerns HDDO 5W-30 and its compliance against stated OEM specifications. VLS believes that the technology to be able to meet the performance claims made on the product is not available in the automotive aftermarket and has and has published the results of its investigation on a non-compliance basis due to the non-cooperation of the Named Party.

    Case 010195 – concerns PCEO 5W-30 and its marketing claims against several OEM specifications including VW 504 00/507 00 and other applications. The investigation has been published to the website and is subject to a six-month review in April 2024.

    Case 010193 – concerns PCEO 5W-30 ACEA C2, C3 and its claim against VW 502 00/505 00 alongside ACEA C2 and C3. The investigation has concluded, and the case is subject to a six month review in April 2024.

    Case 010192 – concerns PCEO 5W-30 Fully Synthetic and marketing claims against ACEA C2, C3, API SN and VW 502 00/505 00. The investigation has concluded, and the case is subject to a six-month review in April 2024.

    Case 010190 – The complaint concerns the OEM specifications claimed on a Central Hydraulic Fluid. The product has been tested and the results made known to the Named Party. VLS did not receive a response to the complaint from the Named Party and so VLS is reporting that the product is non-compliant and does not meet its stated performance claims in full. The case is subject to a six-month review in line with VLS’s stated processes and if found to be non-compliant at this stage, it will be reported to Trading Standards.

    Case 010189 – concerns hydraulic oils. The product is now compliant and the case is subject to a six-month review in February 2024.

    Case 010188 – concerns Universal Tractor Transmission Oil. The VLS investigation is concluded, and the results have been published to the VLS website. The case is subject to a six-month review in April 2024.

    Case 010187 – concerns the performance claims on an aluminium synthetic cutting fluid. The case investigation notice has been published to the website and the case is subject to a six-month review in April 2024.

    Case 010186 –  concerns 75W-90 gear oil. The case is currently undergoing a six-month review.

    Case 010185 – concerns FS MTF. The investigation has concluded in June subject to a six-month review in December 2023.

    Case 010184 – concerns 75W-90 gear oil. The investigation has concluded in June and is subject to a six-month review in December. The product has been sourced and sampled for testing.

    Case 010183 – concerns 75W-90 gear oil. The investigation is currently undergoing a six-month review. The product has been sourced and sampled for testing.

    Case 010182 – concern hydraulic oil ISO 46 AW and its compliance against the DIN 51524 Part 2 standard. The investigation is closed, a case investigation notice has been published to the website and the case is subject to a six-month review in April 2024.

    Case 010181 – concerns PCEO 5W-30. The case publication notice has been published to the website and the case is subject to a six-month review in April 2024.

    Case 010178 – The case is closed and the results have been published to the website.

    Case 010176 – The case is subject to a six-month review in January 2024.

    Case 010159 – concerns PCEO (various viscosities). A bulletin has been published by UEIL and the case is closed.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    To raise a case with VLS, visit

    VLS can only investigate complaints made against products available on open sale in the UK. For case submission guidance visit

    Industry News

    UK Government Department for Transport has announced a boost for electric vehicle drivers as 50,000 public chargepoints are installed across the UK with the aim of installing 300,000 chargepoints by 2030.

    SMMT report that Christmas comes early for carmakers with production up in November, as UK car production grows 14.8% in November with 91,923 cars leaving factory gates.

    The European Union Commission : Provisional agreement on more sustainable and resilient trans-European transport network brings Europe closer together. All 430 major cities along the TEN-T network will have to develop Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans to promote zero and low emission mobility.

    The European Union Commission: DG Comp. Commission welcomes political agreement on the Euro 7 regulation.

    ACEA Rules of origin: EU and UK sign off deal providing much-needed certainty for EU electric vehicle manufacturing.

    CECRA Letter addressed to President von der Leyen emphasizing the critical need for prompt action on the pro-consumer and pro-competitive access to in-vehicle data legislation.

    Reuters: EU to investigate Chinese biodiesel dumping allegation.

    Media Editorial

    Transport Engineer, November 2023, reports on VLS’s ten-year anniversary.

    Professional Motor Factor, December 2023: VLS Technical Review Panel looks to ensure integrity and compliance in the lubricants sector.

    Lube magazine, December 2023. VLS Technical Review Panel review of 2023, VLS press lunch review and VLS Chair’s comments Pages 52-53.

    As a member, we would encourage you to disseminate the materials and content generated by VLS through your own communication channels.

    Media Advertising

    Lube magazine, December 2023, half page advert, page 45.

    Professional Motor Mechanic, November 2023, page 39. VLS half page advert.

    Aftermarket magazine, November 2023, page 19. VLS half page advert.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop, November 2023, page 25. VLS half page advert.


    ICIS World Base Oils and Lubricants Conference, London, UK. 6-8 February 2024.

    Argus Global Base Oils Conference, London, UK. 19-21 February 2024.

    UNITI Mineral Oil Technology Congress, Stuttgart, Germany, 16-17 April 2024.

    Lubricant Expo, Stuttgart, 17-19 September 2024.

    Social Media

    Twitter (now X)
    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.
    You need to be logged into Twitter, or X, now to read tweets.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here.

    Stay Up To Date

    We would encourage all members to make use of the content generated by VLS and share this to your own communication platforms. If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Jacquie Berryman
    VLS Chair

  • VLS Bulletin – December 2023 – VLS 010159

    VLS 010159 – Mannol O.E.M. 5W-30 Fully Synthetic Engine Oil

    On 5th June 2018 the case was reported to VLS.

    The case was referred to UEIL’s Technical and Competition Committee and an OEM Technical Bulletin on the case has been produced which can be seen at

    Consequently VLS considers the matter closed.

    December 2023

  • VLS Bulletin – December 2023 – VLS 010167

    VLS 010167 – Toyota First 5W-30 Fully Synthetic Engine Oil

    On 25th November 2020 the case was reported to VLS.

    The complaint concerned a number of conflicting, mutually exclusive or incompatible OEM claims for which VLS believed that no market general technology exists.

    VLS made an early notification of the complaint to Buckinghamshire and Surrey Trading Standards, who are also the home authority to the Named Party, as the case had come before VLS previously for different non-compliances all of which were resolved with the Named Party and it was reported that following the initial complaint being resolved, obsolete or outdated TDS and marketing support materials were found to be circulating in support of the product. In response, Buckinghamshire & Surrey Trading Standards acted as a mediator in the complaint.

    VLS procured and tested a sample of the product to validate the claims made on the product label. While VLS had concerns over the combination of claims made for this product, it was also concerned about the blanket coverage implied for all models from some manufacturers such as Ford and GM.

    In response to its findings, VLS asked the Named Party through Trading Standards, to consult their Technology Provider to ensure that they have robust data to back up any claims made and seek their advice regarding more specific and appropriate claims for their product which should be reflected in all labelling and marketing of the product.

    VLS then received a copy of the revised product label via Trading Standards with a rewritten list of OEM claims. VLS then followed this up with a request for a copy of the product’s Technical Data Sheet (TDS) which was reviewed by the Technical Review Panel in an anonymised form.

    VLS believed that the revised label wording addressed all aspects of the original complaint and therefore in this respect the case can be closed.

    On the 19th May 2023, VLS entered into a constructive and positive dialogue with the Named Party who agreed to review the claims made on the product with the supplier against those supported by the technology provider. Following this review the claims were rationalised and amended to the satisfaction of VLS. At the Named Party’s suggestion, a six-month review of the product was undertaken in October 2023.

    On the 30th October 2023, a six-month review of the case was undertaken with the cooperation of the Named Party who have withdrawn the product from the marketplace, and consequently the case was closed.

    David Wright, Company Secretary of VLS said “We want to ensure we have the highest standards in Europe for lubricant manufacture, blending and marketing, and we want a ‘level playing field’ for all participants, so that we protect the interests of the consumer and other end users.

    In the Verification of Lubricant Specifications (UK) Ltd, we have set our course for stronger industry self-regulation by working positively towards more open and transparent competition that benefits all lubricant organisations.”

    November 2023

  • VLS Bulletin – December 2023 – VLS 010194

    VLS 010194 – PCEO 0W-30

    On 8th August 2023 the case was accepted by VLS.

    The complaint concerned marketing claims against Fiat 9.55535-GS1 and Fiat 9.55535-DS1 specifications. The Complainant alleged that they independently tested a 1L bottle which confirmed the product failed Noack (ASTM D5800) testing against the Fiat specifications of < 11.0%. On this basis they stated that the product is confirmed to not meet a key performance requirement and therefore is misleading to the end consumer.

    VLS independently procured a sample of the product within the UK and tested it for evaporation loss against ASTM D5800. The test results were 9.1% (m/m) which met the FIAT specifications listed above. Consequently, VLS concluded that the product was in full compliance with the FIAT specification, and there was no case to answer.

    In these circumstances of full compliance, VLS offered the Named Party the opportunity of having this compliance outcome published to the website in a case publication notice which they declined.

    The investigation and case are therefore closed.

    David Wright, Company Secretary of VLS said “We want to ensure we have the highest standards in Europe for lubricant manufacture, blending and marketing, and we want a ‘level playing field’ for all participants, so that we protect the interests of the consumer and other end users.

    In the Verification of Lubricant Specifications (UK) Ltd, we have set our course for stronger industry self-regulation by working positively towards more open and transparent competition that benefits all lubricant organisations.”

    October 2023

  • VLS Newsletter – December 2023

    VLS Newsletter December 2023

    Case Summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 99, with 6 products under investigation, 4 not compliant following investigation, 1 compliant during investigation, 11 compliant following investigation and 76 archived.

    Case 010199 – concerns the conflicting ACEA claims made on PCEO 5W-30. The Named Party amended the clams made on the product to 5w30 BMW LL-04, and ACEA C3. A case publication notice has been issued and the product is subject to a six-month review.

    Case 010198 – concerns the conflicting ACEA claims made on PCEO 5W-30. The Named Party revised the claims made to 5w30 VW LL3 & BMW LL-04, ACEA C3. A case publication notice has been issued at the end of the investigation and the case is subject to a six-month review.

    Case 010197 – concerns the compliance of PCEO 5W-30 against ACEA C2 C3 with its HTHS value. The case was accepted on the 20thOctober. The product is unable to be found on the market from the source stated by the Complainant and consequently the case has been suspended.

    Case 010196 – concerns HDDO 5W-30 and its compliance against stated OEM specifications. VLS believes that the technology to be able to meet the performance claims made on the product is not available in the automotive aftermarket and has informed the Named Party of its decision to publish the case investigation notice within seven days.

    Case 010195 – concerns PCEO 5W-30 and its marketing claims against several OEM specifications including VW 504 00/507 00 and other applications. The investigation has been published to the website and is subject to a six-month review.

    Case 010194 – concerns the OEM specification claims made on 0W-30 PCEO. The product was tested and found to be compliant, the case is now closed.

    Case 010193 – concerns PCEO 5W-30 ACEA C2, C3 and its claim against VW 502 00/505 00 alongside ACEA C2 and C3. The investigation has concluded, and the case is subject to a six month review.

    Case 010192 – concerns PCEO 5W-30 Fully Synthetic and marketing claims against ACEA C2, C3, API SN and VW 502 00/505 00. The investigation has concluded, and the case is subject to a six-month review.

    Case 010191 – a case complaint enquiry has been made by a lubricant blender, the case registration form has not been completed and subsequently the case is closed.

    Case 010190 – The complaint concerns the OEM specifications claimed on a Central Hydraulic Fluid. The product has been tested and the results made known to the Named Party with whom we await a response by the 6th December at the end of the 28 day consultation period.

    Case 010189 – The case is subject to a six-month review in February 2024.

    Case 010188 – The case concerns a Universal Tractor Transmission Oil. The VLS investigation is concluded, and the results have been published to the VLS website. The case is subject to a six-month review in April 2024.

    Case 010187 – concerns the performance claims on an aluminium synthetic cutting fluid. The case investigation notice has been published to the website and the case is subject to a six-month review in April 2024.

    Case 010186 – The case is currently undergoing a six-month review.

    Case 010185 – The investigation has concluded in June subject to a six-month review in December 2023.

    Case 010184 – The investigation has concluded in June subject to a six-month review in December 2023.

    Case 010183 – The investigation is currently undergoing a six-month review.

    Case 010182 – concerns a hydraulic oil and its compliance against the DIN 51524 Part 2 standard. The investigation is closed, a case investigation notice has been published to the website and the case is subject to a six-month review in April 2024.

    Case 010181 – concerns PCEO SAE 5W-30. The case publication notice has been published to the website and the case is subject to a six-month review in April 2024.

    Case 010178 – The case is subject to a six-month review in December 2023.

    Case 010176 – The case is subject to a six-month review in January 2024.

    Case 010167 – The product has been withdrawn from the market and the case is closed.

    Case 010159 – A bulletin has been published by UEIL and the case is closed.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    To raise a case with VLS, visit

    VLS can only investigate complaints made against products available on open sale in the UK. For case submission guidance visit

    Industry News

    UK Government Department for Transport has published its 2023 Automated Vehicles Bill which will set the legal framework for the safe deployment of self-driving vehicles in Great Britain.

    UK Government – the Department for Business & Trade has announced a battery strategy to support its transition to net zero by 2050.

    SMMT have announced that UK car production up again as inward investment surges.

    The Retail Motor Industry Federation report that auction houses are continuing to witness a trend of price realignment, with a slight uptick in volume for November. Dealers are starting to adopt a targeted approach for stock, in anticipation of a positive bounce in the new year.

    The European Union Commission has adopted new proposals on combining transport modes for more sustainable freight.

    ACEA the European association of major motor manufacturers has set out a roadmap for future-proofing EU’s mobility ecosystem.

    CECRA has reported that the European Parliament adopted its negotiating position on new measures to strengthen CO2 emission reduction targets for new heavy-duty vehicles, including buses, trucks and trailers.

    ILMA report that EPA Chemical Rules Conflict with Energy Goals, Lawmakers Say.

    ATIEL, the technical association of the European lubricants industry outlines the importance of the correct base oil to the finished lubricant, Lube magazine, December 2023, Pages 54 – 55.

    Media Editorial

    FACTS magazine, Q3 2023. Mike Bewsey reports on 10 years of upholding standards in the lubricants sector. Page 84.

    Autotechnician, October 2023 reports on avoiding oils going rogue with a contribution from VLS.

    Lube magazine, December 2023, VLS Technical Review Panel Chairman Alan Outhwaite provides a review of the year, page 53.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop, November 2023, features an interview with Alan Outhwaite, VLS Technical Review Panel Chairman, on the impact of VLS over the previous ten years.

    Professional Motor Factor, November 2023, features the appointment of Jacquie Berryman as the new VLS Chair, page 11.

    Lube magazine, December 2023 provides a report on the VLS press lunch held in October for the trade media, page 52.

    Aftermarket, November 2023, features the appointment of Jacquie Berryman as the new VLS Chair, page 64.

    Autotechnician, November 2023, spoke to Jacquie Berryman, VLS Chair, about the changing lubricants market. Page 6.

    CAT magazine, November 2023, featured a report on the lubricants market with a contribution from VLS.

    As a member, we would encourage you to disseminate the materials and content generated by VLS through your own communication channels.

    Media Advertising

    Lube magazine, December 2023, half page advert, page 45.


    ICIS World Base Oils and Lubricants Conference, London, UK. 6-8 February 2024.

    Argus Global Base Oils Conference, London, UK. 19-21 February 2024.

    UNITI Mineral Oil Technology Congress, Stuttgart, Germany, 16-17 April 2024.

    Lubricant Expo, Stuttgart, 17-19 September 2024.

    Social Media

    Twitter (now X)
    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.
    You need to be logged into Twitter, or X, now to read tweets.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here.

    Stay Up To Date

    We would encourage all members to make use of the content generated by VLS and share this to your own communication platforms. If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Jacquie Berryman
    VLS Chair

  • VLS Newsletter – November 2023

    VLS Newsletter November 2023

    Case Summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 99, with 7 products under investigation, 4 not compliant following investigation, 1 compliant during investigation, 11 compliant following investigation and 76 archived.

    Case 010199 – concerns the conflicting ACEA claims made on PCEO 5W-30. The TRP has accepted the complaint and a letter was sent to the Named party on the 3rd November.

    Case 010198 – concerns the conflicting ACEA claims made on PCEO 5W-30. The TRP has accepted the complaint and a letter was sent to the Named party on the 3rd November.

    Case 010197 – concerns the compliance of PCEO 5W-30 against ACEA C2 C3 with its HTHS value. The case was accepted on the 20th October and the product is being sourced for sampling and testing.

    Case 010196 – concerns HDDO 5W-30 and its compliance against stated OEM specifications. The case has been accepted by VLS on the 29th September, and the Named Party was written to on the 20th October.

    Case 010195 – concerns PCEO 5W-30 and its marketing claims against several OEM specifications including VW 504 00/507 00 and other applications. The TRP has accepted the case and the investigation has been published to the website pending a six-month review.

    Case 010194 – concerns the OEM specification claims made on 0W-30 PCEO. The product is compliant and the case is closed.

    Case 010193 – concerns PCEO 5W-30 ACEA C2, C3 and its claim against VW 502 00/505 00 alongside ACEA C2 and C3. The investigation has concluded and the case is subject to a six month review.

    Case 010192 – concerns PCEO 5W-30 Fully Synthetic and marketing claims against ACEA C2, C3, API SN and VW 502 00/505 00. The investigation has concluded and the case is subject to a six-month review.

    Case 010191 – a case complaint enquiry has been made by a lubricant blender, the case registration form has not been completed and subsequently the case is closed.

    Case 010190 – The complaint concerns the OEM specifications claimed on a Central Hydraulic Fluid. The TRP has upheld the complaint and the product has been sourced and tested and confirmed as non-compliant. A letter has been sent to the Named Party commencing the consultation period, on the 7th November.

    Case 010189 – The case is subject to a six-month review in February 2024.

    Case 010188 – The case concerns a Universal Tractor Transmission Oil. The product has been tested and the results shared with the Named Party who have acknowledged that some of the claims need modifying and that they are progressing an investigation. The VLS investigation is concluded, and the results have been published to the VLS website. The case is subject to a six-month review in April 2024.

    Case 010187 – concerns the performance claims on an aluminium synthetic cutting fluid. The Named Party has responded to the complaint to the satisfaction of the Technical Review Panel and the investigation has been published to the website. The case is subject to a six-month review in April 2024.

    Case 010186 – The case investigation was competed in May and is subject to a six-month review in November 2023.

    Case 010185 – The investigation has concluded in June subject to a six-month review in December 2023.

    Case 010184 – The investigation was concluded in June subject to a six-month review in December 2023.

    Case 010183 – The investigation was concluded in May subject to a six-month review in November 2023.

    Case 010182 – concerns a hydraulic oil and its compliance against the DIN 51524 Part 2 standard. The Named Party has responded to the satisfaction of the Technical Review Panel, the investigation is closed and the case is subject to a six-month review in April 2024.

    Case 010181 – concerns PCEO SAE 5W-30. The product has been sourced and tested, and the results shared with the Named Party who are arranging for a test on their retained sample. The results of the investigation have been published to the website and the case is subject to a six-month review in April 2024.

    Case 010178 – concerning SAE 10W-40 engine oil and the performance claims made on it. The product is not compliant, and the case is subject to a six-month review in December 2023, at which point if the product is still non-compliant then the case will be escalated to Trading Standards.

    Case 010176 – The case is subject to a six-month review in January 2024.

    Case 010167 –  The product still in compliance at the six-month stage and consequently the case is closed.

    Case 010159 – UEIL has concluded its investigation into the matter and the case is due a Technical Bulletin publication.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    To raise a case with VLS, visit

    VLS can only investigate complaints made against products available on open sale in the UK. For case submission guidance visit

    Industry News

    UK Government Department for Transport announced that the Government is investing £200 million to drive innovation and get more zero emission trucks on our roads.

    UK Government Department for Transport has announced new laws to make EV charging quicker and easier.

    UK Government – the Department for Business & Trade has announced £89 million of funding to develop cutting edge new electric vehicle technology.

    SMMT have announced that October new car market beats pre-pandemic levels but subdued EV growth hinders green goals.

    The European Union Commission has approved €659 million French State aid measure to support Verkor in researching and developing innovative batteries for electric vehicles.

    UEIL Press Release – ATIEL and UEIL publish a methodology to calculate and report Product Carbon Footprints (PCFs) for Lubricants and Other Specialties.

    ACEA the European association of major motor manufacturers, announce that Auto industry leaders call for urgent action as EU-UK electric vehicle trade rules to hit cliff-edge deadline.

    The International Energy Agency announce that world fossil fuel demand will peak by 2030.

    ILMA report that Tesla joins GM, Ford in slowing EV factory ramp as demand fears spread.

    The Wall Street Journal announce that EVs Are on a Lithium Roller Coaster with prices of the key battery metal have fallen by roughly 70% this year, easing battery-cost worries but casting doubt on longer-term supply.

    The Wall Street Journal Report that GM Delays Opening of Electric-Truck Factory Amid Cooling EV Demand. Automaker cites need to manage capital spending and align with evolving EV demand.

    Media Editorial

    Professional Motor Factor Online, October 2023 . VLS explains how it can help motor factors and imparts advice on how to deal with incorrect marketing claims.

    Garage Talk Online, VLS welcomes new Chair Jacquie Berryman. October 2023.

    LinkedIn Infineum – Jacquie Berryman announced as the new Chair of VLS.

    Autotechnician Online features an article by VLS on validating lubricant claims, October 2023.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop Online features an article on VLS’s deep dive into engine oils for older vehicles, October 2023.

    Autotechnician Online, October 2023 features an article by VLS on validating lubricant claims.

    Car Mechanics, October 2023 features VLS’s 10-year anniversary, Page 3.

    Autotechnician Online, October 2023, article on avoiding oils going rogue featuring VLS.

    Lube magazine, October/November 2023 includes a feature on VLS’s new Chair Jacquie Berryman, page 43.

    Lube magazine, October/November 2023, features a ten-page technical review of VLS investigations over the period 2013 to 2023, pages 44 to 50.

    Garage and MOT magazine, October 2023 report on Jacquie Berryman’s appointment as VLS Chair, page 33.

    As a member, we would encourage you to disseminate the materials and content generated by VLS through your own communication channels.

    Media Advertising

    Professional Motor Mechanic, half page November 2023 page 39.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop, November 2023, half page advert Page 25.

    Aftermarket magazine, November 2023, half page advert.

    Lube magazine, October/November 2023 half page advert on VLS, Page 43.


    ACI European Base Oils & Lubricants Summit, 15/16 November, Barcelona, Spain.

    ATIEL Technical Seminar, 20 November, Brussels, Belgium.

    The 54th Lubricants and Base Oils Symposium, 22/24 November, Zagreb, Croatia.

    Social Media

    Twitter (now X)
    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.
    You need to be logged into Twitter, or X, now to read tweets.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here.

    Stay Up To Date

    We would encourage all members to make use of the content generated by VLS and share this to your own communication platforms. If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Jacquie Berryman
    VLS Chair

  • VLS Newsletter – October 2023

    VLS Newsletter October 2023

    Case Summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 96, with 11 products under investigation, 1 not compliant following investigation, 8 compliant following investigation and 76 archived.

    Case 010196 – concerns HDDO 5W-30 and its compliance against stated OEM specifications. The case has been accepted by VLS on the 29th September, and is under consideration by the Technical Review Panel.

    Case 010195 – concerns PCEO 5W-30 and its marketing claims against several OEM specifications including VW 504 00/507 00 and other applications. The TRP has accepted the case and recommended the outcome which has been communicated to the Named Party with whom we have received a response.

    Case 010194 – concerns the OEM specification claims made on 0W-30 PCEO. The case has been accepted by VLS, a sample has been sourced and tested and the results show that the product is in full compliance. The Named Party has been contacted with the outcome of the case and has asked for the results to remain confidential which VLS has agreed to under its process.

    Case 010193 – concerns PCEO 5W-30 ACEA C2, C3 and its claim against VW 502 00/505 00 alongside ACEA C2 and C3. The case was received on the 20 July 2023 and accepted by VLS. The Named Party has been contacted and the twenty-eight-day consultation period is due to end shortly following which VLS will publish its findings.

    Case 010192 – concerns PCEO 5W-30 Fully Synthetic and marketing claims against ACEA C2, C3, API SN and VW 502 00/505 00. The complaint was received and accepted on the 20 July 2023. The Named Party has been contacted and the marketing claims made have been amended. The website publication notice has been published to the website and the case is subject to a six-month review.

    Case 010191 – a case complaint enquiry has been made by a lubricant blender, the case registration form has not been completed and subsequently the case is closed.

    Case 010190 – The complaint concerns the OEM specifications claimed on a Central Hydraulic Fluid. The product has been sourced and sent to the laboratory for testing.

    Case 010189 – The investigation is complete, and the case is subject to a six-month review.

    Case 010188 – The case concerns a Universal Tractor Transmission Oil. The product has been tested and the results shared with the Named Party who have acknowledged that some of the claims need modifying and that they are progressing an investigation. The VLS investigation is concluded, and the results have been published to the VLS website. The case is subject to a six-month review.

    Case 010187 – concerns the performance claims on an aluminium synthetic cutting fluid. The Named Party has responded to the VLS letter of the 25 July and amended the claims on the product which have been agreed with a specialist team drawn from the UKLA MWPSG operating under the protocols of the VLS Technical Review Panel. A notice will be published to the website and the case subject to a six-month review.

    Case 010186 – The case investigation was competed in July subject to a six-month review and the results published to the website.

    Case 010185 – The investigation has concluded in June subject to a six-month review, and the results of the investigation have been published to the VLS website.

    Case 010184 – The investigation was concluded in June subject to a six-month review, and the results have been published to the VLS website.

    Case 010183 – The investigation was concluded in June subject to a six-month review, and the results have been published to the VLS website.

    Case 010182 – concerns a hydraulic oil and its compliance against the DIN 51524 Part 2 standard. The product has been sourced and tested and the results shared with the Named Party. VLS awaits a formal response.

    Case 010181 – concerns PCEO SAE 5W-30. The product has been sourced and tested, and the results shared with the Named Party who are arranging for a test on their retained sample. The results of the VLS investigation will be published to the website in early October.

    Case 010178 – concerning SAE 10W-40 engine oil and the performance claims made on it. The product is not compliant, and the case is subject to a six-month review in November 2023, at which point if the product is still non-compliant then the case will be escalated to Trading Standards.

    Case 010176 – The case is subject to a six-month review in December 2023.

    Case 010171 – the case is subject to a six-month review in November 2023.

    Case 010167 –  the case is subject to a six-month review in October 2023.

    Case 010159 – UEIL has concluded its investigation into the matter and the case is due a Technical Bulletin publication.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    To raise a case with VLS, visit

    VLS can only investigate complaints made against products available on open sale in the UK. For case submission guidance visit

    Industry News

    UK Government Department for Transport announces new long-term plan to back drivers. The plan for drivers will sit alongside continued investment in public transport and active travel.

    UK Government Department for Transport has published its response to the consultation on a mandate for Zero Emissions Vehicles.

    UK Government has announced the postponement of the ending of the sale of Internal Combustion Engine vehicles until 2035, previously 2030.

    Fuels Industry UK has published its fuel statistics for 2023 showing that the UK took delivery of 278,000 tonnes of lubricating oil imports in 2022.

    SMMT report that UK manufacturing fell in August as firms gear up for next generation models.

    The IGA (Independent Garages Association) has announced that Mercedes, Hyundai and Kia have added SERMI (Security-related Repair and Maintenance Information) to their technical data pages to assist members in repairing their cars. SERMI is an umbrella scheme which will be delivered by different organisations in each European country.

    ATIEL, the technical association of the European lubricants industry, has published an EELQMS (European Engine Lubricant Quality Management System) newsletter on Managing Risk, Ensuring Compliance with the ACEA European Engine Oil Sequence.

    ACEA has launched a new light duty sequence on the 23rd September which includes modifications to engine tests and a new C7 category for 0W-16 viscosity engine oils.

    ILMA report an AP News story that United Auto Workers have expanded their strike to 38 plants across 20 states.

    Media Editorial

    Lube magazine, October/November 2023 includes a feature on VLS’s new Chair Jacquie Berryman, page 43.

    Lube magazine, October/November 2023, features a ten-page technical review of VLS investigations over the period 2013 to 2023, pages 44 to 50.

    autotechnician, October 2023, features VLS’s ten-year anniversary, Page 5.

    Garage and MOT magazine, October 2023 report on Jacquie Berryman’s appointment as VLS Chair, page 33.

    FACTS Online, September 2023 features and article by VLS on ACEA heavy duty engine oil sequences, what workshops and fleet operators need to know.

    Professional Motor Mechanic, September 2023, featured an article from outgoing VLS Chairman Mike Bewsey on the role of motor factors in upholding the highest standards in Europe for lubricant manufacture.

    Autoresource, September 2023 features the announcement of Jacquie Berryman as the new VLS Chair.

    CAT magazine and CAT LinkedIN social media channel, September 2023, features the announcement of Jacquie Berryman as the new VLS Chair.

    Aftermarket Online, September 2023, features the announcement of Jacquie Berryman as the new VLS Chair.

    Lube report EMEA, September 2023, features the announcement of Jacquie Berryman as the new VLS Chair.

    PMM Online September 2023, features the announcement of Jacquie Berryman as the new VLS Chair.

    PMF Online September 2023, features an interview with outgoing VLS Chairman Mike Bewsey to mark ten years since VLS’s inception.

    Autotrade News September 2023, features the announcement of Jacquie Berryman as the new VLS Chair.

    Facts Online September 2023, features the announcement of Jacquie Berryman as the new VLS Chair.

    Transport Engineer Online September 2023, features the announcement of Jacquie Berryman as the new VLS Chair.

    As a member, we would encourage you to disseminate the materials and content generated by VLS through your own communication channels.

    Media Advertising

    autotechnician, October 2023, half page advert page 43.

    Garage and MOT magazine, half page advert October 2023, Page 15.

    Lube magazine, October/November 2023 half page advert on VLS, Page 43.


    The Lube conference on Succession and Sustainaiblity will be held in London on the 18th October.

    ACI European Base Oils & Lubricants Summit, 15/16 November, Barcelona, Spain.

    The 54th Lubricants and Base Oils Symposium, 22/24 November, Zagreb, Croatia.

    Social Media

    Twitter (now X)
    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.
    You need to be logged into Twitter, or X, now to read tweets.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here.

    Stay Up To Date

    We would encourage all members to make use of the content generated by VLS and share this to your own communication platforms. If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Jacquie Berryman
    VLS Chair

  • VLS Newsletter – September 2023

    VLS Newsletter September 2023

    Case Summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 95, with 12 products under investigation, 1 not compliant following investigation, 6 compliant following investigation and 76 archived.

    Case 010195 – concerns PCEO 5W-30 and the OEM specification claims made on the product. The case has been accepted by VLS which is in contact with the Named Party.

    Case 010194 – concerns the OEM specification claims made on 0W-30 PCEO. The case has been accepted by VLS and a sample is being sourced and tested.

    Case 010193 – concerns PCEO 5W-30 ACEA C2, C3 and was received on the 20 July 2023. The case has been accepted by VLS which is in contact with the Named Party concerning the complaint.

    Case 010192 – concerns PCEO 5W-30 Fully Synthetic and was received on the 20 July 2023. The case has been accepted by VLS which is in contact with the Named Party.

    Case 010191 – a case complaint enquiry has been made by a lubricant blender and we await the case registration form concerning PCEO 5W-30.

    Case 010190 – The complaint concerns the OEM specifications claimed on a Central Hydraulic Fluid. The product is being sourced for procurement and testing.

    Case 010189 – The case concerns the OEM specifications claimed on a range of hydraulic fluids. The Named Party has responded to the complaint and their actions have been accepted by VLS. A website publication notice has been issued to the website and the case is subject to a six-month review.

    Case 010188 – The case concerns a Universal Tractor Transmission Oil. The product has been tested and the results shared with the Named Party who have acknowledged that some of the claims need modifying and that they are progressing an investigation.

    Case 010187 – concerns the performance claims on an aluminium synthetic cutting fluid and is under investigation. The Named Party has been written to on 25 July and VLS is considering their response.

    Case 010186 – concerns the low temperature properties of a SAE 75W-90 Semi-Synthetic Gear Oil. The case investigation was completed in July subject to a six-month review and the results published to the website.

    Case 010185 – concerns the low temperature properties of a 75W-90 Fully Synthetic Manual Transmission Fluid. The investigation was concluded in June subject to a six-month review, and the results of the investigation have been published to the VLS website.

    Case 010184 – The investigation was concluded in June subject to a six-month review, and the results have been published to the VLS website.

    Case 010183 – The investigation was concluded in June subject to a six-month review, and the results have been published to the VLS website.

    Case 010182 – concerns a hydraulic oil and its compliance against the DIN 51524 Part 2 standard. The product has been sourced and tested and the results shared with the Named Party on the 15th August. VLS awaits a formal response by the 14th September.

    Case 010181 – concerns PCEO SAE 5W-30. The product has been sourced and tested, and the results shared with the Named Party on the 21st August and VLS awaits the results of their investigation by the 20th September 2023.

    Case 010178 – concerning SAE 10W-40 engine oil and the performance claims made on it. The product is not compliant, and the case is subject to a six-month review in November 2023, at which point if the product is still non-compliant then the case will be escalated to Trading Standards.

    Case 010176 – The case investigation completed in July and is subject to a six-month review in December 2023.

    Case 010171 – the case is subject to a six-month review in November 2023.

    Case 010167 –  the case is subject to a six-month review in October 2023.

    Case 010159 – UEIL has concluded its investigation into the matter.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    To raise a case with VLS, visit

    VLS can only investigate complaints made against products available on open sale in the UK. For case submission guidance visit

    Industry News

    UK Government has issued an update to its hydrogen strategy which includes a commitment by DfT to publish a Low Carbon Fuels Strategy later this year to further support investment in the low carbon transport fuels sector by setting out a vision for the deployment of low carbon fuels across transport modes up to 2050.

    The UK Petroleum Industry Association, representing midstream refiners in the UK, has changed its name to Fuels Industry UK.

    SMMT report six months of growth for UK car production.

    The Department for Transport has concluded its consultation on setting a Code of Practice for Mobility as a Service.

    The European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) has published the top 10 destinations for EU passenger car exports.

    ILMA report that the United Auto Workers has voted to authorize a strike against General Motors Co., Ford Co., and Stellantis Corp. if an agreement is not met by mid-September.

    autonews report that the growing weight of EVs are causing safety and pollution problems.

    Media Editorial

    Lube magazine, August/September 2023 includes a feature on VLS’s ten-year anniversary and appearance at Automechanika, Birmingham in June, by VLS Chairman Mike Bewsey, page 55. Lube magazine will also be carrying an insert in August on its ten-year anniversary for UK readers/subscribers only.

    Professional Motor Mechanic, September 2023. Features VLS Chairman Mike Bewsey as part of their podcast series on page 9, and reports of VLS investigations into low temperature properties of lubricants on Page 10.

    Garage and MOT magazine, September 2023. Features an article on lubricant products quarantined and removed from sale following VLS investigations.

    Aftermarket magazine, September 2023. Reports on positive conclusions for VLS gear oil investigations, page 5.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop, July/August, featured an article on VLS’s cautioning against using the latest engine oils in older vehicles. Pages 33/34.

    FACTS Online, July 2023. VLS cautions against using the latest engine oils in LCVs.

    Autoscene online, July 2023. Reports on products removed from sale after VLS investigations.

    FACTS Online, July 2023. VLS reports that the industry braces for an increase in counterfeit lubricants due to the cost-of-living crisis.

    As a member, we would encourage you to disseminate the materials and content generated by VLS through your own communication channels.

    Media Advertising

    Professional Motor Mechanic, September 2023, half page advert page 31.

    Aftermarket magazine, September 2023, half page advert page 13.

    Lube magazine, August/September 2023 half page advert on VLS, Page 54.


    Lubricant Expo will be held in Messe Essen, 26-28 September.

    ATIEL will be holding a webinar on the European Engine Lubricants Quality Management System hosted by ACI on the 4th October.

    The Lube conference on Succession and Sustainaiblity will be held in London on the 18th October.

    ACI European Base Oils & Lubricants Summit, 15/16 November, Bracelona, Spain.

    The 54th Lubricants and Base Oils Symposium, 22/24 November, Zagreb, Croatia.

    Social Media

    Twitter (now X)
    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.
    You need to be logged into Twitter, or X, now to read tweets.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here.

    Stay Up To Date

    We would encourage all members to make use of the content generated by VLS and share this to your own communication platforms. If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Mike Bewsey
    VLS Chairman

  • VLS Newsletter – August 2023

    VLS Newsletter August 2023

    Case Summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 92, with 9 products under investigation, 1 not compliant following investigation, 6 compliant following investigation and 76 archived.

    Case 010193 – concerns PCEO 5W-30 ACEA C2, C3 and was received on the 20 July 2023.

    Case 010192 – concerns PCEO 5W-30 Fully Synthetic and was received on the 20 July 2023.

    Case 010191 – a case complaint enquiry has been made by a lubricant blender and we await the case registration form concerning PCEO 5W-30.

    Case 010190 – The complaint concerns the OEM specifications claimed on a Central Hydraulic Fluid. The product is being sourced for procurement and testing.

    Case 010189 – The case concerns the OEM specifications claimed on a range of hydraulic fluids. The Named Party has been contacted and VLS is considering their response.

    Case 010188 – The case concerns a Universal Tractor Transmission Oil. The product has been tested and the results shared with the Named Party. Their response is being considered by VLS.

    Case 010187 – concerns the performance claims on an aluminium synthetic cutting fluid and is under investigation. The Named Party has been written to on 25 July and we await their response by 24 August 2023.

    Case 010186 – concerns the low temperature properties of a SAE 75W-90 Semi-Synthetic Gear Oil. The case investigation was completed in July subject to a six-month review and the results published to the website.

    Case 010185 – concerns the low temperature properties of a 75W-90 Fully Synthetic Manual Transmission Fluid. The investigation was concluded in June subject to a six-month review, and the results of the investigation have been published to the VLS website.

    Case 010184 – The investigation was concluded in June subject to a six-month review, and the results have been published to the VLS website.

    Case 010183 – The investigation was concluded in June subject to a six-month review, and the results have been published to the VLS website.

    Case 010182 – concerns a hydraulic oil and its compliance against the DIN 51524 Part 2 standard. The product has been sourced and tested and the results are under review by the Technical Review Panel.

    Case 010181 – concerns PCEO SAE 5W-30. The product has been sourced and tested, and the results shared with the TRP.

    Case 010178 – concerning SAE 10W-40 engine oil and the performance claims made on it. The product is not compliant, and the case is subject to a six-month review in November 2023, at which point if the product is still non-compliant then the case will be escalated to Trading Standards.

    Case 010176 – The case investigation completed in July and is subject to a six-month review in December 2023.

    Case 010171 – the case is subject to a six-month review in November 2023.

    Case 010167 –  the case is subject to a six-month review in October 2023.

    Case 010159 – UEIL has concluded its investigation into the matter.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    To raise a case with VLS, visit

    VLS can only investigate complaints made against products available on open sale in the UK. For case submission guidance visit

    Industry News

    SMMT report double digit growth for UK car production since January.

    The Department for Transport has announced a review of the DVLA to strengthen agency for the future.

    The Department for Transport has yet to publish the Government response to the consultation to extend the date of the first MOT test from 3 to 4 years.

    The Competition and Markets Authority has concluded its review of the proposed merger between LKQ and Uni-Select.

    The Retail Motor Industry Federation report that UK independent garages have responded enthusiastically to last week’s announcement that they will be able to access Security-related Repair and Maintenance Information (SERMI) using the same framework as their EU counterparts, thanks to agreements reached by the Independent Garage Association (IGA).

    The European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) has published its response to the EU package on Greening Freight transport.

    ATIEL the technical association of the European lubricants industry, has published an EELQMS bulletin on Managing Risk and Ensuring Compliance with the ACEA European Engine Oil Sequences.

    API have joined with other energy trades to ‘condemn Biden administration’s baseless restrictions on offshore energy operations’.

    API – have joined with Over 100 Trade Groups Representing Businesses Across the Transportation Sector Urge Biden Administration to Reconsider Tailpipe Emissions Rules.

    Autoevolution report that General Motors has announced they will teach Americans to trust hands-free driving and Avs.

    Media Editorial

    Professional Motor Mechanic magazine, July/August features an industry news item on VLS’s ten-year anniversary, page 7.

    Aftermarket magazine, July/August includes a roundup of lubricant news featuring VLS Chairman Mike Bewsey, page 32.

    Aftermarket Online newsletter, July 2023 features an article on positive conclusions for VLS’s gear oil investigations.

    Garage & MOT magazine, July 2023 features an item on lubricant products quarantined and removed from sale following VLS’s investigations, Page 12.

    LubesNGreases Lube Report EMEA, June 2023 features a news item on VLS’s actions on non-compliant products.

    LubesNGreases July 2023, features an article by VLS Chairman Mike Bewsey on VLS’s role in upholding lubricant standards to coincide with its ten-year anniversary, page 43-46.

    Professional Motor Mechanic Online, PMM Podcast July 2023 features an interview with Mike Bewsey to coincide with VLS’s ten-year anniversary.

    Autotechnician magazine, July 2023, features a news item on VLS’s ten-year anniversary, page 15.

    Transport Operator, July/August includes an article on VLS’s ten-year anniversary, page 37.

    Lube magazine, August/September 2023 includes a feature on VLS’s ten-year anniversary and appearance at Automechanika, Birmingham in June, by VLS Chairman Mike Bewsey, page 55. Lube magazine will also be carrying an insert in August on its ten-year anniversary for UK readers/subscribers only.

    As a member, we would encourage you to disseminate the materials and content generated by VLS through your own communication channels.

    Media Advertising

    Lube magazine, August/September 2023 half page advert on VLS, Page 54.


    Lubricant Expo will be held in Messe Essen, Germany on 26-28 September.

    ATIEL will be holding a webinar on the European Engine Lubricants Quality Management System hosted by ACI on the 4th October.

    The Lube conference on Succession and Sustainability will be held in London on the 18th October.

    ACI European Base Oils & Lubricants Summit, 15/16 November, Barcelona, Spain.

    The 54th Lubricants and Base Oils Symposium, 22/24 November, Zagreb, Croatia.

    Social Media

    Twitter (now X)
    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.
    You need to be logged into Twitter, or X, now to read tweets.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here.

    Stay Up To Date

    We would encourage all members to make use of the content generated by VLS and share this to your own communication platforms. If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Mike Bewsey
    VLS Chairman

  • VLS Newsletter – July 2023

    VLS Newsletter July 2023

    Case Summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 90, with 9 products under investigation, 1 not compliant following investigation, 4 compliant following investigation, 1 compliant following six month review and 75 archived.

    Case 010190 – The TRP have accepted the case concerning a Central Hydraulic Fluid.

    Case 010189 – The TRP have accepted the case concerning a range of hydraulic oils which is under consideration.

    Case 010188 – The TRP have accepted the case. The product has been procured and tested, and the results and the alleged complaint have been passed to the Named Party.

    Case 010187 – concerns the performance claims made on an Aluminium Synthetic Cutting Fluid and is under investigation.

    Case 010186 – concerns the low temperature properties of a 75W-90 Semi-Synthetic Gear Oil. The product has been sourced and tested and VLS have contacted the Named Party.  The Named Party has quarantined the product and arranged an uplift and retest by their current supplier. The product is being reformulated and VLS awaits the test results of the reformulated product.

    Case 010185 – concerns the low temperature properties of a 75W-90 Fully Synthetic Manual Transmission Fluid. The investigation has concluded subject to a six-month review, and the results of the investigation have been published to the VLS website.

    Case 010184 – concerns the low temperature properties of a 75W-90 automotive gear oil. The product has been sourced and tested and VLS are in dialogue with the Named Party. The Named Party has quarantined and disposed of stock held in the warehouse and is arranging a reformulation of the product.

    Case 010183 – The investigation has concluded subject to a six-month review, and the results have been published to the VLS website.

    Case 010182 – concerns a hydraulic oil and its compliance against the DIN 51524 Part 2 standard. The product has been sourced and tested and the results are under review by the Technical Review Panel.

    Case 010181 – concerns PCEO SAE 5W-30. The product has been sourced and is being tested.

    Case 010179 – the case has been archived.

    Case 010178 – concerning SAE 10W-40 engine oil and the performance claims made on it. The product is not compliant, and the case is subject to a six-month review at which point if the product is still non-compliant then the case will be escalated to Trading Standards.

    Case 010176 – concerning SAE 0W-30 PCEO and the claims made against OEM specifications. The product has been retested, details of the test results and complaint have been passed to the Named Party. The Named Party has responded with the steps they will take to bring the product into compliance which have been agreed with the Technical Review Panel and the case investigation is concluded subject to a six-month review.

    Case 010175 – the case has been archived.

    Case 010171 – the case is subject to a six-month review.

    Case 010167 –  the case is subject to a six-month review.

    Case 010159 – UEIL has concluded its investigation into the matter and a bulletin is due to be issued.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    To raise a case with VLS, visit

    VLS can only investigate complaints made against products available on open sale in the UK. For case submission guidance visit

    Industry News

    SMMT report that UK car production output maintains momentum, growing 26.9% in May to 79,046 units. Volumes for domestic market surge 45.4% to 16,188 while exports rise 22.9% to 62,858.

    The Competition and Markets Authority has announced a plan to help drivers get more competitive fuel prices. A new fuel finder scheme to enable drivers access to live, station-by-station fuel prices on their phones or satnavs would help revitalise competition in the retail road fuel market.

    The Retail Motor Industry Federation body the National Franchised Dealer Association (with its advisers, TLT) has, through various meetings with the CMA, sought to apprise the CMA of developments in the sector, including the anticipated transition to direct and agency (including non-genuine agency) sales on the part of certain OEMs.

    The Department for Transport has issued new regulations on Alternate Fuel labelling.

    The European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) is calling for a three-year postponement to restrictive rules on EU-UK electric vehicle trade, set to come into force in just six months. Otherwise, tariffs could total €4.3 billion, potentially reducing electric vehicle production by some 480,000 units.

    ATIEL has reported on its work with UEIL, the European association of the lubricants industry, on establishing a Product Carbon Footprint methodology.

    CECRA report that European Parliament and Council reached a political agreement on the Data Act.

    API Raises Significant Concerns with EPA’s Proposed GHG Emissions Standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles.

    ILMA report on a Wall Street Journal story on Why the U.S. Remains Far From Recession – The pandemic’s after-effects fuel economic resilience despite rising interest rates.

    AP report that German truck maker Daimler, Japan’s top automaker Toyota and two other automakers announced they will work together on new technologies, including using hydrogen fuel, to help fight climate change.

    Media Editorial

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop, June 2023, VLS was featured in the May Top 5 article.

    Auto Repair Focus, June 2023, reports on VLS’s 10 year anniversary at Automechanika, Birmingham.

    Autoscene, June 2023. Reports on VLS exhibiting at Automechanika, Birmingham.

    Professional Motor Factor Online featured VLS in its June preview of Automechanika, Birmingham.

    Garage Talk Online June 2023, features VLS celebrating its 10 year anniversary at Automechanika, Birmingham.

    Professional Motor Mechanic Online, June 2023. VLS warns against counterfeit oils.

    Garage Talk Online June 2023, featured VLS celebrating its 10-year anniversary at Automechanika, Birmingham.

    Transport Operator, June 2023. Mike Bewsey marks VLS’s ten-year milestone looking back at a decade of upholding lubricant standards.

    Aftermarket magazine, June 2023 included a preview of Automechanika, Birmingham including a feature on VLS.

    Professional Motor Mechanic Online, June 2023, reports on products being removed from sale following VLS’s investigations.

    Professional Motor Factor Online, June 2023, reports of lubricants quarantined after VLS investigations.

    Aftermarket magazine Online June 2023, reports on positive conclusions to VLS gear oil investigations.

    Garage Talk Online, June 2023, reports of lubricants quarantined following VLS’s investigations.

    Lube magazine, June 2023 includes a feature on VLS’s ten year anniversary with a look back at the  changes that have taken place in the sector since 2013. Page 50.

    As a member, we would encourage you to disseminate the materials and content generated by VLS through your own communication channels.

    Media Advertising

    Aftermarket, June 2023. Half page VLS advert, Page 19.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop, June 2023. Half page VLS advert, Page 17.

    Lube magazine, June 2023. Half page VLS advert, Page 45.


    Lubmat (Lubrication, Maintenance and Tribotechnology) conference will be held in 17-19 July in Preston, UK.

    Lubricant Expo will be held in Messe Essen, Germany on 26-28 September.

    ATIEL will be holding a webinar on the European Engine Lubricants Quality Management System hosted by ACI on the 4th October.

    The Lube conference on Succession and Sustainability will be held in London on the 18th October.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here.

    Stay Up To Date

    We would encourage all members to make use of the content generated by VLS and share this to your own communication platforms. If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Mike Bewsey
    VLS Chairman

  • VLS Newsletter – June 2023

    VLS Newsletter June 2023

    Case Summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 89, with 12 products under investigation, 2 compliant during investigation, 1 compliant following investigation, 1 compliant following six month review and 73 archived.

    Case 010189 – concerns the marketing claims made on a Hydraulic Oil. VLS accepted the case on the 8th June 2023.

    Case 010188 – concerns the marketing claims made on a Multi UTTO (Universal Tractor Transmission Oil) WB 101. VLS accepted the case on the 5th June 2023.

    Case 010187 – concerns the marketing claims made on an Aluminium Synthetic Cutting Fluid and is under investigation.

    Case 010186 – concerns the low temperature properties of a 75W-90 Semi-Synthetic Gear Oil. VLS accepted the case on the 15th March 2023. The product has been sourced and tested and VLS have contacted the Named Party. The Named Party has quarantined the product and arranged an uplift and retest by their current supplier.

    Case 010185 – concerns the low temperature properties of a 75W-90 Fully Synthetic Manual Transmission Fluid. The product has been sourced and tested. VLS are in dialogue with the Named Party. The Named Party has arranged a quarantine of the product and an uplift by their current supplier.

    Case 010184 – concerns the low temperature properties of a 75W-90 automotive gear oil. The product has been sourced and tested and VLS are in dialogue with the Named Party. The Named Party has quarantined and disposed of stock held in the warehouse and is arranging a reformulation of the product.

    Case 010183 – concerns the low temperature properties of a 75W-90 automotive gear oil. The product has been sourced and tested and VLS are in dialogue with the Named Party. The Named Party has arranged for the product to be quarantined and uplifted by their supplier.

    Case 010182 – concerns a hydraulic oil and its compliance against the DIN 51524 Part 2 standard. The original product as the subject of the complaint has been superseded, and the Complainant is arranging to procure and test a sample of this product to ensure the integrity of the original complaint. The Complainant has resourced the original product, retested it and submitted a revised case registration form which has been accepted by VLS.

    Case 010181 – concerns PCEO 5W-30. VLS has confirmed the testing is appropriate, a sample has been sourced and has been submitted for testing.

    Case 010179 – the investigation is concluded and the product remains in compliance at the six-month stage.

    Case 010178 – concerning 10W-40 engine oil and the performance claims made on it. VLS is in correspondence with the Named Party regarding the compliance of the product.

    Case 010176 – concerning 0W-30 PCEO and the claims made against OEM specifications. The product has been retested, details of the test results and complaint have been passed to the Named Party. The Named Party has responded with the steps they will take to bring the product into compliance, to which the TRP has passed comment on.

    Case 010175 – the investigation is concluded and the product remains in compliance at the six-month stage.

    Case 010171 – VLS are satisfied with the response from the Named Party and the investigation will be closed subject to a six month review.

    Case 010167 –  VLS are satisfied with the response from the Named Party and the investigation will be closed subject to a six-month review.

    Case 010159 – UEIL has concluded its investigation into the matter and a bulletin is due to be issued.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    To raise a case with VLS, visit

    VLS can only investigate complaints made against products available on open sale in the UK. For case submission guidance visit

    Industry News

    SMMT report that the UK new car market maintains momentum with a tenth month of growth.

    The Competition and Markets Authority has published guidance on Motor Vehicle Agreements coinciding with the renewal of the Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Order from 1st June 2023 for a period of six years.

    ACEA report that Euro 7 costs are between four to ten times higher than EU Commission estimates.

    LubesNGreases report that Police in Brazil have seized 4,000 litres of engine oil.

    ATIEL has reported on its work with UEIL, the European association of the lubricants industry on establishing a Product Carbon Footprint methodology.

    Media Editorial

    Autotechnician, May 2023 features a mention on VLS’s tenth anniversary and attendance at Automechanika at the NEC Birmingham in June.

    Aftermarket magazine, May 2023 features commentary on the lubricants market by VLS. Page 43.

    Garage Talk Online, May 2023 features commentary about VLS’s tenth anniversary.

    Garage and MOT Online May 2023, features commentary on VLS’s tenth anniversary.

    Autoresource website May 2023 features commentary on VLS’s tenth anniversary.

    Garagewire May 2023, features commentary on VLS’s tenth anniversary coinciding with its appearance at Automechanika, Birmingham.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop reports on VLS’s concerns about the rise in counterfeit lubricants. May 2023.

    Professional Motor Factor Online May 2023, VLS urges caution about using the latest oils in ageing vehicles.

    Professional Motor Factor magazine, May 2023 features an Automechanika preview including VLS.

    Garage and MOT magazine, May 2023, features VLS’s tenth anniversary.

    Lube magazine, June 2023 includes a feature on VLS’s ten year anniversary with a look back at what changes have taken place in the sector since 2013. Page 50.

    As a member, we would encourage you to disseminate the materials and content generated by VLS through your own communication channels.

    Media Advertising

    Aftermarket, June 2023. Half page VLS advert, Page 19.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop, June 2023. Half page VLS advert, Page 17.

    Lube magazine, June 2023. Half page VLS advert, Page 45.


    The UNITI Mineral Oil Technology Forum will be held in July in Stuttgart.

    Lubricant Expo will be held in Messe Essen in September.

    The Lube conference on Succession and Sustainability will be held in London on the 18th October.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here.

    Stay Up To Date

    We would encourage all members to make use of the content generated by VLS and share this to your own communication platforms. If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Mike Bewsey
    VLS Chairman

  • VLS Bulletin – May 2023 – VLS 010179

    VLS 010179 – Engine Oils

    On 23rd August 2022 the case was reported to VLS.

    The complaint concerned the claim made against VW 502 00/505 01 and ACEA C3 alongside VW 502 00. VLS believed that the VW 502.00 & VW 505.01 claims were not possible on the same automotive engine oil. In addition, it was understood that the OEM did not support the VW 502.00 specification on products claiming ACEA C3 performance.

    VLS asked the marketer to provide technical evidence to support the VW 502.00 claim made on the product by way of a letter of support from their technology provider supporting the claim made against VW 502.00.

    The lubricant marketer stated that the product in question was manufactured during the transition period between two sets of ACEA light duty engine oil sequences from 2016 to 2021 and therefore was a valid claim. They also claimed that all labels and literature were correct at the time of production, and the labels and literature after the change in specification date were also correct. Their response was accompanied by a letter of support from their technology provider supporting the claims made.

    VLS was satisfied that the product was in compliance based on the information provided as it was manufactured during the transition period between two sets of ACEA engine oil sequences and therefore the claims made on the product were valid at the time of manufacture. Consequently VLS closed its investigation into the product, subject to a six month review in line with its stated process.

    On the 17th April 2023, VLS concluded a six-month review of the case to ensure continued compliance. VLS found that the product as marketed and described on the website of the Named Party remains in compliance and therefore the case can be closed.

    David Wright, Company Secretary – VLS (UK) Ltd says “We want to ensure we have the highest standards in Europe for lubricant manufacture, blending and marketing, and we want a ‘level playing field’ for all participants, so that we protect the interests of the consumer and other end users.

    In the Verification of Lubricant Specifications (UK) Ltd, we have set our course for stronger industry self-regulation by working positively towards more open and transparent competition that benefits all lubricant organisations. By working with the sector to resolve non compliant products in an independent and impartial manner, we can support companies to compete on a more equitable basis in a highly competitive marketplace.”

    May 2023

  • VLS Bulletin – May 2023 – VLS 010175

    VLS 010175 – Engine Oils

    On 27/05/2022 the case was reported to VLS.

    The case concerned claims against both ACEA C1 and C2 which is not possible due to conflicting phosphorous limits (ACEA C1 ≤0.05% and ACEA C2 ≥ 0.07%≤ 0.09%), as can be seen in the ACEA engine oil sequences.

    VLS were not aware of when the product was manufactured and supplied, however the claims against ACEA C1 and C2 only became mutually exclusive from ACEA 2016 onwards.  It was still permissible to market a product with combined ACEA C1-12 and C2-12 claims up until 1st December 2018, but after that date any remaining stocks of product making the combined claims should have been re-labelled and/or withdrawn from the market.

    As part of our investigation VLS found that the latest company automotive product line brochure only made reference to the claim against ACEA C1 for the product. Additionally, the current product labelling did not make reference to an ACEA C2 performance claim.

    VLS therefore concluded that the product manufacture date straddled across two sets of ACEA engine oil sequences and although VLS were comparing the performance claims against the latest ACEA engine oil sequences, the product could well have been formulated against an earlier set of sequences. VLS therefore believed that the product was in compliance.

    On 17th April 2023, VLS concluded a six-month review of the case to ensure continued compliance. VLS found that the product as marketed and described on the website of the Named Party remained in compliance and the case was closed.

    David Wright, Company Secretary – VLS (UK) Ltd says “We want to ensure we have the highest standards in Europe for lubricant manufacture, blending and marketing, and we want a ‘level playing field’ for all participants, so that we protect the interests of the consumer and other end users.

    In the Verification of Lubricant Specifications (UK) Ltd, we have set our course for stronger industry self-regulation by working positively towards more open and transparent competition that benefits all lubricant organisations. By working with the sector to resolve non compliant products in an independent and impartial manner, we can support companies to compete on a more equitable basis in a highly competitive marketplace.”

    May 2023

  • VLS Bulletin – May 2023 – VLS 010171

    VLS 010171 – Millers Oils XF Premium and Truckmaster Engine Oils

    On 17/12/2021 the case was reported to VLS.

    The case concerned the claims that the products carried full and formal OEM approvals from Mercedes-Benz, namely;

    TRUCKMASTER ENGINE OIL DBX 10W-40, part code 5834. The claim is an official approval against Mercedes Benz MB 228.51.
    XF Premium Engine Oil C2/C3 5W-30, part code 6230. The claim is an official approval against Mercedes Benz MB 229.52.
    TRUCKMASTER ENGINE OIL 5W-30, part code 7745. The claim is an official approval against Mercedes Benz MB 228.51 and 228.52.
    TRUCKMASTER ENGINE OIL 15W-40, part code 6214. The claim is an official approval against Mercedes Benz MB 228.31.

    As evidence the complainant provided copies of the products’ Technical Data Sheets and product catalogues. During the investigation it was found that the products were not listed on the official Mercedes-Benz approvals website as carrying official approvals, although two of the TDS’s provided by the complainant had been superseded.

    The Named Party acted swiftly to provide updated and revised Technical Data Sheets qualifying the claim as ‘Approval pending’, amended their product catalogues and brochures, and also wrote to their distributors on the matter.

    VLS accepted that the actions of the Named Party had brought the product into compliance. During the course of its investigation, VLS also found two advisories which were notified to the Named Party.

    VLS undertook a six month review of the case in line with its stated process and found that the products were in continued compliance at the six month stage and consequently closed the case.

    David Wright, Company Secretary – VLS (UK) Ltd says “We want to ensure we have the highest standards in Europe for lubricant manufacture, blending and marketing, and we want a ‘level playing field’ for all participants, so that we protect the interests of the consumer and other end users.

    In the Verification of Lubricant Specifications (UK) Ltd, we have set our course for stronger industry self-regulation by working positively towards more open and transparent competition that benefits all lubricant organisations. By working with the sector to resolve non compliant products in an independent and impartial manner, we can support companies to compete on a more equitable basis in a highly competitive marketplace.”

    May 2023

  • VLS Newsletter – May 2023

    VLS Newsletter May 2023

    Case Summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 87, with 10 products under investigation, 2 compliant during investigation, 1 compliant following investigation, 1 compliant following six month review and 73 archived.

    Case 010187 – concerns the marketing claims made on an Aluminium Synthetic Cutting Fluid. VLS accepted the case on the 9th May 2023.

    Case 010186 – concerns the low temperature properties of a 75W-90 Semi-Synthetic Gear Oil. VLS accepted the case on the 15th March 2023. The product has been sourced and tested and VLS have contacted the Named Party.

    Case 010185 – concerns the low temperature properties of a 75W-90 Fully Synthetic Manual Transmission Fluid. The product has been sourced and tested. VLS are in dialogue with the Named Party.

    Case 010184 – concerns the low temperature properties of a 75W-90 automotive gear oil. The product has been sourced and tested and VLS are in dialogue with the Named Party.

    Case 010183 – concerns the low temperature properties of a 75W-90 automotive gear oil. The product has been sourced and tested and VLS are in dialogue with the Named Party.

    Case 010182 – concerns a hydraulic oil and its compliance against the DIN 51524 Part 2 standard. The original product as the subject of the complaint has been superseded, and the Complainant is arranging to procure and test a sample of this product to ensure the integrity of the original complaint.

    Case 010181 – concerns PCEO 5W-30. VLS has confirmed the testing that would be appropriate in this case and it is currently sourcing the product.

    Case 010179 – has been subject to a six month review and the product remains in compliance.

    Case 010178 – concerning 10W-40 engine oil and the performance claims made on it. VLS is in correspondence with the Named Party regarding the compliance of the product.

    Case 010176 – concerning 0W-30 PCEO and the claims made against OEM specifications. The product has been retested, details of the test results and complaint have been passed to the Named Party.

    Case 010175 – has been subject to a six month review and the product remains in compliance.

    Case 010171 – VLS are satisfied with the response from the Named Party and the investigation will be closed subject to a six month review.

    Case 010167 –  VLS has confirmed with the Named Party that the case can be closed subject to a six month review.

    Case 010159 – remains under investigation and has been passed to UEIL regarding the claims made on a 5W-30 automotive engine oil. UEIL has written to the OEMs referenced on the product labelling who are pursuing the matter. UEIL have concluded their investigation into the matter and a bulletin is due to be issued.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    To raise a case with VLS, visit

    VLS can only investigate complaints made against products available on open sale in the UK. For case submission guidance visit

    Industry News

    The Department for Transport are consulting on a mandate for Zero Emission Vehicles.

    The Competition & Markets Authority are consulting on guidance for the renewal of the Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Order that comes into force on 1st June 2023 for 6 years.

    SMMT report that March rise drives UK car production first quarter increase.

    The European Commission has decided to refer THE NETHERLANDS and PORTUGAL to the Court of Justice of the European Union for failure to transpose rules on the posting of drivers in the road transport sector.

    The European Union Commission paves way for mobile machinery to move easier on public roads across the EU.

    ATIEL, the technical association of the European lubricants industry has issued a newsletter on the importance of the correct base oil to the finished lubricant.

    ACEA have issued a message from their President on Smarter regulation for a globally competitive European auto industry.

    CECRA, the voice of European dealers and repairers report that New EU Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regulation and Supplementary Guidelines have been announced.

    ILMA reports a Wall Street Journal story that 10,000 foreign companies will be hit by EU Sustainability rules.

    ILMA reports a Wall Street Journal story that lithium prices are down 30% which could drive cheaper batteries and electric vehicles.

    ILMA reports a Transport Topics story that the American Environment Protection Agency agrees California’s rules phasing out new diesel trucks.

    The American Petroleum Institute has published a list of 36 oil brands making unauthorised oil licensing claims.

    Media Editorial

    Autotechnician, May 2023, features a mention on page 62 of VLS attending Automechanika Birmingham, ahead of the event in June.

    Garage and MOT magazine, April 2023. Page 12, Industry braces for rise in counterfeit lubricants due to cost of living crisis.

    PMM Online, April 2023 features commentary by VLS Chairman Mike Bewsey on deciphering oil standards.

    Professional Motor Factor, April 2023 features commentary from VLS Chairman Mike Bewsey on the risk of using modern oils in classic cars. Page 32.

    Lube magazine, April 2023. Will the cost-of-living crisis spark a rise in counterfeit lubes? VLS.

    Media Advertising

    Professional Motor Mechanic, May 2023. Half page VLS advert on page 27.

    Autotechnician, May 2023. Half page VLS advert on Page 61.

    Lube magazine, April 2023, half page VLS advert. Page 57.


    UEIL Congress, Manchester, 31 May to 2 June 2023.

    Automechanika UK 6-8 June 2023, NEC, Birmingham. Visit VLS on Stand S60, Hall 19! To register for the event click here

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here.

    Stay Up To Date

    We would encourage all members to make use of the content generated by VLS and share this to your own communication platforms. If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Mike Bewsey
    VLS Chairman

  • VLS Newsletter – April 2023

    VLS Newsletter April 2023

    Case Summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 86, with 9 products under investigation, 2 compliant during investigation, 2 compliant following investigation and 73 archived.

    Case 010186 – concerns the low temperature properties of a 75W-90 Semi-Synthetic Gear Oil. VLS accepted the case on the 15th March 2023. The product has being sourced and is with the test house for testing.

    Case 010185 – concerns the low temperature properties of a 75W-90 Fully Synthetic Manual Transmission Fluid. The product has been sourced and the test results obtained on the 22nd March. The TRP have reviewed the results and have recommended a dialogue commence with the Named Party.

    Case 010184 – concerns the low temperature properties of a 75W-90 automotive gear oil and is subject to testing. The product has been sourced and the test results obtained on the 22nd March. The TRP have reviewed the results and have recommended that a dialogue is commenced with the Named Party.

    Case 010183 – concerns the low temperature properties of a 75W-90 automotive gear oil and is subject to testing. The product has been sourced and the test results obtained on the 22nd March. The TRP have reviewed the results and have recommended that a dialogue is commenced with the Named Party.

    Case 010182 – concerns a hydraulic oil and its compliance against the DIN 51524 Part 2 standard. VLS is in correspondence with the Complainant regarding the availability of the product.

    Case 010181 – concerns PCEO 5W-30. VLS is considering the appropriate testing that would support the complaint regarding the product.

    Case 010180 – has been withdrawn.

    Case 010179 – concerning 5W-40 engine oil and the mix of ACEA and OEM performance claims made on it. The case is subject to a six month review which was concluded on the 27th March and details passed to the Technical Review Panel for review.

    Case 010178 – concerning 10W-40 engine oil and the performance claims made on it. VLS is in correspondence with the Named Party regarding the compliance of the product.

    Case 010177 – the case is archived.

    Case 010176 – concerning 0W-30 PCEO and the claims made against OEM specifications. The product has been retested, the test results have been received on the 28th March and passed to the Technical Review Panel for review.

    Case 010175 – The product is in compliance. The case is subject to a six month review which was concluded on the 27th March and details passed to the Technical Review Panel for review.

    Case 010174 – the case is archived.

    Case 010172 – the case is archived.

    Case 010171 – concerned claims for approvals made against OEM specifications with the investigation now concluded and the results published to the website.  A six month review has been undertaken and the product remains in compliance, VLS has written to the Named Party seeking clarification on two other advisory matters not related to the initial complaint. The Named Party responded on the 21st March and the response was passed to the Technical Review Panel for review, which has now concluded.

    Case 010167 –  VLS has been in further dialogue with the Named Party and is seeking clarification on the claims supported by the technology provider to the product. The Named Party has confirmed which documented claims are supported by the technology deployed in the product and details of these supported claims were passed to the Technical Review Panel for review. On completion of the review the TRP were supportive of closing the case.

    Case 010159 – remains under investigation and has been passed to UEIL regarding the claims made on a 5W-30 automotive engine oil. UEIL has written to the OEMs referenced on the product labelling who are pursuing the matter. UEIL have concluded their investigation into the matter and a bulletin is due to be issued.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    To raise a case with VLS, visit

    VLS can only investigate complaints made against products available on open sale in the UK. For case submission guidance visit

    Industry News

    SMMT report that UK commercial vehicle production has faltered in February and declined by 21.6%.

    ACEA The auto industry has called on EU leaders to act on eroding industry competitiveness.

    The Department for Business and Trade is analysing feedback from the technical consultation on the Draft Order to renew the UK Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Order effective 1st June 2023.

    Department of Transport has concluded its consultation into extending the date for the MOT from 3 to 4 years, and is analysing the feedback.

    The European Union (EU) Commission has published a proposal to exempt Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles running on e-fuels from the ban effective in 2035. The UK Government is considering a similar proposal.

    The EU Commission has published proposals to strengthen the criteria for products making ‘green’; claims to avoid greenwashing.

    The EU Commission is considering a reintroduction of the tariff-free quota on the import of Group II base oil at its working group in May in response to lobbying by the Belgium authorities.

    The Council of Europe has adopted strengthened criteria for CO2 emissions for new cars and vans as part of its Fit for 55 package.  The new rules set a 55% CO2 emission reduction target for new cars and 50% for new vans from 2030 to 2034 compared to 2021 levels, and 100% CO2 emission reductions for both new cars and vans from 2035.

    UEIL the European association for the lubricants industry has published a press release concerning their work to develop a Product Carbon Footprint methodology for lubricants which is being developed in conjunction with ATIEL, the Technical Association of the European lubricants industry.

    ILMA report that global automakers have switched from just-in-time to just-in-case strategy according to a survey.

    CECRA report that the European Parliament had adopted the Data Act setting harmonised rules on accessing, sharing and using data generated by connected products, such as vehicles and related services.

    Media Editorial

    PMF Online February 2023, VLS advises against putting off essential oil changes.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop Online, February 2023. VLS discusses misleading marketing claims.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop magazine, March 2023. VLS warns of a rise in counterfeit lubricants due to the cost of living crisis. Page 24.

    Autotechnician magazine, March 2023. VLS comments on avoiding the lube lies. Page 39.

    Aftermarket magazine, March 2023. VLS warns of wave of counterfeit lubricants. Page 6.

    Garagewire, March 2023. VLS warns of the risks of using the latest engine oils in ageing vehicles.

    Transport Engineer, March 2023, Page 24. VLS Technical Review Panel Chairman Alan Outhwaite comments on extended oil drain intervals for trucks.

    Garage Talk Online, March 2023. VLS warns of the risks of using the latest engine oil in ageing vehicles.

    Garage and MOT magazine, March 2023. Industry braces for rise in counterfeit lubricants due to cost of living crisis.

    Autorepair Focus, March 2023. Then right engine oil for older vehicles is crucial – VLS.

    Lube magazine, April 2023. Will the cost-of-living crisis spark a rise in counterfeit lubes? VLS.

    Media Advertising

    Lube magazine, April 2023. Half page VLS advert, Page 57.

    Aftermarket magazine, March 2023. Half page VLS advert, Page 17.

    Autotechnician magazine, March 2023. Half page VLS advert, Page 45.

    Garage and MOT magazine, March 2023. Half Page VLS advert, Page 29.


    ICIS World Base Oils Conference, Windsor, 3-5 May, 2023.

    UEIL Congress, Manchester, 31 May to 2 June 2023.

    Automechanika UK 6-8 June 2023, NEC, Birmingham. Visit VLS on Stand S60, Hall 19! To register for the event click here

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here.

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Mike Bewsey
    VLS Chairman

  • VLS Newsletter – March 2023

    VLS Newsletter March 2023

    Case Summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 85, with 8 products under investigation, 4 compliant during investigation, 2 compliant following investigation and 71 archived.

    Case 010185 – concerns the low temperature properties of a 75W-90 Fully Synthetic Manual Transmission Fluid and is subject to testing.

    Case 010184 – concerns the low temperature properties of a 75W-90 automotive gear oil and is subject to testing.

    Case 010183 – concerns the low temperature properties of a 75W-90 automotive gear oil and is subject to testing.

    Case 010182 – concerns a hydraulic oil and its compliance against the DIN 51524 Part 2 standard. VLS is in correspondence with the Complainant regarding the availability of the product.

    Case 010181 – concerns PCEO 5W-30. VLS has asked the Complainant to revise the case registration form with details of where the product is currently available on open sale.

    Case 010180 – concerns PCEO 5W-30. The Complainant has withdrawn the complaint as the product is not available on open sale in the United Kingdom and therefore VLS cannot investigate the complaint. The case is therefore closed.

    Case 010179 – concerning 5W-40 engine oil and the mix of ACEA and OEM performance claims made on it. The product has been investigated and found to be compliant at the time of manufacture, the case is closed subject to a six month review in April 2023.

    Case 010178 – concerning 10W-40 engine oil and the performance claims made on it. The product has been tested and found not to be compliant and VLS has written to the Named Party about our concerns.

    Case 010177 – concerning 5W-30 passenger car engine oil and the performance claims made on it. The case has been superseded as it could not be proven to be available on open sale in the UK, and is therefore closed, and has been archived.

    Case 010176 – concerning 0W-30 PCEO and the claims made against OEM specifications is under investigation, and the product is out for testing.

    Case 010175 – The product is in compliance and is subject to a six month review due in April 2023.

    Case 010174 – concerning 5W-30 PCEO and the ACEA and OEM claims made and is under investigation. A sample of the product is unable to be sourced in the UK and therefore the case does not meet VLS’s requirements to be available on open sale, and the case is closed and has been archived.

    Case 010172 – VLS has undertaken a six month review of the case and the product remains in compliance and subsequently the case is closed.

    Case 010171 – concerned claims for approvals made against OEM specifications with the investigation now concluded and the results published to the website. A six month review has been undertaken and the product remains in compliance.

    Case 010169 – has been archived.

    Case 010167 –  a meeting has been held with the Named Party as part of the six month review process. The Named Party has supplied revised product labels and a Technical Data Sheet for the product and VLS has raised some queries regarding the claim against ACEA C3.

    Case 010159 – remains under investigation and has been passed to UEIL regarding the claims made on 5W-30 automotive engine oil. UEIL has written to the OEMs referenced on the product labelling who are pursuing the matter. UEIL have concluded their investigation into the matter.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    To raise a case with VLS, visit

    VLS can only investigate complaints made against products available on open sale in the UK. For case submission guidance visit

    Industry News

    SMMT has welcomed the announcement of the Windsor Framework.

    ACEA has published the fuel types of vans along with full year figures for 2022 showing electric 5.3%, diesel 86%.

    The Competition & Markets Authority has reported that the Department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy has accepted the recommendation to extend the current Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Order for a 6 year period upon expiry on 31st May 2023.

    Department of Transport has extended the date for the MOT consultation until 22 March 2023, on extending the first-year statutory vehicle test date from 3 to 4 years.

    The European Commission report that road safety in the EU: fatalities below pre-pandemic levels but progress remains too slow.

    ILMA report that Volvo vows to be electric trucks leader.

    CECRA report that Independent Service Providers call for a swift adoption of sector-specific legislation on access to in-vehicle data – Response to ACEA call for more delay.

    Media Editorial

    Autorepair Focus, VLS discusses the risks posed by counterfeit lubricants, February 2023.

    Garagewire, January 2023. VLS discusses the risks posed by delaying vehicle servicing.

    Aftermarket, February 2023. VLS calls on garages to highlight oil changes for their customers’ vehicles during servicing.

    Garagetalk Online, February 2023. Industry braces for a rise in counterfeit lubricants due to cost-of-living crisis.

    PMM Online, February 2023. Industry braces for a rise in counterfeit lubricants.

    Professional Motor Factor, February 2023, Page 16. Cost of living crisis: VLS warns of consequences of avoiding essential vehicle maintenance.

    Professional Motor Mechanic, March 2023, Page 7. VLS warns motorists not to put off essential oil changes.

    PMM Online February 2023. Oils Podcast features Mike Bewsey, VLS Chairman.

    Lube magazine, February 2023, Page 47. VLS reports on the outcome of VLS 010169 regarding PCEO 5W-30.

    Lube magazine, February 2023, Page 46. VLS Chairman Mike Bewsey reports on the contribution that product surveys can make to lubricant compliance.

    Media Advertising

    Aftermarket, March 2023, Page 17. Half page VLS advert.

    Autotechnician, March 2023. Half page VLS advert, Page 45.

    Garage magazine, March 2023. Half page VLS advert.

    Lube magazine, February 2023. Half page VLS advert, Page 47.


    ICIS World Base Oils Conference, Windsor, 3-5 May, 2023.

    UEIL Congress, Manchester, 31 May to 2 June 2023.

    Automechanika UK 6-8 June 2023, NEC, Birmingham. Visit VLS on Stand S60, Hall 19! To register for the event click here

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Mike Bewsey

    VLS Chairman

  • VLS Bulletin – February 2023 – VLS 010172

    VLS 010172 – 5W-30 Passenger Car Automotive Engine Oil

    On 27/05/2022 the case was reported to VLS.

    The case complaint concerned the self-certifying claim made against ACEA C3 (Low SAPS engine oil) and its incompatibility with the marketing claim made against VW 502.00/505.00 (Mid SAPS engine oil) due to mutually exclusive chemical limits. It was also alleged that the Named Party was not registered under the European Engine Lubricant Quality Management System (EELQMS) marketer’s letter of conformance (LoC).

    The Named Party’s blender provided information from the Technology Provider confirming that the claims made against ACEA C3 and VW 502.00/505.00 were fully justified at the time of sampling. The Named Party’s blender also confirmed that the parent company is registered with SAIL through an ATIEL lubricant marketer’s Letter of Conformance and subsequently their self-certifying claims made against the ACEA engine oil sequences are fully permissible. Consequently VLS considered that the product was fully in compliance and there was no case to answer.

    VLS undertook a six month review of the product in January 2023, and its investigation found that the product remained in compliance at the six month stage. Consequently the investigation was complete and the case closed.

    David Wright, Company Secretary – VLS (UK) Ltd says “We want to ensure we have the highest standards in Europe for lubricant manufacture, blending and marketing, and we want a ‘level playing field’ for all participants, so that we protect the interests of the consumer and other end users.

    In the Verification of Lubricant Specifications (UK) Ltd, we have set our course for stronger industry self-regulation by working positively towards more open and transparent competition that benefits all lubricant organisations. By working with the sector to resolve non compliant products in an independent and impartial manner, we can support companies to compete on a more equitable basis in a highly competitive marketplace.”

    February 2023

  • VLS Newsletter – February 2023

    VLS Newsletter February 2023

    Case Summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 84, with 7 products under investigation, 6 compliant during investigation, 3 compliant following investigation and 68 archived.

    Case 010185 – concerns the low temperature properties of a 75W-90 Fully Synthetic Manual Transmission Fluid and is under investigation.

    Case 010184 – concerns the low temperature properties of a 75W-90 automotive gear oil and is under investigation.

    Case 010182 – concerns a hydraulic oil and its compliance against the DIN 51524 Part 2 standard. VLS has instructed its testing laboratory to procure and test a sample of the product.

    Case 010181 – concerns PCEO 5W-30. VLS has asked the complainant to revise the case registration form with details of where the product is currently available on open sale.

    Case 010180 – concerns PCEO 5W-30. The complainant has withdrawn the complaint as the product is not available on open sale in the United Kingdom and therefore VLS cannot investigate the complaint. The case is therefore closed.

    Case 010179 – concerning 5W-40 engine oil and the mix of ACEA and OEM performance claims made on it. The product has been investigated and found to be compliant at the time of manufacture, the case is closed subject to a six month review.

    Case 010178 – concerning 10W-40 engine oil and the performance claims made on it. The product is subject to testing to validate and verify the claims made.

    Case 010177 – concerning 5W-30 passenger car engine oil and the performance claims made on it. The case has been superseded as it could not be proven to be available on open sale in the UK.

    Case 010176 – concerning 0W-30 PCEO and the claims made against OEM specifications is under investigation.

    Case 010175 – closed pending a six month review.

    Case 010174 – concerning 5W-30 PCEO and the ACEA and OEM claims made and is under investigation. A sample of the product is unable to be sourced in the UK and therefore the case does not meet VLS’s requirements to be available on open sale.

    Case 010172 – six month review completed. Named Party informed and case closed.

    Case 010171 – concerned claims for approvals made against OEM specifications with the investigation now concluded and the results published to the website. The case is subject to a six month review which is currently underway.

    Case 010169 – six month review completed, Named Party informed and case closed.

    Case 010167 –  a meeting has been held with the Named Party as part of the six month review process, and we await their feedback.

    Case 010159 – remains under investigation and has been passed to UEIL regarding the claims made on 5W-30 automotive engine oil. UEIL has written to the OEMs referenced on the product labelling who are pursuing the matter.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    To raise a case with VLS, visit

    VLS can only investigate complaints made against products available on open sale in the UK. For case submission guidance visit

    Industry News

    SMMT report annual UK car production down by 9.8%.

    ACEA report on the fuel mix of new car sales.

    The IGA calls for an extension to the UK Government consultation on 4 /1/1/ MOT testing.

    Department of Transport are consulting on proposals for 4/1/1 MOT Testing. VLS’s parent UKLA has written to the Department opposing the move on road and vehicle safety grounds.

    The EU is holding a one day conference for stakeholders on mitigating the social impact of automation and digitisation in transport.

    ILMA have released a Kline-commissioned report on The Impact of Electric Vehicles (EVs) on the Global Lubricants Market.

    CECRA  The Independent Service Providers urge the EU Commission to end the delay on access to in-vehicle data legislation.

    UEIL and ATIEL develop a methodology to report on the product carbon footprint of lubricants and greases.

    Media Editorial

    Garagetalkonline, January 2023. VLS urges motorists not to put off vital oil changes as the cost of living bites.

    Garagewire, January 2023. Don’t put off vital oil changes motorists warned as the cost of living bites.

    Autorepair focus, January 2023. VLS warns drivers not to skip an essential oil change.

    Aftermarket Online, January 2023. Garages urged to highlight importance of oil changes to customers.

    Autotechnician, January/February 2023. Workshops urged to warn motorists on the risks of skipping oil maintenance.

    Professional Motor Mechanic, January 2023. VLS issues oil change warning.

    Lube magazine, February 2023, page 47. VLS reports on the outcome of VLS 010169 regarding PCEO 5W-30.

    Lube magazine, February 2023, Page 46. VLS Chairman Mike Bewsey reports on the contribution that product surveys can make to lubricant compliance.

    Media Advertising

    Lube magazine, February 2023, half page VLS advert. Page 47.

    Professional Motor Mechanic, February 2023. Half page advert, Page 27.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop, February 2023, half page advert.


    Argus Global Base Oils Conference, February 20-22, 2023.

    ICIS World Base Oils Conference, Windsor, 3-5 May, 2023.

    UEIL Congress, Manchester 31 May to 2 June 2023.

    Automechanika UK 6-8 June 2023, NEC, Birmingham.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Mike Bewsey

    VLS Chairman

  • VLS Newsletter – January 2023

    VLS Newsletter January 2023

    Case Summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 82, with 6 products under investigation, 5 compliant during investigation, 3 compliant following investigation and 68 archived.

    Case 010182 – concerns a hydraulic oil. VLS are working with the complainant to obtain more details on the case submission.

    Case 010181 – concerns PCEO 5W-30. VLS has asked the complainant to revise the case registration form with details of where the product is currently available on open sale.

    Case 010180 – concerns PCEO 5W-30. VLS has asked the complainant to revise the case registration form with details of where the product is currently available on open sale. The case details have been passed to the Technical Review Panel for determination.

    Case 010179 – concerning 5W-40 engine oil and the mix of ACEA and OEM performance claims made on it. The product has been investigated and found to be compliant at the time of manufacture, the case is closed subject to a six month review.

    Case 010178 – concerning 10W-40 engine oil and the performance claims made on it. The product is subject to testing to validate and verify the claims made.

    Case 010177 – concerning 5W-30 passenger car engine oil and the performance claims made on it. The case has been superseded as could not be proven to be available on open sale in the UK.

    Case 010176 – concerning 0W-30 PCEO and the claims made against OEM specifications is under investigation.

    Case 010175 – closed pending a six month review.

    Case 010174 – concerning 5W-30 PCEO and the ACEA and OEM claims made and is under investigation. A sample of the product is unable to be sourced in the UK and therefore the case does not meet VLS’s requirements to be available on open sale.

    Case 010172 – the product is compliant and is subject to a six month review in January 2023.

    Case 010171 – concerned claims for approvals made against OEM specifications with the investigation now concluded and the results published to the website. The case is subject to a six month review which is currently underway.

    Case 010169 – six month review completed, named party informed and case closed.

    Case 010167 –  a meeting has been held with the Named Party as part of the six month review process, and we await their feedback.

    Case 010159 – remains under investigation and has been passed to UEIL regarding the claims made on 5W-30 automotive engine oil. UEIL has written to the OEMs referenced on the product labelling who are pursuing the matter.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    To raise a case with VLS, visit

    Industry News

    SMMT report that exports drive November commercial vehicle production to new highs.

    The Retail Motor Industry Federation report that In November, a total of 142,889 new cars were registered.

    Department of Transport vehicle licensing figures for the period July to September 2022 show that the number of new registrations was down 1% in the UK, with new plug-in vehicles up 5%, reaching a 1 million milestone at the end of September 2022.

    EU passenger mobility study published in December showed that, on average, EU citizens travelled 27 km per day, for an average duration of 80 minutes. The predominant means of transport in 2021 was the car, which was used for almost half of all trips.

    Concawe and Aramco have jointly commissioned a study aiming to conduct a techno-environmental (Part 1) and economic (Part 2) analysis of different e-fuels pathways produced in different regions of the world (North, Centre and South of Europe, as well as Middle East and North Africa) in 2020, 2030 and 2050, with assessments of sensitivities to multiple key techno-economic parameters.

    ILMA report that the Environmental Protection Agency to Tighten Nitrogen Oxide Limits for New Heavy Trucks.

    Hydrogen Europe and the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) have signed a joint letter to EU member states expressing their concerns on the current state of discussions on the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR).

    CECRA call for more transparency in the current contract discussions between brands and their networks as the automotive world is currently undergoing a radical transformation, both in terms of technology and sales and after-sales.

    Media Editorial

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop, December 2022, Page 28/29. VLS talk about misleading marketing claims.

    Professional Motor Mechanic, January 2023, Page 39. VLS comments on the automotive engine oil market.

    Lube magazine, December 2022, page 46. VLS discusses the role of the International Fluids Consortium following the release of two new lubricant specifications; GEO 1 and GEO 2.

    Media Advertising

    Lube magazine, December 2022, half page VLS advert. Page 47.


    Argus Global Base Oils Conference, February 20-22, 2023.

    ICIS World Base Oils Conference, Windsor, 3-5 May, 2023.

    Automechanika UK 6-8 June 2023, NEC, Birmingham.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Mike Bewsey

    VLS Chairman

  • VLS Bulletin – December 2022 – VLS 010169

    VLS 010169 – SCT Vertriebs GmbH Mannol 5W-30 Diesel Engine Oil

    On 08/06/2021 the case was reported to VLS.

    The product complaint concerned the way the specifications have been laid out on the Technical Data Sheet so that was alleged not to be clear whether any of these specifications are met, exceeded or official approvals held by the product. The Technical Review panel asked for the Named Party to review this Technical Data Sheet with their technology provider to ascertain what claims the product is capable of meeting, update the TDS where appropriate and submit to VLS confirmation from the technology provider that any remaining claims are fully technically supported.

    The second part of the complaint concerned a third party distributor website where the complainant felt it was wrong that and misleading that the product claims were being listed as being approvals when no approvals are listed on the datasheet.

    The Named Party reviewed and updated the Technical Data Sheet and also held a meeting with the third party distributor, who amended the claims on the website from formal approvals to marketing claims. Labels of the product were also sent to VLS and a copy of the internal database for the product held by the Named Party was provided to VLS as evidence of which claims were being supported.

    VLS undertook a six month review of the case. As part of the review VLS found that the approvals previously listed on the distributor website had remained amended as recommendations, and the list of recommendations had been amended to a far more realistic set. VLS considers that the product is in continued compliance at the six months stage and is content to finalise the investigation and close the case.

    David Wright, Company Secretary – VLS (UK) Ltd says “We want to ensure we have the highest standards in Europe for lubricant manufacture, blending and marketing, and we want a ‘level playing field’ for all participants, so that we protect the interests of the consumer and other end users.

    In the Verification of Lubricant Specifications (UK) Ltd, we have set our course for stronger industry self-regulation by working positively towards more open and transparent competition that benefits all lubricant organisations. By working with the sector to resolve non compliant products in an independent and impartial manner, we can support companies to compete on a more equitable basis in a highly competitive marketplace.”

    December 2022

  • VLS Newsletter – December 2022

    VLS Newsletter December 2022

    Case Summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 82, with 8 products under investigation, 3 compliant during investigation, 3 compliant following investigation and 68 archived.

    Case 010182 – concerns a hydraulic oil. VLS are confirming which tests can be run on the product with our testing laboratory.

    Case 010181 – concerns PCEO 5W-30. VLS has asked the complainant to revise the case registration form with details of where the product is currently available on open sale.

    Case 010180 – concerns PCEO 5W-30. VLS has asked the complainant to revise the case registration form with details of where the product is currently available on open sale.

    Case 010179 – concerning 5W-40 engine oil and the mix of ACEA and OEM performance claims made on it. The product has been investigated and found to be compliant at the time of manufacture, the case is closed subject to a six month review.

    Case 010178 – concerning 10W-40 engine oil and the performance claims made on it. The product is subject to testing to validate and verify the claims made.

    Case 010177 – concerning 5W-30 passenger car engine oil and the performance claims made on it. The case is subject to verification with the complainant that it is available on open sale in the UK.

    Case 010176 – concerning 0W-30 PCEO and the ACEA and OEM claims made against OEM specifications is under investigation.

    Case 010175 – concerning 5W-30 PCEO and the ACEA claims made. VLS have concluded our investigation into the product and believe that the product is in a state of transition as the claims made against the ACEA engine oil sequences straddle across two sets of overlapping sequences, therefore the product is in compliance and the case subject to a six month review.

    Case 010174 – concerning 5W-30 PCEO and the ACEA and OEM claims made and is under investigation.

    Case 010173 – the case was archived on 6th November 2022.

    Case 010172 – concerning 5W-30 PCEO and the ACEA and OEM claims made. The Named Party’s blender produced information from their technology provider supporting all claims made, and the parent company is registered with SAIL under the ATIEL Lubricant Marketer’s Letter of Conformance to make self-certifying ACEA claims. Consequently the TRP have determined that there is no case to answer. VLS will undertake a six month review of the case in line with its stated process.

    Case 010171 – concerned claims for approvals made against OEM specifications with the investigation now concluded and the results published to the website. The case is subject to a six month review which is currently underway.

    Case 010169 – The product complaint concerned the way the specifications have been laid out on the Technical Data Sheet so that was alleged not to be clear whether any of these specifications are met, exceeded or official approvals held by the product. The second part of the complaint concerned a third party distributor website where the complainant felt it was wrong and misleading that the product claims were being listed as being approvals when no approvals are listed on the datasheet.

    The Named Party reviewed and updated the Technical Data Sheet and also held a meeting with the third party distributor, who amended the claims on the website from formal approvals to marketing claims. Labels of the product were also sent to VLS and a copy of the internal database for the product held by the Named Party was provided to VLS as evidence of which claims were being supported.

    VLS was content that the actions taken by the Named Party had brought the product into compliance and the investigation was concluded subject to a six month review in line with VLS’s stated process.

    Case 010167 – concerns claims made on 5W-30 automotive engine oil. The case has been subject to a six month review and the results of the review have been communicated back to the Named Party from whom we await a response.

    Case 010159 – remains under investigation and has been passed to UEIL regarding the claims made on 5W-30 automotive engine oil. UEIL has written to the OEMs referenced on the product labelling who are pursuing the matter.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    To raise a case with VLS, visit

    Industry News

    UK Government – following CoP 26, UK Government has signed a declaration accelerating the move to zero emission vehicles.

    EU has published Euro 7 proposals on setting stricter vehicle emissions targets bringing emission limits for all motor vehicles, i.e., cars, vans, buses and lorries under a single set of rules.

    SMMT report that commercial vehicle production is up for the 10th straight month in a row.

    ILMA report that the EV charging infrastructure is potentially unprepared for cyberattacks.

    ACEA, the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) has published a report on electrification trends worldwide.

    CECRA welcomes the Euro 7 proposal to setting more ambitious vehicle emission targets.

    Transport for London has announced proposals to expand the Ultra-Low Emission Zone to the whole of London from August 2023.

    Media Editorial

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop, October 2022, Page 50. VLS provides insight into the heavy-duty oil sequences.

    Professional Motor Factor, November 2022. VLS reports that misleading marketing claims continue to cause issues in the lubricants market, Pages 33/34.

    Professional Motor Mechanic online, November 2022. VLS discusses the changes to the ACEA engine oil sequences.

    Lube magazine, December 2022, page 46. VLS discusses the role of the International Fluids Consortium following the release of two new lubricant specifications; GEO 1 and GEO 2.

    Media Advertising

    Aftermarket, November 2022, half page advert Page 27.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop magazine, November 2022, half page advert.

    Lube magazine, December 2022, half page VLS advert. Page 47.


    Argus Global Base Oils Conference, February 20-22, 2023.

    ICIS World Base Oils Conference, Windsor, 3-5 May, 2023.

    Automechanika UK 6-8 June 2023, NEC, Birmingham.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Mike Bewsey

    VLS Chairman

  • VLS Newsletter – November 2022

    VLS Newsletter November 2022

    Case Summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 79, with 6 products under investigation, 3 compliant during investigation, 3 compliant following investigation and 67 archived.

    Case 010179 – concerning 5W-40 engine oil and the mix of ACEA and OEM performance claims made on it. The product has been investigated and found to be compliant at the time of manufacture, the case is closed subject to a six month review.

    Case 010178 – concerning 10W-40 engine oil and the performance claims made on it. The product is subject to testing to validate and verify the claims made.

    Case 010177 – concerning 5W-30 passenger car engine oil and the performance claims made on it. The case is subject to verification with the complainant that it is available on open sale in the UK.

    Case 010176 – concerning 0W-30 PCEO and the claims made against OEM specifications is under investigation.

    Case 010175 – concerning 5W-30 PCEO and the ACEA claims made. VLS have concluded our investigation into the product and believe that the product is in a state of transition as the claims made against the ACEA engine oil sequences straddle across two sets of overlapping sequences, therefore the product is in compliance and the case closed subject to a six month review.

    Case 010174 – concerning 5W-30 PCEO and the ACEA and OEM claims made and is under investigation.

    Case 010173 – concerning 5W-30 PCEO and the ACEA and OEM claims made. During the investigation it was found that the product was not available on open sale in the United Kingdom and therefore the scope of the investigation lies outside the remit of VLS. VLS has therefore closed the investigation into the product.

    Case 010172 – concerning 5W-30 PCEO and the ACEA and OEM claims made. The Named Party’s blender produced information from their technology provider supporting all claims made, and the parent company is registered with SAIL under the ATIEL Lubricant Marketer’s Letter of Conformance to make self-certifying ACEA claims. Consequently the TRP have determined that there is no case to answer. VLS will undertake a six month review of the case in line with its stated process.

    Case 010171 – concerned claims for approvals made against OEM specifications with the investigation now concluded and the results published to the website.  The case is subject to a six month review which is currently underway.

    Case 010169  – The product complaint concerned the way the specifications have been laid out on the Technical Data Sheet so that was alleged not to be clear whether any of these specifications are met, exceeded or official approvals held by the product. The second part of the complaint concerned a third party distributor website where the complainant felt it was wrong that and misleading that the product claims were being listed as being approvals when no approvals are listed on the datasheet.

    The Named Party reviewed and updated the Technical Data Sheet and also held a meeting with the third party distributor, who amended the claims on the website from formal approvals to marketing claims. Labels of the product were also sent to VLS and a copy of the internal database for the product held by the Named Party was provided to VLS as evidence of which claims were being supported.

    VLS was content that the actions taken by the Named Party had brought the product into compliance and the investigation was concluded subject to a six month review in line with VLS’s stated process.

    Case 010167 – concerns claims made on 5W-30 automotive engine oil. The case has been subject to a six month review and the results have been communicated back to the Named Party from whom we await a response.

    Case 010159 – remains under investigation and has been passed to UEIL regarding claims made on a 5W-30 automotive engine oil. UEIL has written to the OEMs referenced on the product labelling who are pursuing the matter.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    To raise a case with VLS, visit

    Industry News

    The Department for Transport has published data on transport use during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic showing car use fell to as low as 22% during the spring of 2020.

    SMMT report that commercial vehicle production as up in the best September since 2011.

    EU Commission Green Deal: has published its proposals for cleaner air and water including cleaner ambient air by 2030, zero pollution by 2050 and a right to be compensated in case of violation of EU clean air rules.

    ACEA, the Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) urges European policy makers to shift into higher gear to deploy the enabling conditions for zero-emission mobility.

    CECRA report on Energy crisis: Impact on competitiveness of EU auto sector.

    ILMA report that EV battery production has been boosted in the States with a $2.8bn federal grant to 20 companies.

    Media Editorial

    Garagewire October 2022, reports misleading engine oil marketing claims prompts VLS investigation as Verification of Lubricant Specifications opens four new cases

    Lube magazine, October 2022. VLS opens two new cases following complaints about marketing claims. Page 52.

    Media Advertising

    Aftermarket, November 2022, half page advert Page 27.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop magazine, November 2022, half page advert.

    Lube magazine, October 2022, half page VLS advert, page 52.


    ACI European Base Oils Conference, Lisbon, 16-17 November.

    Automechanika UK 6-8 June 2023, NEC, Birmingham.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Mike Bewsey

    VLS Chairman

  • VLS Newsletter – October 2022

    VLS Newsletter October 2022

    Case Summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 79, with 6 products under investigation, 3 compliant during investigation, 3 compliant following investigation and 67 archived.

    Case 010179 – concerning 5W-40 engine oil and the mix of ACEA and OEM performance claims made on it. The product is subject to testing to validate and verify the claims made.

    Case 010178 – concerning 10W-40 engine oil and the performance claims made on it. The product is subject to testing to validate and verify the claims made.

    Case 010177 – concerning 5W-30 passenger car engine oil and the performance claims made on it. The case is subject to verification with the complainant that it is available on open sale in the UK.

    Case 010176 – concerning 5W-30 PCEO and the claims made against OEM specifications is under investigation.

    Case 010175 – concerning 5W-30 PCEO and the ACEA claims made. VLS have concluded our investigation into the product and believe that the product is in a state of transition as the claims made against the ACEA engine oil sequences straddle across two sets of overlapping sequences, therefore the product is in compliance and the case subject to a six month review.

    Case 010174 – concerning 5W-30 PCEO and the ACEA and OEM claims made and is under investigation.

    Case 010173 – concerning 5W-30 PCEO and the ACEA and OEM claims made. During the investigation it was found that the product was not available on open sale in the United Kingdom and therefore the scope of the investigation lies outside the remit of VLS. VLS has therefore closed the investigation into the product.

    Case 010172 – concerning 5W-30 PCEO and the ACEA and OEM claims made. The Named Party’s blender produced information from their technology provider supporting all claims made, and the parent company is registered with SAIL under the ATIEL Lubricant Marketer’s Letter of Conformance to make self-certifying ACEA claims. Consequently the TRP have determined that there is no case to answer. VLS will undertake a six month review of the case in line with its stated process.

    Case 010171 – concerned claims for approvals made against OEM specifications with the investigation now concluded and the results published to the website.

    Case 010169  – The product complaint concerned the way the specifications have been laid out on the Technical Data Sheet so that was alleged not to be clear whether any of these specifications are met, exceeded or official approvals held by the product. The Technical Review panel asked for the Named Party to review this Technical Data Sheet with their technology provider to ascertain what claims the product is capable of meeting, update the TDS where appropriate and submit to VLS confirmation from the technology provider that any remaining claims are fully technically supported.

    The second part of the complaint concerned a third party distributor website where the complainant felt it was wrong that and misleading that the product claims were being listed as being approvals when no approvals are listed on the datasheet.

    The Named Party reviewed and updated the Technical Data Sheet and also held a meeting with the third party distributor, who amended the claims on the website from formal approvals to marketing claims. Labels of the product were also sent to VLS and a copy of the internal database for the product held by the Named Party was provided to VLS as evidence of which claims were being supported.

    VLS was content that the actions taken by the Named Party had brought the product into compliance and the investigation was concluded subject to a six month review in line with VLS’s stated process.

    Case 010167 – concerns claims made on 5W-30 automotive engine oil. The case has been subject to a six month review and the results have been communicated back to the Named Party from whom we await a response.

    Case 010159 – remains under investigation and has been passed to UEIL regarding claims made on a 5W-30 automotive engine oil. UEIL has written to the OEMs referenced on the product labelling who are pursuing the matter.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    To raise a case with VLS, visit

    Industry News

    UK Competition & Markets Authority has closed its consultation into its recommendation to the Secretary of State for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy to renew the UK Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regulation for a period of six years from 31st May 2023.

    SMMT report that British car output is up but record input costs threaten recovery.

    EU Commission has closed its consultation on its recommendation to renew the EU MVBER for a period of five years from expiry in May 2023 and recognise the value of in-vehicle generated data.

    ACEA’s Director General Sigrid de Vries discusses the state of the European auto industry.

    ILMA report that Sustainability is becoming increasingly critical to supply chain operations.

    LubesNGreases report of a tractor hydraulic fluid settlement reached. A Missouri Federal District Court granted preliminary approval of a settlement in a class action lawsuit alleging some products of a tractor hydraulic fluid blender and the parent company for NAPA Auto Parts don’t meet required specifications.

    F&LAsia report that Renault has extended its lubricant partnership with Castrol until 2027.

    Media Editorial

    Professional Motor Mechanic magazine, October 2022. VLS talks about changes to the ACEA engine oil sequences, page 42.

    Lube magazine, October 2022. VLS opens two new cases following complaints about marketing claims. Page 52.

    Media Advertising

    Autotechnician magazine, October 2022. Half page VLS advert, page 34.

    Lube magazine, October 2022, half page VLS advert. Page 52


    ICIS Base Oils Middle-East, Saudi Arabia 10-11 October.

    Automechanika UK 6-8 June 2023, NEC, Birmingham.

    UEIL Congress will take place 19-21 October, Athens.  

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Mike Bewsey

    VLS Chairman

  • VLS Newsletter – September 2022

    VLS Newsletter September 2022

    Case Summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 76, with 5 products under investigation, 1 compliant during investigation, 3 compliant following investigation and 67 archived.

    Case 010176 – concerning 0W-30 PCEO and the ACEA and OEM claims made against OEM specifications is under investigation.

    Case 010175 – concerning 5W-30 PCEO and the ACEA claims made.

    Case 010174 – concerning 5W-30 PCEO and the ACEA and OEM claims made.

    Case 010173 – concerning 5W-30 PCEO and the ACEA and OEM claims made.

    Case 010172 – concerning 5W-30 PCEO and the ACEA and OEM claims made. The Named Party’s blender produced information from their technology provider supporting all claims made, and the parent company is registered with SAIL under the ATIEL Lubricant Marketer’s Letter of Conformance to make self-certifying ACEA claims. Consequently the TRP have determined that there is no case to answer.

    Case 010171 – concerned claims for approvals made against OEM specifications with the investigation now concluded and the results published to the website.

    Case 010169  – concerns 5W-30 automotive engine oil and the claims made is under investigation.

    Case 010167 – concerns claims made on 5W-30 automotive engine oil. The case has been subject to a six month review and the results have been communicated back to the Named Party from whom we await a response.

    Case 010159 – remains under investigation and has been passed to UEIL regarding claims made on a 5W-30 automotive engine oil. UEIL has written to the OEMs referenced on the product labelling who are pursuing the matter.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    To raise a case with VLS, visit

    Industry News

    UK Competition & Markets Authority has published its recommendation to the Secretary of State for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy to renew the UK Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regulation for a period of six years from 31st May 2023.

    UK Department for Transport has concluded its consultation on a GB Type approval scheme for vehicles.

    SMMT announce that new car registrations have broken five consecutive months of decline ahead of new plate changes with a 1.2% increase.

    EU Commission has published its recommendation to renew the EU MVBER for a period of five years from expiry in May 2023 and recognise the value of in-vehicle generated data.

    ACEA has appointed a new Director General Sigrid de Vries effective 1st September 2022, replacing Eric-Mark Huitema who leaves after a three-year period.

    ILMA report that the National Lubricant Container Recycling Coalition have begun a one year pilot of lubricant container recycling.

    API Request for GF-7 oil classification from ILSAC has been received for evaluation by API.

    Media Editorial

    Garage & MOT magazine, front page editorial linked to a two page article on marketing claims, pages 36 & 37, September 2022.

    PMF Online, August 2022. VLS comments on the role of lubricants in lowering vehicle emissions.

    PMM Online, July 2022. VLS comments on the increasing share of electric vehicles and hybrids on the lubricants market.

    Garagewire, VLS comments on the newly-released ACEA heavy-duty engine oil sequences. August 2022.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop, August 2022. VLS comments on the newly-released ACEA heavy-duty engine oil sequences.

    Media Advertising

    Garage & MOT magazine, September 2022, page 37 half page advert.

    Lube magazine, August 2022, half page advert page 46.

    Aftermarket magazine, July/August 2022, half page advert page 45.


    Lubricant Expo will take place on 6/8 September in Messe Essen, Germany.

    Automechanika Frankfurt will take place on the 13-17 September.

    ICIS Base Oils Middle-East, Saudi Arabia 10-11 October.

    Automechanika UK 6-8 June 2023, NEC, Birmingham.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Mike Bewsey

    VLS Chairman

  • VLS Newsletter – August 2022

    VLS Newsletter August 2022

    Case Summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 76, with 5 products under investigation, 1 compliant during investigation, 3 compliant following investigation and 67 archived.

    Case 010176 – concerning a 0W-30 PCEO and the ACEA and OEM claims made.

    Case 010175 – concerning a 5W-30 PCEO and the ACEA claims made.

    Case 010174 – concerning a 5W-30 PCEO and the ACEA and OEM claims made.

    Case 010173 – concerning a 5W-30 PCEO and the ACEA and OEM claims made.

    Case 010172 – concerning a 5W-30 PCEO and the ACEA and OEM claims made. The Named Party’s blender produced information from their technology provider supporting all claims made, and the parent company is registered with SAIL under the ATIEL Lubricant Marketer’s Letter of Conformance to make self-certifying ACEA claims. Consequently the TRP have determined that there is no case to answer.

    Case 010171 – concerned claims for approvals made against OEM specifications with the investigation now concluded and the results published to the website.

    Case 010169  – concerns a 5W-30 automotive engine oil and the claims made is under investigation.

    Case 010167 – concerns claims made on a 5W-30 automotive engine oil. The case has been subject to a six month review and the results have been communicated back to the Named Party from whom we await a response.

    Case 010159 – remains under investigation and has been passed to UEIL regarding claims made on a 5W-30 automotive engine oil. UEIL has written to the OEMs referenced on the product labelling who are pursuing the matter.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    To raise a case with VLS, visit

    Industry News

    ACEA reported that the European automotive sector generated a trade surplus of £79.5bn in 2021.

    Volvo has announced it will be leaving ACEA at year end over climate goals.

    SMMT report that new car registrations continue to fall as supply issues continue to bite.

    ILMA report that America’s lubricant demand in May was mixed.

    API The unauthorised use of API certification marques can be found here.

    UK Department for Transport have issued a call for evidence to streamline driver licensing and support roles.

    EU Commission has opened a consultation on the renewal of the Motor Vehicle Bock Exemption Regulation which includes recognition about the importance of vehicle data.

    UK Competition and Markets Authority is consulting on its proposal to renew the UK Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regulation.

    Media Editorial

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop Online features commentary by VLS on the ACEA Heavy-Duty Engine Oil Sequences.

    Professional Motor Factor, August 2022. VLS talks about changing developments in lubricant technology, Page 29.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop Jul/Aug. Features an article by VLS on the ACEA heavy-duty engine oil sequences, Pages 30-31.

    PMF Online, July 2022. VLS discusses the changing market share of electric vehicles.

    Lube magazine, August 2022, VLS talks about the ACEA heavy-duty engine oil sequences, Page 44.

    Lube magazine, August 2022, VLS opens four new 5W-30 cases, Page 45.

    Media Advertising

    Lube magazine, August 2022, half page advert page 46.

    Aftermarket magazine July/August, Page 45.


    Uniti will be held in Stuttgart, Germany August 30/31.

    Lubricant Expo will take place on 6/8 September in Messe Essen, Germany.

    Automechanika Frankfurt will take place on the 13-17 September.

    ICIS Base Oils Middle-East, Saudi Arabia 10-11 October.

    Automechanika UK 6-8 June 2023, NEC, Birmingham.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Mike Bewsey

    VLS Chairman

  • VLS Newsletter – July 2022

    VLS Newsletter July 2022

    Case Summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 75, with 5 products under investigation, 3 compliant following investigation and 67 archived.

    Case 010175 – concerning a 5W-30 PCEO and the ACEA claims made.

    Case 010174 – concerning a 5W-30 PCEO and the ACEA and OEM claims made.

    Case 010173 – concerning a 5W-30 PCEO and the ACEA and OEM claims made.

    Case 010172 – concerning a 5W-30 PCEO and the ACEA and OEM claims made. The Named Party’s blender produced information from their technology provider supporting all claims made, and the parent company is registered with SAIL under the ATIEL Lubricant Marketer’s Letter of Conformance to make self-certifying ACEA claims. Consequently the TRP have determined that there is no case to answer.

    Case 010171 – concerned claims for approvals made against OEM specifications with the investigation now concluded and the results published to the website.

    Case 010169  – concerns a 5W-30 automotive engine oil and the claims made is under investigation.

    Case 010167 – concerns claims made on a 5W-30 automotive engine oil. The case has been subject to a six month review and the results have been communicated back to the Named Party from whom we await a response.

    Case 010159 – remains under investigation and has been passed to UEIL regarding claims made on a 5W-30 automotive engine oil. UEIL has written to the OEMs referenced on the product labelling who are pursuing the matter.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    To raise a case with VLS, visit

    Industry News

    ACEA welcomes the European Union’s inclusion of road transport in the Emissions Trading Scheme.

    Stellantis has announced it will be leaving ACEA at year end as it launches its Freedom of Mobility forum.

    SMMT report a rise in UK car production of 13.3% for the first time in 11 months.

    European Union announce a ban on the sale of Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles by 2035.

    ILMA report that consumer expectations have fallen to a 9 year low on the back of inflation fears.

    Media Editorial

    Aftermarket July/August – VLS discusses how engine oil can help your customers.

    Transport Operator June – VLS drills down on new oil standards.

    CAT magazine July/Aug– VLS welcomes the publication of the ACEA Heavy-Duty engine oil sequences.

    PMF Online report that VLS discusses the delays to the ACEA Heavy-Duty engine oil sequences.

    Garage & MOT magazine – VLS Chairman Mike Bewsey discusses the issue of modern lubricants in classic cars.

    Transport Engineer report VLS’s news item about the launch of ACEA’s Heavy-Duty engine oil sequences.

    PMF Online – VLS discusses the delay to the ACEA Heavy-Duty engine oil sequences.

    Professional Motor Mechanic, June Pages 48-49, features an article by VLS on the impact of hybrid and electric vehicles on the market.

    Lube magazine, June, features an article by Greg Miller, Savant Laboratories et al, concerning the ASTM Global Test Standards Sub-Committee of which VLS is a member. 

    Media Advertising

    Aftermarket magazine July/August, Page 45.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop, June, page 15.

    Lube magazine, June, Page 48.


    Uniti will be held in Stuttgart, Germany August 30/31.

    Lubricant Expo will take place on 6/8 September in Messe Essen, Germany.

    Automechanika Frankfurt will take place on the 13-17 September.

    ICIS Base Oils Middle-East, Saudi Arabia 10-11 October.

    Automechanika UK 6-8 June 2023, NEC, Birmingham.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Mike Bewsey

    VLS Chairman

  • VLS Newsletter – June 2022

    VLS Newsletter June 2022

    Case Summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 75, with 5 products under investigation, 3 compliant following investigation and 67 archived.

    Case 010175– a case concerning a 5W-30 PCEO and the ACEA claims made on the product.

    Case 010174 – a case concerning a 5W-30 PCEO and the ACEA and OEM claims made on the product.

    Case 010173 – a case concerning a 5W-30 PCEO and the ACEA and OEM claims made on the product.

    Case 010172 – a case concerning a 5W-30 PCEO and the ACEA and OEM claims made on the product.

    Case 010171 – concerned claims for approvals made against OEM specifications with the investigation now concluded and the results published to the website.

    Case 010169  – concerns a 5W-30 automotive engine oil and the claims made on the product. The case is under investigation.

    Case 010167 – concerns the claims made on a 5W-30 automotive engine oil. The case has been subject to a six month review and the results of the review have been communicated back to the Named Party from whom we await a response.

    Case 010159 – remains under investigation and has been passed to UEIL regarding the claims made on a 5W-30 automotive engine oil. UEIL has written to the OEMs referenced on the product labelling who are pursuing the matter.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    To raise a case with VLS, visit

    Industry News

    The Competition and Markets Authority is expected to publish their initial findings in the early summer about its review of the Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regulation.

    ACEA has published the 2022 Heavy Duty Engine Oil Sequences to address engine developments that are driven by a combination of regulatory and performance needs, complemented by necessary test maintenance requirements.

    SMMT report a record number of Electric Vehicles on the UK roads at 750,000 but car ownership falls for a second year.

    ILMA report that the Supreme Court won’t challenge President Biden’s policies on the ‘social cost of carbon’.

    The UK Government Department for Transport has unveiled a consultation document on a GB Type Approval Framework.

    Media Editorial

    Aftermarket, May 2022, page 46, comment by VLS on the use of engine oil additives.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop, May 2022, VLS talks about the role of lubricants in reducing emissions.

    Professional Motor Factor, May 2022. VLS talks about the importance of choosing the correct lubricant for the application.

    CAT magazine, May 2022 features a press release by VLS on welcoming the 2022 ACEA Heavy Duty Engine Oil Sequences.

    CAT Online, May 2022 features commentary by VLS welcoming the 2022 ACEA Heavy Duty Engine Oil Sequences.

    Professional Motor Mechanic, June 2022 Pages 48-49, features an article by VLS on the impact of hybrid and electric vehicles on the market.

    Lube magazine, June 2022, features an article by Greg Miller, Savant Laboratories et al, concerning the ASTM Global Test Standards Sub-Committee of which VLS is a member.

    Media Advertising

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop, June 2022, page 15.

    Autotechnician, May 2022, Page 35.

    Lube magazine, June 2022, Page 48.


    UK Garage and Bodyshop Show, 8-9 June 2022, NEC Birmingham.

    ICIS World Base Oils Conference, Windsor, Berkshire, UK. June 27-28.

    Uniti will be held in Stuttgart, Germany in August 2022.

    Lubricant Expo will take place on 6/8 September 2022 in Messe Essen, Germany.

    Automechanika Frankfurt will take place on the 13-17 September 2022.

    Automechanika UK has been moved to 6-8 June 2023, NEC, Birmingham.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    David Wright

    Company Secretary

  • VLS Newsletter – May 2022

    VLS Newsletter May 2022

    Case Summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 71, with 2 products under investigation, 2 compliant following investigation and 67 archived.

    Case 010171 – concerned claims for approvals made against OEM specifications with the investigation now concluded and the results published to the website.

    Case 010169  – concerns a 5w30 automotive engine oil and the claims made on the product. The case is under investigation.

    Case 010167 – concerns the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil. The case has been subject to a six month review and the results of the review have been communicated back to the Named Party from whom we await a response.

    Case 010159 – remains under investigation and has been passed to UEIL regarding the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil. UEIL has written to the OEMs referenced on the product labelling who are pursuing the matter.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    Following a Board meeting held in February, VLS has amended its verification process. If, during the course of an investigation VLS finds issues of non-compliance which fall outside the original case complaint then these will be brought to the attention of the Named Party who will be asked to address these areas. At the six month review stage if these ‘advisories’ have not been addressed then the fact that there were advisories which were brought to the attention of the Named Party and not addressed, will be published along with the case outcome.

    For details of how to submit a lubricant product complaint to VLS, go to

    Industry News

    Moves by the Government to extend MOT testing from one to two years as part of the cost of living measures, has been met with fierce opposition by the industry as it could lead to reduced car servicing, more breakdowns and less safe roads.

    The House of Commons Transport Select committee held a debate on vehicle tampering at the end of April amid industry concerns that the use of market general parts in vehicles could mean owners fall foul of the draft legislation.

    Department for Transport has announced changes to the Highway Code to pave the way for self-driving vehicles on the roads by the year end.

    SMMT report that global supply chain challenges have wiped 100,000 vehicles off the UK’s automotive output in the first quarter of 2022.

    ACEA – The European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) Passenger car registrations: -12.3% first quarter of 2022; -20.5% in March.

    ILMA report a story in the Wall Street Journal that Oil Trade Group Drafts Carbon-Tax Proposal That Could Raise Prices at the Pump. Some API members want to delay proposal until after midterm elections, fearing it could alienate Republican lawmakers

    Media Editorial

    Professional Motor Factor, April 2022, features an article by VLS on the forthcoming heavy-duty engine oil sequences from ACEA.

    PMF Online features an article by Mike Bewsey explaining his role as Chairman of VLS.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop Online features an article by VLS explaining the delays to the ACEA heavy-duty engine oil sequences.

    Lube magazine, April 2022, Mike Bewsey Chairman of VLS talks about marketing claims.

    Lube magazine, April 2022, David Wright, Company Secretary of VLS talks about where product responsibility lies.

    Media Advertising

    Professional Motor Mechanic, May 2022, features a half page advert on VLS, Page 23.

    Lube magazine, April 2022, features a half page advert on VLS, Page 47. 


    Chem UK, 11th and 12th May, NEC Birmingham.

    UK Garage and Bodyshop Show, 8-9 June 2022, NEC Birmingham.

    ICIS World Base Oils Conference, Windsor, Berkshire, UK. June 27-28.

    Uniti will be held in Stuttgart, Germany in August 2022.

    Lubricant Expo will take place on 6/8 September 2022 in Messe Essen, Germany.

    Automechanika Frankfurt will take place on the 13-17 September 2022.

    Automechanika UK has been moved to 6-8 June 2023, NEC, Birmingham.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    David Wright

    Company Secretary

  • VLS Newsletter – April 2022

    VLS Newsletter April 2022

    Case Summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 71, with 3 products under investigation, 1 compliant following investigation and 67 archived.

    Case 010171 – is under investigation concerning OEM approvals claimed on four lubricant products.

    Case 010169 – concerns a 5w30 automotive engine oil and the claims made on the product. The case is under investigation.

    Case 010167 – concerns the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil. The investigation has been concluded and is subject to a six month review in April 2022.

    Case 010159 – remains under investigation and has been passed to UEIL regarding the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil. UEIL has written to the OEMs referenced on the product labelling who are pursuing the matter.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    Following a Board meeting held in February, VLS has amended its verification process. If, during the course of an investigation VLS finds issues of non-compliance which fall outside the original case complaint then these will be brought to the attention of the Named Party, and the fact that there were additional issues or ‘advisories’ will be listed in the case investigation outcome. At the six month review stage if these ‘advisories’ have not been addressed by the Named Party then the detail of these advisories will be published along with the case outcome. The revised process can be seen at

    For details of how to submit a lubricant product complaint to VLS, go to

    Industry News

    ACEA – The European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) has published a comprehensive guide to national and international automotive regulation.

    Department for Transport has announced that the UK is on target to deliver 4,000 zero emission hydrogen and electric buses with a £200m boost.

    Competition and Markets Authority has announced the timetable for a review of the UK Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regulation which expires in May 2023.

    AP news report that a chip shortage has forced General Motors to pause production at its plant in Indiana.

    SMMT report that UK car manufacturing falls for the 8th consecutive month as global chip shortage persists.

    European Union is carrying out unannounced antitrust inspections in the automotive sector.

    API has updated its list of companies making unauthorised use of certification marks.

    Media Editorial

    Lube magazine, April 2022, Mike Bewsey, Chairman of VLS talks about marketing claims.

    Lube magazine, April 2022, David Wright, Company Secretary of VLS talks about where product responsibility lies.

    Media Advertising

    Autotechnician, March 2022, page 41 features a half page advert by VLS.

    Lube magazine, April 2022, features a half page advert on VLS.


    ELGI 32nd Annual General Meeting, 30 April to 3 May 2022, Hamburg, Germany.

    UK Garage and Bodyshop Show, 8-9 June 2022, NEC Birmingham.

    ICIS World Base Oils Conference, Windsor, Berkshire, UK. June 27-28 2022.

    Lubricant Expo will take place on 6/8 September 2022 in Messe Essen, Germany.

    Automechanika Frankfurt will take place on the 13-17 September 2022.

    Automechanika UK has been moved to 6-8 June 2023, NEC, Birmingham.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here.

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    David Wright
    Company Secretary

  • VLS Newsletter – March 2022

    VLS Newsletter March 2022

    Case summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 71, with 3 products under investigation, 1 compliant following investigation, and 67 archived.

    Case 010171 – is under investigation concerning OEM approvals claimed on four lubricant products.

    Case 010170 – case not progressed by Complainant.

    Case 010169  – concerns a 5w30 automotive engine oil and the claims made on the product. The case is under investigation.

    Case 010168 – concerns official approval claims made against an OEM specification. The case has been subject to a six month review, found to be compliant and the case concluded. The case was archived on the 2nd January 2022.

    Case 010167 – concerns the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil. The investigation has been concluded and is subject to a six month review in April 2022.

    Case 010159 – remains under investigation and has been passed to UEIL regarding the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil. UEIL has written to the OEMs referenced on the product labelling who are pursuing the matter.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    For details of how to submit a lubricant product complaint to VLS, go to

    Industry News

    SAIL, a subsidiary of ATIEL the technical association of the European lubricants industry, has appointed Mike Boyer, ex Lubrizol as the new SAIL Director.

    Ford has announced plans to run separate Electric Vehicle and Internal Combustion Engine vehicle businesses.

    Industry week reported that shipping costs rise and transportation tightens due to the Russia/Ukraine conflict.

    SMMT report that the UK car industry has called for VAT fairness on charging as February market gets electric boost.

    The Northern Ireland Department of Infrastructure Minister Mallon publishes report on support for move to biennial MOT Testing.

    BEIS – the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy has accepted the Competition and Markets Authority on renewing and strengthening the Vertical Agreements Block Exemption Order which will lay the foundation for the review of the Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regulation in the UK, due to expire in May 2023.

    The European Union Commission plans to adopt plans for the Euro 7 emissions regulation for cars, vans, buses and lorries in the first quarter of 2022.

    Media Editorial

    Professional Motor Factor magazine, February 2022. VLS talks about the support it can bring to Motor Factors.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop magazine, March 2022. VLS talk about delays to the publication of the ACEA heavy duty engine oil sequences.

    Autotechnician, March 2022. VLS talks about the role VLS can play in oil analysis.

    Media Advertising

    Autotechnician, March 2022, page 41 features a half page advert by VLS.

    Lube magazine, February 2022, features a half page advert on VLS.


    ELGI 32nd Annual General Meeting, 30 April to 3 May, Hamburg, Germany.

    UK Garage and Bodyshop Show, 8-9 June 2022, NEC Birmingham.

    ICIS World Base Oils Conference, Windsor, Berkshire, UK. June 27-28.

    Lubricant Expo will take place on 6/8 September 2022 in Messe Essen, Germany.

    Automechanika Frankfurt will take place on the 13-17 September 2022.

    Automechanika UK has been moved to 6-8 June 2023, NEC, Birmingham.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LInkedIN click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

  • VLS Newsletter – February 2022

    VLS Newsletter February 2022

    Case summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 69, with 2 products under investigation, 0 not compliant following investigation, 0 not compliant following six month review, 0 product not proven to be compliant and escalated to Trading Standards, 0 product compliant during investigation and no further action taken, 1 compliant following investigation, 0 compliant following six month review and 65 archived.

    Case 010169  – concerns a 5w30 automotive engine oil and the claims made on the product. The case is under investigation. We have been in contact with the Named Party regarding this case and have also contacted the distributor.

    Case 010168 – concerns official approval claims made against an OEM specification. The case has been subject to a six month review, found to be compliant and the case concluded. The case was archived on the 2nd January 2022.

    Case 010167 – concerns the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil. The investigation has been concluded and is subject to a six month review in April 2022.

    Case 010159 – remains under investigation and has been passed to UEIL regarding the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil. UEIL has written to the OEMs referenced on the product labelling who are pursuing the matter.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    For details of how to submit a lubricant product complaint to VLS, go to

    Industry News

    ACEA – The European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) proposals for Euro 7/Euro VII set out in June 2021 are no longer feasible due to a delay by the European Union Commission to implement the new regulation now expected to come into force in April 2022 to take effect in 2025.

    ILMA – report that private manufacturing wages saw a record rise in Q4 2021. Transpacific freight costs remain 8-9x their pre-pandemic norm.

    The Department for Transport has announced revisions to the Highway Code giving priority to pedestrians and cyclists over cars and trucks in a new road user hierarchy.

    SMMT report that the UK’s favourite car colour is grey despite a switch to ‘greener vehicles’, and the most popular car make in that colour is the Volkswagen Golf.

    ATIEL – has revised its Code of Practice to take account of changes to the ACEA 2021 light duty engine oil sequences and included a requirement for marketers In case of dispute between marketer and customer, or as a result of periodic quality surveys which may be undertaken, SAIL may request the marketer to provide the records relating to the quality issue of the product in question.

    Lube magazine February 2022, Mike Bewsey, Chairman of VLS, talks about hydrogen fuel and hydrogen fuel cell technology as a viable alternative to the electrification of vehicles, Page 38-39.

    Media Editorial

    Aftermarket, February 2022 Page 5, features the outcome of VLS case 010168.

    Media Advertising

    Professional Motor Mechanic, February 2022, features a half page advert by VLS on Page 21.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop, February 2022, features a half page advert by VLS.

    Lube magazine, February 2022, features a half page advert on VLS on Page 39.


    Mach 2022, 4th to 8th April, NEC, Birmingham.

    UNITI, 26 to 27 April, Stuttgart, Germany.

    ELGI 32nd Annual General Meeting, 30 April to 3 May, Hamburg, Germany.

    UK Garage and Bodyshop Show, 8-9 June 2022, NEC Birmingham.

    Automechanika UK has been moved to 7-9 June 2022, NEC, Birmingham.

    Lubricant Expo will take place on 6/8 September 2022 in Messe Essen, Germany.

    Automechanika Frankfurt will take place on the 13-17 September 2022.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LInkedIN click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Mike Bewsey

    Chairman of VLS

  • VLS Newsletter – January 2022

    VLS Newsletter January 2022

    Case summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 69, with 2 products under investigation, 0 not compliant following investigation, 0 not compliant following six month review, 0 product not proven to be compliant and escalated to Trading Standards, 0 product compliant during investigation and no further action taken, 1 compliant following investigation, 1 compliant following six month review and 65 archived.

    Case 010169  – concerns a 5w30 automotive engine oil and the claims made on the product. The case is under investigation.

    Case 010168 – concerns official approval claims made against an OEM specification. The case has been subject to a six month review, found to be compliant and the case concluded. The case will be archived.

    Case 010167 – concerns the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil. The investigation has been concluded and is subject to a six month review in April 2022.

    Case 010159 – remains under investigation and has been passed to UEIL regarding the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil. UEIL has written to the OEMs referenced on the product labelling who are pursuing the matter.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    For details of how to submit a lubricant product complaint to VLS, go to

    Industry News

    ACEA – The European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) wrote a letter to the Slovenian Minister of Infrastructure, Jernej Vrtovec, in December to express the industry’s serious concerns about the lack of ambition for the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR) that has been displayed so far in the EU Transport Council.

    ILMA – report that a truck driver shortage looms over 2022, and that Transport Secretary Buttigieg has doled out $241m to US Ports to help free up America’s supply chain.

    SMMT report that UK car manufacturing output fell 28.7% in December despite the electric car boost.

    ATIEL – Mike Boyer, formerly of Lubrizol, has succeeded Jef Soetewey as the new Manager of SAIL in managing ATIEL’s Letter of Conformance and compliance programme.

    Lube magazine December 2021 features the VLS press lunch held in October, Page 44, and the outcome of VLS case 168 on page 45.

    Media Editorial

    Professional Motor Factor December 2021, features an article by VLS on the use of hydrogen to power vehicles.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop, December 2021, featured an article by VLS on the use of hydrogen as a viable alternate road fuel, page 38 and 39.

    Media Advertising

    Lube magazine, December 2021, features a half page advert on VLS.


    TAE Esslingen 23rd International Colloquium on Tribology January 25-27, online.

    UNITI, 26 to 27 April, Stuttgart, Germany.

    ELGI 32nd Annual General Meeting, 30 April to 3 May, Hamburg, Germany.

    UK Garage and Bodyshop Show, 8-9 June 2022, NEC Birmingham.

    Automechanika UK has been moved to 7-9 June 2022, NEC, Birmingham.

    Lubricant Expo will take place on 6/8 September 2022 in Messe Essen, Germany.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LInkedIN click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Mike Bewsey

    Chairman of VLS

  • VLS Newsletter – December 2021

    VLS Newsletter December 2021

    Case summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 69, with 2 products under investigation, 0 not compliant following investigation, 0 not compliant following six month review, 0 product not proven to be compliant and escalated to Trading Standards, 0 product compliant during investigation and no further action taken, 1 compliant following investigation, 1 compliant following six month review and 65 archived.

    Case 010169  – concerns a 5w30 automotive engine oil and the claims made on the product. The case is under investigation.

    Case 010168 – concerns official approval claims made against an OEM specification. The case has been subject to a six month review, found to be compliant and the case concluded.

    Case 010167 – concerns the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil. The investigation has been concluded and is subject to a six month review.

    Case 010159 – remains under investigation and has been passed to UEIL regarding the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil. UEIL has written to the OEMs referenced on the product labelling who are pursuing the matter.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    For details of how to submit a lubricant product complaint to VLS, go to

    Industry News

    JCB signs green hydrogen deal worth billions.

    ILMA reports that Nissan are set to spend $17.6bn on battery powered vehicles over the next five years.

    SMMT reports that car charging point numbers fall behind as plug-in vehicles surge.

    ACEA has issued a policy paper calling for a revision to the CO2 targets for cars and vans. report that the world’s biggest carmakers have failed to sign up to a commitment to make all new vehicles zero emissions by 2040 following the Glasgow COP 26 summit in October.

    API have listed 36 oil brands making unlicensed claims against API marks.

    Lube magazine December 2021 features the VLS press lunch held in October, Page 44, and the outcome of VLS case 168 on page 45.

    Media Editorial

    CVW magazine November 2021, features a two page interview with VLS Chairman Mike Bewsey.

    PMM Online features commentary by VLS on whether hydrogen could be a viable alternative for electric vehicles.

    Aftermarket features the outcome of a VLS case.

    PMF Online features a discussion by VLS on whether as we approach winter 2021, whether the lubricants sector is facing as many challenges as when the year began.

    CVW Online reports on the outcome of a VLS investigation into case 168.

    PMF magazine features the appointment of Mike Bewsey as VLS Chairman and commentary by VLS on whether vehicles running on hydrogen fuel could be good news for the lubricants industry.

    Aftermarket online reports on the outcome of VLS case 168.

    Media Advertising

    Lube magazine, December 2021, features a half page advert on VLS.

    Aftermarket, November 2021 features a half page VLS advert.

    Garage and MOT magazine, November 2021 Page 47, features a half page VLS advert.

    CVW magazine, November 2021, features a half page VLS advert.


    UEIL, the European Lubricants Association, is holding a webinar on the 7th December on the impact of the Covid pandemic on the European lubricants market.

    UK Garage and Bodyshop Show, 8-9 June 2022, NEC Birmingham.

    Automechanika UK has been moved to 7-9 June 2022, NEC, Birmingham.

    Lubricant Expo will take place on 6/8 September 2022 in Messe Essen, Germany.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LInkedIN click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Mike Bewsey

    Chairman of VLS

  • VLS Newsletter – November 2021

    VLS Newsletter November 2021

    Case summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 69, with 3 products under investigation, 0 not compliant following investigation, 0 not compliant following six month review, 0 product not proven to be compliant and escalated to Trading Standards, 0 product compliant during investigation and no further action taken, 0 compliant following investigation, 1 compliant following six month review and 65 archived.

    Case 010169  – concerns a 5w30 automotive engine oil and the claims made on the product. The case is under investigation.

    Case 010168 – concerns official approval claims made against an OEM specification. The case has been subject to a six month review, found to be compliant and the case concluded.

    Case 010167 – concerns the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil. A sample of the product has been procured and tested. The matter has been raised with the Named Party, and a response received through Trading Standards. We have received a copy of the revised Technical Data Sheet via Trading Standards which was reviewed by the Technical Review Panel whose comments were fed back to Trading Standards. The investigation has been concluded and is subject to a six month review.

    Case 010166 – has been archived.

    Case 010159 – remains under investigation and has been passed to UEIL regarding the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil. UEIL has written to the OEMs referenced on the product labelling who are pursuing the matter.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    For details of how to submit a lubricant product complaint to VLS, go to

    Industry News

    EU approves 173 million euro aid package to Poland for developing electric charging and hydrogen fuel infrastructure.

    ILMA reports that Volvo’s Voorhoeve sees growing market for electric trucks.

    Bloomberg report that refiners are less pressed to shut down plants as fuel demand rebounds.

    SMMT reports that UK car production fell 41.5% in September due to the global chip shortage.

    ACEA report that commercial vehicle production in Europe is up 19.1% to the year ending October 2021.

    ATIEL has updated its Code of Practice in response to the ACEA 2021 light duty engine oil sequences.

    Media Editorial

    PMF October 2021 featured an item on the closure of VLS case 166.

    Aftermarket, September 2021, featured an article on the closure of VLS case 166.

    CAT magazine, Autumn 2021, featured a diary note on the attendance at the VLS Press Lunch by Editor Greg Whittaker.

    Garage and MOT magazine, September 2021 features the closure of case 166 by VLS.

    Garage and MOT magazine, Issue 332 November 2021, features new VLS Chairman Mike Bewsey.

    Media Advertising

    Lube magazine October 2021, features a half page advert on VLS.

    Autotechnician magazine, October 2021, features a half page advert on VLS, Page 50.

    Aftermarket, November 2021 features a half page VLS advert.

    Garage and MOT magazine, November 2021 Page 47, features a half page VLS advert.

    CVW magazine, November 2021, features a half page VLS advert.


    Oil Doc will now take place at Rosenheim, Germany on 17-19 November 2021.

    UK Garage and Bodyshop Show, 8-9 June 2022, NEC Birmingham.

    Automechanika UK has been moved to 7-9 June 2022, NEC, Birmingham.

    Lubricant Expo will take place on 6/8 September 2022 in Messe Essen, Germany.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LInkedIN click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Mike Bewsey

    Chairman of VLS

  • VLS Bulletin – November 2021 – VLS 010168

    VLS 010168 – MPM International Oil Company , MPM branded products (various)

    On 02/02/2021 the case was reported to VLS.

    The case concerned the claim that the products carried formal OEM approvals from Mercedes-Benz when no evidence could be provided that this was in fact the case, and there was no evidence on the official MB approvals list that the products had been formally approved.

    The products were as follows;

    MPM Gearbox Oil 75W-80 GL-4 Prem Synth ECO, product number 18001ECO

    MPM Gearbox Oil 75W-90 GL-3/4/5 Premium synthetic TDL, product number 18000G

    MPM Gearbox Oil 75W-140 GL-5 Premium Synthetic Limited Slip Special, product number 18000S LS

    MPM Gearbox Oil 75W-85 GL-5 Premium Synthetic FE, product number 18000M

    MPM ATF Automatic Transmission Fluid Dexron III-F/G, product number 16000

    MPM ATF Automatic Transmission Fluid FM+, product number 16000FM

    MPM ATF Automatic Transmission Fluid Suffix A, product number 17000

    MPM Power Steering Fluid MB, product number 50000MB

    MPM LCF Level Control Fluid MB 344.0, product number 50000MBL

    VLS worked with the Named Party to revise the product claims from formal approvals to marketing claims ‘according to the specifications of..’ which has been reflected in the products’ labels, website descriptions and the Technical Data Sheets.

    Following a six month review of the case VLS found that the marketing claims ‘according to the specifications of’ are being maintained on both the relevant product pages and Technical Data Sheets. VLS believes that the products are in continued compliance at the six month stage.

    David Wright, Company Secretary of VLS said “We want to ensure we have the highest standards in Europe for lubricant manufacture, blending and marketing, and we want a ‘level playing field’ for all participants, so that we protect the interests of the consumer and other end users.

    In the Verification of Lubricant Specifications (UK) Ltd, we have set our course for stronger industry self-regulation by working positively towards more open and transparent competition that benefits all lubricant organisations.”

    November 2021

  • VLS Newsletter – October 2021

    VLS Newsletter October 2021

    Case summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 69, with 3 products under investigation, 0 not compliant following investigation, 0 not compliant following six month review, 0 product not proven to be compliant and escalated to Trading Standards, 0 product compliant during investigation and no further action taken, 1 compliant following investigation, 1 compliant following six month review and 64 archived.

    Case 010169  – concerns a 5w30 automotive engine oil and the claims made on the product. The case is under investigation.

    Case 010168 – concerns official approval claims made against an OEM specification. The case has been investigated and resolved, subject to a six month review.

    Case 010167 – concerns the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil. A sample of the product has been procured and tested. The matter has been raised with the Named Party, and a response received through Trading Standards. We have received a copy of the revised Technical Data Sheet via Trading Standards which was reviewed by the Technical Review Panel whose comments were fed back to Trading Standards.

    Case 010166 – concerns a 5w30 Longlife automotive engine oil with a VW 504/507 approval and also making marketing claims against a wide range of OEM specifications. The case has been subject to a six month review and found to be in continued compliance.

    Case 010159 – remains under investigation and has been passed to UEIL regarding the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil. UEIL has written to the OEMs referenced on the product labelling.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    For details of how to submit a lubricant product complaint to VLS, go to

    Industry News

    UK Government is consulting on the future of transport including connected and autonomous vehicles.

    Northern Ireland’s Department for Infrastructure has issued a call for evidence on the move to biennial statutory testing of passenger and light commercial vehicles.

    LubeNGreases have reported that Michigan has halted the sale or Orion products.

    API has announced its revised oil licensing fee schedule effective 1st January 2022.

    ACEA report that the sale of commercial vehicles rose 24% in the first eight months of 2021.

    SMMT report that UK car production fell 27% in August on the back of the global chip shortage.

    Media Editorial

    CVW Online in September published commentary from VLS on the ACEA engine oil sequences.

    Lube magazine October 2021, features an article by Mike Bewsey, Chairman of VLS on the right base oil for the finished lubricant.

    PMM Online reported on the appointment of Mike Bewsey as Chairman of VLS.

    Autotechnician magazine, October 2021, features a reference to VLS with regard to the ACEA engine oil sequences, Page 49.

    Lube magazine, October 2021 features an article on the assured advice received from Buckinghamshire and Surrey Trading Standards on the basis of making claims against the ACEA light duty engine oil sequences in consumer law.

    Media Advertising

    VLS has produced a revised end user advert which will be used in our future advertising insertions.

    Professional Motor Mechanic, September 2021, half page advert on VLS Page 23.

    Autotechnician magazine, October 2021, features a half page advert on VLS, Page 50.

    Lube magazine October 2021, features a half page advert on VLS.


    International Lubricants Week, 20th October, Moscow, Russia.

    UNITI, 3rd to 4th November 2021, Stuttgart, Germany.

    Oil Doc will now take place at Rosenheim, Germany on 17-19 November 2021.

    Automechanika UK has been moved to 7-9 June 2022, NEC, Birmingham.

    Lubricant Expo will take place on 6/8 September 2022 in Messe Essen, Germany.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LInkedIN click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Mike Bewsey

    Chairman of VLS

  • VLS Newsletter – September 2021

    VLS Newsletter September 2021

    Case summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 69, with 3 products under investigation, 0 not compliant following investigation, 0 not compliant following six month review, 0 product not proven to be compliant and escalated to Trading Standards, 0 product compliant during investigation and no further action taken, 1 compliant following investigation, 1 compliant following six month review and 64 archived.

    Case 010169  – concerns a 5w30 automotive engine oil and the claims made on the product the case are under investigation.

    Case 010168 – concerns official approval claims made against an OEM specification. The case has been investigated and resolved, subject to a six month review.

    Case 010167 – concerns the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil. A sample of the product has been procured and tested. The matter has been raised with the Named Party, and a response received through Trading Standards. A revised product label has been received, and we have received a copy of the revised Technical Data Sheet via Trading Standards which is being reviewed by the Technical Review Panel.

    Case 010166 – concerns a 5w30 Longlife automotive engine oil with a VW 504/507 approval and also making marketing claims against a wide range of OEM specifications. The case has been subject to a six month review and found to be in continued compliance.

    Case 010159 – remains under investigation and has been passed to UEIL regarding the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil. UEIL has written to the OEMs referenced on the product labelling.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    For details of how to submit a lubricant product complaint to VLS, go to

    Industry News

    UK Government has produced a hydrogen strategy which includes HGV and rail transportation using hydrogen as a fuel.

    ILMA report that OEMs have called for a supplement to the existing API SP Engine Oil Standard to overcome oil degradation issues arising from Low Speed Pre Ignition.

    ACEA report that commercial vehicle registrations rose 36% in the first half of 2021.

    SMMT reported that UK car production plummeted in July on the back of a global chip shortage, pingdemic and summer shutdowns.

    API have updated their list of companies to thirty-four making an unauthorised use of the API oil certification marque.

    Media Editorial

    LubesNGreases reported on VLS case 166 concerning the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil.

    Garage magazine, September 2021 on Page 28 features an article by VLS on the future of Hydrogen and Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles as an alternative to electric vehicles.

    Lube magazine August 2021, features an interview with incoming VLS Chairman Mike Bewsey, Commercial Director of Moove.

    Media Advertising

    VLS has produced a revised end user advert which will be used in our future advertising insertions.

    Professional Motor Mechanic, September 2021, half page advert on VLS Page 23.

    Lube magazine August 2021, features a half page advert on VLS.


    The CV show, 31st August to 2nd September, NEC Birmingham.

    Automechanika Frankfurt will now be held as a Digital Plus event on 14-16 September 2021.

    International Week of Lubricants, 20th October, Moscow, Russia.

    UNITI, 3rd to 4th November 2021, Stuttgart, Germany.

    Oil Doc will now take place at Rosenheim, Germany on 17-19 November 2021.

    Automechanika UK has been moved to 7-9 June 2022, NEC, Birmingham.

    Lubricant Expo will take place on 6/8 September 2022 in Messe Essen, Germany.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LInkedIN click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Andrew Goddard

    Chairman of VLS

  • VLS Bulletin – August 2021 – VLS 010166

    VLS 010166 – SCT Vertriebs GmbH Mannol Longlife 504/507 5W-30 Engine Oil

    On 08/09/2020 the case was reported to VLS.

    The case concerned a complaint about the number of OEM claims made on the product for which, it was alleged, no current additive pack existed in the marketplace that could meet all the claims made.

    The product received an official approval from VW on 8th June 2019 against its standard 504 00/507 00. The product also makes a number of other marketing claims against other manufacturer specifications, including VW 505 01, which fall short of formal OEM approvals. In line with the VLS marketing claims procedure VLS asked the Named Party to provide the Candidate Data Pack and a letter of support from their additive company supporting the claims made.

    The Named Party provided a reblend approval to the formulation from their technology provider along with a copy of the Candidate Data Pack. VLS then worked with the Named Party to rationalise the number of claims made to reflect the official approval obtained, the claims supported by the Candidate Data Pack along with those that could reasonably be achieved through deployment of the technology.

    VLS undertook a six month review of the case and concluded that the product was in continued compliance at this stage. Consequently the complaint has been met and the case resolved.

    David Wright, Company Secretary – VLS (UK) Ltd says “We want to ensure we have the highest standards in Europe for lubricant manufacture, blending and marketing, and we want a ‘level playing field’ for all participants, so that we protect the interests of the consumer and other end users.

    In the Verification of Lubricant Specifications (UK) Ltd, we have set our course for stronger industry self-regulation by working positively towards more open and transparent competition that benefits all lubricant organisations. By working with the sector to resolve non compliant products in an independent and impartial manner, we can support companies to compete on a more equitable basis in a highly competitive marketplace.”

    August 2021

  • VLS Newsletter – August 2021

    VLS Newsletter August 2021

    Case summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 69, with 3 products under investigation, 0 not compliant following investigation, 0 not compliant following six month review, 1 product not proven to be compliant and escalated to Trading Standards, 0 product compliant during investigation and no further action taken, 1 compliant following investigation, 0 compliant following six month review and 64 archived.

    Case 010169 NEW – concerns a 5w30 automotive engine oil and the claims made on the product the case is under investigation.

    Case 010168 – concerns official approval claims made against an OEM specification. The case has been investigated and resolved, subject to a six month review.

    Case 010167 – concerns the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil. A sample of the product has been procured and tested. The matter has been raised with the Named Party, and a response received through Trading Standards. A revised product label has been received, we await a copy of the revised Technical Data Sheet via Trading Standards in line with the changes agreed with the Named Party.

    Case 010166 – concerns a 5w30 Longlife automotive engine oil with a VW 504/507 approval and also making marketing claims against a wide range of OEM specifications. The case has been subject to a six month review and found to be in continued compliance.

    Case 010159 – remains under investigation and has been passed to UEIL regarding the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil. UEIL has written to the OEMs referenced on the product labelling.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    For details of how to submit a lubricant product complaint to VLS, go to 

    Industry News

    UK Government has published a plan to decarbonise all domestic transport by 2050.

    ILMA has reported that VW is testing 3D printing for structural parts in conjunction with Siemens and HP with the aim of producing 100,000 lighter components by 2025.

    ACEA has published a Euro VII cost-benefit assessment in conjunction with AERIS, including a scrappage scheme for Euro VI and earlier vehicles, ahead of a formal review by the EU Commission.

    SMMT has issued a statement following the Government’s plan to decarbonise all forms of domestic transport by 2050, and calls for a strong and competitive market that ensures the shift to electric vehicles is affordable for all.

    LubesNGreases report that the U.S car parc is getting older with the average age of vehicles expected to exceed 12 years in 2021.

    Media Editorial

    Aftermarket magazine for July/August includes a lubricants feature with a contribution by VLS.

    Lube magazine August 2021, features an interview with incoming VLS Chairman Mike Bewsey, Commercial Director of Moove.

    Professional Motor Factor online, July 2021. Features an article by VLS on driving changes in the lubricant market.

    Professional Motor Mechanic, July/August, featured an article by VLS Chairman Andrew Goddard on the introduction of the ACEA light engine oil sequences for 2021.

    Media Advertising

    Lube magazine August 2021, features a half page advert on VLS.

    Aftermarket magazine, July/August 2021 features a half page advert from VLS, Page 44. 


    The British Motor Show, 19-22 August, Farnborough, Hampshire.

    The CV show, 31st August to 2nd September, NEC Birmingham.

    Automechanika Frankfurt will now be held as a Digital Plus event on 14-16 September 2021.

    International Week of Lubricants, 20th October, Moscow, Russia.

    UNITI, 3rd to 4th November 2021, Stuttgart, Germany.

    Oil Doc will now take place at Rosenheim, Germany on 17-19 November 2021.

    Automechanika UK has been moved to 7-9 June 2022, NEC, Birmingham.

    Lubricant Expo will take place on 6/8 September 2022 in Messe Essen, Germany.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LInkedIN click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Andrew Goddard

    Chairman of VLS

  • VLS Newsletter – July 2021

    VLS Newsletter July 2021

    Case summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 68, with 2 products under investigation, 0 not compliant following investigation, 0 not compliant following six month review, 1 product not proven to be compliant and escalated to Trading Standards, 0 product compliant during investigation and no further action taken, 1 compliant following investigation, 0 compliant following six month review and 64 archived.

    Case 010168 – concerns official approval claims made against an OEM specification. The case has been investigated and resolved, subject to a six month review.

    Case 010167 – concerns the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil. A sample of the product has been procured and tested. The matter has been raised with the Named Party, and a response received through Trading Standards. We await a copy of the revised product label and Technical Data Sheet via Trading Standards in line with the changes agreed with the Named Party.

    Case 010166 – concerns a 5w30 Longlife automotive engine oil with a VW 504/507 approval and also making marketing claims against a wide range of OEM specifications. The product has been found to be non-compliant and the matter has been raised with Trading Standards.

    Case 010159 – remains under investigation and has been passed to UEIL regarding the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil. UEIL has written to the OEMs referenced on the product labelling.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    For details of how to submit a lubricant product complaint to VLS, go to

    Industry News

    Toyota has announced a ten year warranty for vehicle owners. Called Relax, every time a vehicle is serviced at a Toyota dealership the vehicle qualifies for a twelve month warranty and is valid for vehicles up to ten years old.

    ACEA announce that Car CO2 targets: EU Green Deal must be mutually binding; member states need to invest in infrastructure now.

    SMMT report that car production recovery has been hit by global pandemic supply shortages.

    API has increased its list of companies displaying an unauthorised use of its marks with the inclusion of Petrolube Oil and Grease Company based in Vietnam.

    The European Union are considering the inclusion of brake emissions and tyre/road wear emissions in the upcoming Euro VII regulation.

    EU Green Deal. By July 2021, the Commission will also review and, where necessary, propose to revise all relevant policy instruments to deliver additional greenhouse gas emissions reductions.

    The UK Centre for Connected and Autonomous vehicles has launched a consultation on evidence gathering to inform its future policy on connected vehicles.

    The Department for Transport has announced a consultation on extending clear air zones in a number of major UK cities and towns to counter roadside levels of nitrogen dioxide.

    UK Government has published the Draft Downstream Oil Resilience Bill which includes a number of measures to enhance fuel resilience including greater reporting, the power to direct operators to take actions, restrictions on future acquisition and financial assistance.

    Media Editorial

    Aftermarket, June 2021 carries an article by VLS on the role that additives play in the finished lubricant formulation.

    CVW magazine, June 2021 carries details of a press release by VLS on the recently-published ACEA light duty engine oil sequences.

    Lube magazine, June 2021 features an article by VLS on hydrogen and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles as an alternative to electric vehicles, Page 44.

    Media Advertising

    CVW magazine June 2021, features a half page advert on VLS.

    Lube Magazine, June 2021, features a half page advert by VLS on page 45.

    Aftermarket magazine, July/August 2021 features a half page advert from VLS.


    Automechanika Frankfurt will now be held as a Digital Plus event on 14-16 September 2021.

    International Week of Lubricants, 20th October, Moscow, Russia.

    UNITI, 3rd to 4th November, Stuttgart, Germany.

    Oil Doc will now take place at Rosenheim, Germany on 17-19 November 2021.

    Automechanika UK has been moved to 7-9 June 2022, NEC, Birmingham.

    Lubricant Expo will take place on 6/8 September 2022 in Messe Essen, Germany.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LInkedIN click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Andrew Goddard

    Chairman of VLS

  • VLS Newsletter – June 2021

    VLS Newsletter June 2021

    Case summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 68, with 2 products under investigation, 0 not compliant following investigation, 0 not compliant following six month review, 1 product not proven to be compliant and escalated to Trading Standards, 0 product compliant during investigation and no further action taken, 1 compliant following investigation, 0 compliant following six month review and 64 archived.

    Case 010168 – concerns official approval claims made against an OEM specification. The case has been investigated and resolved, subject to a six month review.

    Case 010167 – concerns the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil. A sample of the product has been procured and tested. The matter has been raised with the Named Party, and a response received through Trading Standards. We await a copy of the revised product label and Technical Data Sheet via Trading Standards in line with the changes agreed with the Named Party.

    Case 010166 – concerns a 5w30 Longlife automotive engine oil with a VW 504/507 approval and also making marketing claims against a wide range of OEM specifications. A copy of the CDP has been requested but not received and the matter has been raised with Trading Standards.

    Case 010159 – remains under investigation and has been passed to UEIL regarding the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil. UEIL has written to the OEMs referenced on the product labelling.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    For details of how to submit a lubricant product complaint to VLS, go to

    Industry News

    UEIL has released an OEM bulletin on Skoda whose owner manuals no longer mention engine oil specifications. The German competition authorities contacted Skoda who agreed to reinstate oil specifications by August 2021.

    ACEA report that in April 2021 the EU commercial vehicle market recorded an accelerated increase in new registrations of 179.2%, totalling 171,283 units.

    SMMT report that Britain’s cars are getting older at 8.4 years on average, but van ownership reaches an historic high.

    DEFRA are consulting on plans to amend the Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging to cover the cost of waste packaging processing and disposal at the end of life whichwill include plastics and steel.

    Department for Transport has laid draft legislation before Parliament concerning the introduction of E10 petrol (petrol with more than 5% ethanol) at filling stations in Great Britain.

    Argus report that the EU Commission is considering a cut to the amount of tariff free Group II that can be imported into the region, down from 200,000 metric tonnes in the first half of 2021 to 150,000 metric tonnes in the second half.

    Media Editorial

    Autorepairfocus featured commentary by VLS on the new ACEA 2021 Light Duty engine oil sequences.

    Professional Motor Factor featured commentary by VLS on the new ACEA 2021 Light Duty engine oil sequences.

    Cat magazine online featured commentary by VLS on the new ACEA 2021 Light Duty engine oil sequences.

    Aftermarket online featured commentary by VLS on the new ACEA 2021 Light Duty engine oil sequences.

    Garage and Mot online featured commentary by VLS on the new ACEA 2021 Light Duty engine oil sequences.

    Professional Motor Mechanic online featured commentary by VLS on the new ACEA 2021 Light Duty engine oil sequences.

    CVW featured commentary by VLS on the new ACEA 2021 Light Duty engine oil sequences.

    CVW – VLS discussed the role lubricants play in reducing emissions in May.

    CVW – VLS talked about the emerging Euro VII emission regulation in May.

    PMF magazine featured a comment by VLS Chairman Andrew Goddard on the current state of the lubricants market.

    Transport Operator – VLS spoke to Transport Operator in May about the changing lubricants market in light of the increased adoption of electric vehicles.

    Lube magazine, June 2021 features an article by VLS on hydrogen and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles as an alternative to electric vehicles, Page 44.

    Media Advertising

    CVW magazine June 2021, features a half page advert on VLS.

    Lube Magazine, June 2021, features a half page advert by VLS on page 45.

    Professional Motor Mechanic, May 2021, features a half page advert by VLS, Page 33.


    Automechanika Frankfurt will now be held as a Digital Plus event on 14-16 September 2021.

    International Week of Lubricants, 20th October, Moscow, Russia.

    UNITI, 3rd to 4th November, Stuttgart, Germany.

    Oil Doc will now take place at Rosenheim, Germany on 17-19 November 2021.

    Automechanika UK has been moved to 7-9 June 2022, NEC, Birmingham.

    Lubricant Expo will take place on 6/8 September 2022 in Messe Essen, Germany.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LInkedIN click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Andrew Goddard

    Chairman of VLS

  • ACEA launch new 2021 sequences for light-duty vehicles

    The European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) has published the 2021 ACEA light-duty oil sequences. The ACEA sequences identify relevant performance standards for lubricants specifically tailored to the European market. Lubricants marketers have been blending to ACEA sequences produced in 2016, but after work began in 2018, the new automotive engine oil sequences for light-duty vehicles have now been released.

    According to ACEA, the new sequences have been published in order to address engine developments that are being driven by a combination of regulatory and performance needs, complemented by necessary test maintenance requirements.

    Andrew Goddard, Chairman of UK independent trade body for lubricants, the Verification of Lubricant Specifications (VLS) commented: “The new ACEA 2021 sequences represent evolution, not revolution. The light-duty sequences for 2021 tackle some existing challenges in the marketplace such as the introduction of a new category A7/B7 and C6 addressing the impact of Low Speed Pre-Ignition. The introduction of new engine tests modernises the sequences to take account of the need for lower viscosity fluids in some engines such as the introduction of the Toyota engine test. They also withdraw legacy engines that are no longer representative of the overall market.”

    New claims can already be made against the 2021 oil sequences, which will become mandatory for all new claims from 1 May 2022 onwards.

    The lubricants industry still awaits the 2021 sequences for heavy-duty engines, which ACEA expects to publish no earlier than June 2021. New categories E8 and E11 are likely to be introduced, replacing E6 and E9. These upgrades will focus on enhanced oxidation performance and piston cleanliness with the inclusion of established ASTM engine tests developed for API CK-4. Two new categories for fuel efficiency, F8 and F11, are also expected.

  • VLS Newsletter – May 2021

    VLS Newsletter May 2021

    Case summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 68, with 2 products under investigation, 0 not compliant following investigation, 0 not compliant following six month review, 1 product not proven to be compliant and escalated to Trading Standards, 0 product compliant during investigation and no further action taken, 1 compliant following investigation, 0 compliant following six month review and 64 archived.

    Case 010168 – concerns official approval claims made against an OEM specification. The case has been investigated and resolved with MPM Oils International Ltd.

    Case 010167 – concerns the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil. A sample of the product has been procured and tested. The matter has been raised with the Named Party, we have received a response back via Trading Standards with which we have a Primary Authority relationship and this is being considered by the VLS Board.

    Case 010166 – concerns a 5w30 Longlife automotive engine oil with a VW 504/507 approval and also making marketing claims against a wide range of OEM specifications. The case is due for review at the six month stage in July 2021.

    Case 010159 – remains under investigation and has been passed to UEIL regarding the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    For details of how to submit a lubricant product complaint to VLS, go to

    Industry News

    API has announced changes to their oil categories and the withdrawal of claims that can be made against ILSAC GF-5 from 30 April 2021.

    The International Fluids Consortium has been launched with the intention to bring together motor manufacturers and lubricant companies to encourage fluid innovation and improve fluid performance to meet the needs of vehicle owners.

    ACEA has announced the launch of ACEA 2021 replacing ACEA 2016. The changes include two new categories and associated new engine tests.

    SMMT reports that car production has risen 46% against Covid hit 2020 although the five year average shows production is still down 22% against the March average.

    The Department for Transport has announced the paving of the way for autonomous vehicles on Britain’s roads with the approval of the Automated Lane Keeping System of technology for vehicles.

    Media Editorial

    Transport Operator, April 2021, Online. VLS highlights the lubricant impact of the shift to Electric Vehicles.

    Lube magazine, April 2021, features an article by Andrew Goddard on an update to the ACEA engine oil sequences planned for 2021, page 44.

    Lube magazine, April 2021 features an article by VLS on highlighting the important distinction between official approvals and other marketing claims, page 45.

    VLS has produced a short introductory video to the ACEA 2016 engine oil sequences which is available on the homepage of its website.

    Media Advertising

    Professional Motor Mechanic, May 2021, features a half page advert by VLS, page 33.

    CVW magazine April 2021, featured a half page advert on VLS, page 33.

    Lube Magazine, April 2021, featured a half page advert by VLS on page 45.


    CIS, the 8th annual CIS base Oils and Lubricants Conference will take place both online and in Moscow, Russia between 19th and 20th May 2021.

    Automechanika Frankfurt will now be held as a Digital Plus event on 14-16 September 2021.

    Oil Doc will now take place at Rosenheim, Germany on 17-19 November 2021.

    Automechanika UK has been moved to 7-9 June 2022, NEC, Birmingham.

    Lubricant Expo will now take place on 6-8 September 2022 in Messe Essen, Germany.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LInkedIN click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Andrew Goddard

    Chairman of VLS

  • VLS Newsletter – April 2021

    VLS Newsletter April 2021

    Case summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 68, with 3 products under investigation, 0 not compliant following investigation, 0 not compliant following six month review, 1 product not proven to be compliant and escalated to Trading Standards, 0 product compliant during investigation and no further action taken, 0 compliant following investigation, 0 compliant following six month review and 64 archived.

    Case 010168 – concerns official approval claims made against an OEM specification. The case has been raised with the Named Party to which we are awaiting a response.

    Case 010167 – concerns the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil. A sample of the product has been procured and tested. The matter has been raised with the Named Party and we are awaiting a response.

    Case 010166 – concerns a 5w30 Longlife automotive engine oil with a VW 504/507 approval and also making marketing claims against a wide range of OEM specifications. The case is due for review at the six month stage in July 2021.

    Case 010159 – remains under investigation and has been passed to UEIL regarding the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    For details of how to submit a lubricant product complaint to VLS, go to

    Industry News

    ACEA report that car makers are open to higher CO2 targets, if there is a matching infrastructure ramp-up across the EU.

    The Department for Transport has announced a consultation amending the Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation (RTFO) to increase carbon savings on land, air and at sea.

    The Competition and Markets Authority has begun a review into the Vertical Block Exemption Regulation ahead of its expiry in May 2022.

    SMMT reports that the new van market is still playing catch-up, despite Covid-contrived rise.

    The EU Commission is currently preparing proposals for the introduction of stricter emissions standards (Euro 7) for all petrol and diesel cars, vans, lorries and buses as part of the Green Deal. The proposed rules will consider new vehicle technologies and ensure emissions are measured in real-time.

    Media Editorial

    Professional Motor Factor magazine, March 2021, featured commentary by VLS on the impact of ultra-low viscosity lubricants on reducing vehicle emissions.

    Professional Motor Factor featured an online article by VLS in March 2021, on the strict environmental regulations that lubricant manufacturers and marketers have to comply with.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop magazine March 2021, featured an article by Andrew Goddard on the significant contribution lubricants make to lowering vehicle emissions.

    Lube magazine, April 2021, features an article by Andrew Goddard on an update to the ACEA engine oil sequences planned for 2021. Page 44.

    Lube magazine, April 2021 features an article by VLS on highlighting the important distinction between official approvals and other marketing claims, page 45.

    VLS has produced a short introductory video to the ACEA 2016 engine oil sequences which is available on the homepage of its website.

    Media Advertising

    CVW magazine, April 2021, features a half page advert on VLS, page 33.

    Lube magazine, April 2021, features a half page advert by VLS on page 45.

    Autotechnician featured a half page advert on VLS in the March edition of the magazine, page 33.


    CIS, the 8th annual CIS base Oils and Lubricants Conference will take place in Moscow, Russia between 19th and 20th May 2021.

    Oil Doc will take place at Rosenheim, Germany on 8th to 10th June 2021.

    Automechanika Frankfurt will now be held on 14-18 September 2021.

    ELGI, the AGM will now take place 30th April to 3rd May 2022 in Hamburg.

    Automechanika UK has been moved to 7-9 June 2022, NEC, Birmingham.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here.

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Andrew Goddard

    Chairman of VLS

  • VLS Newsletter – March 2021

    VLS Newsletter March 2021

    Case summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 68, with 3 products under investigation, 0 not compliant following investigation, 0 not compliant following six month review, 1 product not proven to be compliant and escalated to Trading Standards, 0 product compliant during investigation and no further action taken, 0 compliant following investigation, 0 compliant following six month review and 64 archived.

    Case 010168 – concerns official approval claims made against an OEM specification. The case has been raised with the Named Party to which we are awaiting a response.

    Case 010167 – concerns the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil. A sample of the product has been procured and tested. The matter has been raised with the Named Party and we are awaiting a response.

    Case 010166 – concerns a 5w30 Longlife automotive engine oil with a VW 504/507 approval and also making marketing claims against a wide range of OEM specifications. The case is due for review at the six month stage.

    Case 010159 – remains under investigation and has been passed to UEIL regarding the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    For details of how to submit a lubricant product complaint to VLS, go to

    Industry News

    ACEA report that ambitious CO2 targets can only be as ambitious as the infrastructure deployed on the ground in Europe amid claims that the continent will need one million charging points for electric vehicles by 2024.

    UK Government has announced it is reviewing the vertical block exemption due to expire from May 2022, at the same time as the European Union is also reviewing the Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regulation (MVBER) ahead of its expiry in May 2023.

    API has updated the list of companies to 19 products which are displaying API engine oil certification marks but without API’s authorisation.

    SMMT reports that UK car production fell 27.3% in January as the industry calls for measures to support competitiveness.

    ILMA report on how manufacturers can plan for the Google algorithm change in May 2021.

    VDA – The German Automotive Industry Association has expressed concerns about the EU’s plans to introduce Euro 7 emissions regulations which they believe will spell the end of the internal combustion engine.

    Media Editorial

    Professional Motor Mechanic, February 2021, published commentary online from VLS on the MVBER renewal.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop, February 2021, published commentary online from VLS on the use of retired ACEA claims by oil marketers.

    Professional Motor Factor, February 2021, published commentary by VLS on the environmental regulations affecting the sale of finished automotive lubricants in the UK.

    Garage magazine, issue 324, published an article by VLS on the impact of electric vehicles on the automotive lubricant market, Page 41.

    Lube magazine, February 2021, features an article by Michele Mason from Buckinghamshire and Surrey Trading Standards on taking forward the Primary Authority partnership with VLS.

    Lube magazine, February 2021 features an article on VLS escalating a 5w30 Longlife engine oil case to Trading Standards.

    VLS has produced a short introductory video to the ACEA 2016 engine oil sequences which is available on the homepage of its website.

    Media Advertising

    Autotechnician features a half page advert on VLS in the March edition of the magazine.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop features a half page advert in the February edition of the magazine.

    Professional Motor Mechanic features a half page advert in the February edition of the magazine.

    Lube Magazine, February 2021, features a half page advert by VLS on page 45.


    CIS, the 8th annual CIS base Oils and Lubricants Conference will take place in Moscow, Russia between 19th and 20th May 2021.

    Oil Doc will take place at Rosenheim, Germany on 8th to 10th June 2021.

    UNITI, Stuttgart will now take place on 14-15 July 2021.

    Automechanika Frankfurt will now be held on 14-18 September 2021.

    ELGI, the AGM will now take place 30th April to 3rd May 2022 in Hamburg.

    Automechanika UK has been moved to 7-9 June 2022, NEC, Birmingham.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here.

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Andrew Goddard

    Chairman of VLS

  • VLS Newsletter – February 2021

    VLS Newsletter February 2021

    VLS Logo Guidelines

    VLS has issued guidelines for VLS members regarding the use of the VLS logo and brand in connection with their business. It is a condition of use of the VLS brand that members agreed to abide by the guidelines.

    The guidelines can be found at

    Case summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 67, with 2 products under investigation, 0 not compliant following investigation, 0 not compliant following six month review, 1 product not proven to be compliant and escalated to Trading Standards, 0 product compliant during investigation and no further action taken, 0 compliant following investigation, 0 compliant following six month review and 64 archived.

    Case 010167 – concerns the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil. A sample of the product has been procured and tested and is under consideration by the Technical Review Panel.

    Case 010166 – concerns a 5w30 Longlife automotive engine oil with a VW 504/507 approval and also making marketing claims against a wide range of OEM specifications. The case has been escalated to Trading Standards through VLS’s Primary Authority partnership with Bucks & Surrey Trading Standards and will be subject to review at the six month stage.

    Case 010159 – remains under investigation and has been passed to UEIL regarding the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    For details of how to submit a lubricant product complaint to VLS, go to

    Industry News

    ACEA report that truck makers gear up to go fossil-free by 2040, but EU and member states need to step up their game.

    UK Government has published details regarding determining the rules of origin of UK products intended for export.

    SMMT reports that UK car production down -29.3% as coronavirus slams brakes on sector

    ILMA report that GM hopes to replace all gas vehicles with electric vehicles by 2040.

    Media Editorial

    Professional Motor Mechanic, January 2021, featured a news item on VLS’s Primary Authority relationship with Buckinghamshire and Surrey Trading Standards.

    Professional Motor Mechanic, January 2021, featured an article on the importance of the renewal of the Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regulation currently under consideration by the European Union.

    Professional Motor Factor, January 2021, featured a news item on VLS’s view of the renewal of the Block Exemption Regulation.

    LubesNGreases, January 2021 reported that VLS had filed a case with Trading Standards against case 166.

    Aftermarket Online, January 2021, featured an item on VLS filing case 166 with Trading Standards.

    CAT magazine online, January 2021, reported on VLS escalating case 166 to Trading Standards.

    Garage magazine, issue 323, reported on VLS escalating case 166 to Trading Standards.

    Aftermarket magazine, February 2021, reported on VLS escalating case 166 to Trading Standards.

    Lube magazine, February 2021, features an article by Michele Mason from Buckinghamshire and Surrey Trading Standards on taking forward the Primary Authority partnership with VLS.

    Lube magazine, February 2021 features an article on VLS escalating a 5w30 Longlife engine oil case to Trading Standards.

    VLS has produced a short introductory video to the ACEA 2016 engine oil sequences which is available on the homepage of its website.

    Media Advertising

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop features a half page advert in the February edition of the magazine.

    Professional Motor Mechanic features a half page advert in the February edition of the magazine.

    Lube Magazine, February 2021, features a half page advert by VLS on page 45.


    ICIS, the first ICIS World Base Oils & Lubricants Live will take place on 16-18 February 2021

    CIS, the 8th annual CIS base Oils and Lubricants Conference will take place in Moscow, Russia between 19th and 20th May 2021.

    Oil Doc will take place at Rosenheim, Germany on 8th to 10th June 2021.

    UNITI, Stuttgart will now take place on 14-15 July 2021.

    Automechanika Frankfurt will now be held on 14-18 September 2021.

    ELGI, the AGM will now take place 30th April to 3rd May 2022 in Hamburg.

    Automechanika UK has been moved to 7-9 June 2022, NEC, Birmingham.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here.

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Andrew Goddard

    Chairman of VLS

  • VLS Newsletter – January 2021

    VLS Newsletter January 2021

    Case summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 66, with 2 products under investigation, 0 not compliant following investigation, 0 not compliant following six month review, 1 product not proven to be compliant and escalated to Trading Standards, 0 product compliant during investigation and no further action taken, 0 compliant following investigation, 1 compliant following six month review and 63 archived.

    Case 010167 – concerns the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil. The case is currently anonymous and under investigation pending the procurement and testing of a sample of product.

    Case 010166 – concerns a 5w30 Longlife automotive engine oil with a VW 504/507 approval and also making marketing claims against a wide range of OEM specifications. The Named Party was unable to provide any evidence from their technology provider to support the marketing claims made, although the approval has been documented, and so the case has been escalated to Trading Standards through VLS’s Primary Authority partnership with Bucks & Surrey Trading Standards.

    Case 010159 – remains under investigation and has been passed to UEIL regarding the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil.

    Case 010154 – due to non-compliant HTHS properties identified at the six month review, the case regarding an automotive engine oil has been escalated to Trading Standards who have contacted the Named Party. A bulletin has been issued for the case which will be archived on the 26th January.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    For details of how to submit a lubricant product complaint to VLS, go to

    Industry News

    ACEA report that the European motor industry has welcomed the free trade agreement between the UK and the EU.

    UK Government has announced details of the free trade agreement with the European Union which will allow for the movement of goods between the region and the UK, free of tariff or quota.

    SMMT reports that UK engine production is down by 8.2% in November.

    ILMA report a new Congress has been sworn in with tensions still simmering and a Georgia run off still looming.

    UEIL has issued a Technical and Competition committee update ahead of the first meeting of 2021 which will be held virtually on 27th January.

    API has listed 17 lubricant companies making unauthorised claims against the API engine oil standards.

    Media Editorial

    Garage and MOT magazine, December 2020 featured an article on VLS’s new Primary Authority partnership with Bucks & Surrey Trading Standards.

    Garage magazine, issue 322, included an article on VLS winter servicing feature.

    Lube Magazine, December 2020, Andrew Goddard, VLS Chairman, talks about the Additive Technical Committee’s Code of Practice and its role in ensuring confidence in the performance of a finished lubricant through quality assuring the development of an additive package.

    VLS has produced a short introductory video to the ACEA 2016 engine oil sequences which is available on the homepage of its website.

    Professional Motor Factor, features VLS in its weekly newsletter on the right engine oil selection.

    Media Advertising

    Lube Magazine, December 2020, features a half page advert by VLS on page 49.

    Garage magazine issue 322 features a half page advert on VLS on page 57.

    The future advertising schedule includes;

    Professional Motor Mechanic, February 2021.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop, February 2021.

    Autotechnician March 2021.


    ACI European Base Oils and Summit, will take place on 17/18 November 2021, Amsterdam.

    ICIS, the first ICIS World Base Oils & Lubricants Live will take place on 16-18 February 2021.

    ELGI, the AGM will now take place 30th April to 3rd May 2022 in Hamburg.

    UNITI, Stuttgart will now take place on 14-15 July 2021.

    ChemUK , has been moved to 12th and 13th May 2021 at the NEC, Birmingham, UK.

    Automechanika Frankfurt will now be held on 14-18 September 2021.

    Automechanika UK has been moved to 7-9 June 2022, NEC, Birmingham.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here.

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Andrew Goddard

    Chairman of VLS

  • VLS Newsletter – December 2020

    VLS Newsletter December 2020

    Primary Authority partnership

    VLS has entered into a Primary Authority partnership with Bucks & Surrey Trading Standards. The role of the partnership will be to ensure greater compliance amongst members through the provision of tailored guidance from the authority, so called assured advice, which other authorities are bound to follow unless there is good reason. VLS will also work with the authority to escalate issues and resolve case complaints.

    Marketing guidelines

    VLS has issued guidance regarding the use of marketing claims with respect to the technical specifications and performance claims of finished lubricants. The guidance can be found at

    Case summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 66, with 2 products under investigation, 0 not compliant following investigation, 0 not compliant following six month review, 0 product not proven to be compliant and escalated to Trading Standards, 0 product compliant during investigation and no further action taken, 0 compliant following investigation, 1 compliant following six month review and 63 archived.

    Case 010166 – concerns the OEM and ACEA claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil. The case is currently anonymous and under investigation.

    Case 010163  – concerning the claims made against manufacturer specifications has been investigated and the product found to be in compliance. The case was archived on 30 November.

    Case 010159 – remains under investigation and has been passed to UEIL regarding the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil.

    Case 010154 – due to non-compliant HTHS properties identified at the six month review, the case regarding an automotive engine oil has been escalated to Trading Standards who have contacted the Named Party. A bulletin has been issued for the case.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    For details of how to submit a lubricant product complaint to VLS, go to

    Industry News

    ACEA report that vehicle sales mirror economic growth over the period 2008 to 2021, and expect vehicle sales to be down by 25% this year versus 2019.

    UK Government has announced the end of the sale of new petrol and diesel car sales by 2030,

    SMMT reports that UK engine production has declined by a fifth in October 2020 and is down by 30% year to date.

    ILMA report that PLUS are to begin Class 3 autonomous truck mass production in 2021.

    UEIL has issued a technical bulletin regarding Renault Trucks, concerning the RDL-5 specification.

    ALMU, the Asian Lubricant Manufacturers’ Union has announced a change of name to the Asian Lubricants Industry Association, or ALIA, and the appointment of a new Executive Director in Bernard Wong, formerly Asia-Pacific region head for the Lubrizol Corporation.

    The EU Commission has opened a consultation on Access to Technical Data which is vital to the effective operation of the automotive aftermarket. The consultation is being carried out by the Transport Research Foundation.

    Media Editorial

    Professional Motor Mechanic magazine has reported on VLS’s entering into a Primary Authority partnership with Bucks & Surrey Trading Standards.

    Lube Magazine, December 2020, Andrew Goddard, VLS Chairman, talks about the Additive Technical Committee’s Code of Practice and tis role in ensuring confidence in the performance of a finished lubricant through quality assuring the development of an additive package.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop magazine, Nov-Dec 20, features an article by VLS on the use of withdrawn claims by lubricant marketers, Page 28/29.

    VLS has produced a short introductory video to the ACEA 2016 engine oil sequences which is available on the homepage of its website.

    Media Advertising

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop magazine, Nov-Dec 20, features a half page advert by VLS on page 19.

    Lube Magazine, December 2020, features a half page advert by VLS on page 49.

    Aftermarket magazine features a half page advert in its November issue on Page 21.

    The future advertising schedule includes;

    Garage magazine, January 2021.

    Professional Motor Mechanic, February 2021.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop, February 2021.


    ACI European Base Oils and Summit, has been rescheduled to 17/18 November 2021, Amsterdam.

    Lubmat, will take place online on the 15-17 December 2020.

    ICIS, the first ICIS World Base Oils & Lubricants Live will take place on 16-18 February 2021.

    ELGI, Hamburg will take place on 24-27 April 2021.

    UNITI, Stuttgart will now take place on 28-29 April 2021.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here.

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Andrew Goddard

    Chairman of VLS

  • VLS Bulletin – November 2020 – VLS 010154

    VLS 010154 – Hyperdrive PCMO Fully Synthetic 5W-30 C3

    On 7th December 2017 the case was reported to VLS

    The complaint alleged that the product failed HTHS and NOACK evaporation limits for a product of this type. VLS procured and tested a sample of the product and found that the product returned an HTHS value of 2.99 mPA.s and a NOACK test result of 11.3%.

    The Technical Review Panel determined that the HTHS value of 2.99 mPA.s rounded to 3.0 so was a fail and the complaint was upheld. The NOACK test result at 11.3% rounded to 11% so was also a fail with regards to the claim against MB 229.51, although it did meet the claim against ACEA C3.

    Following this the Named Party reformulated the product which was tested by an independent testing house. The testing house results confirmed that the reformulated product was compliant regarding HTHS and NOACK properties against the stated performance claims.

    VLS then requested a letter of assurance from the Named Party’s technology provider that the additive pack was suitable for use against the claims being made, and that the treat rate was appropriate for these claims. The letter was accepted by VLS who were satisfied that the actions agreed with the Named Party have brought the product back into compliance.

    In November 2019 VLS undertook a six month review of the case and again arranged for a sample of the reformulated product to be procured and tested by an independent testing house.

    In December 2019, the reformulated product was tested and the results showed that the product failed to meet the minimum specification for HTHS laid down by ACEA, returning a result of 3.29 mPa.s against the minimum specification of 3.5 mPa.s for a product of this type. We shared this result with the Named Party on 10th January and asked for their comments. They contacted their technology provider but could not identify the cause of the issue.

    Due to the time the case has taken to conclude, and the continued non-compliance of the product the VLS Board decided to raise this issue with Trading Standards for enforcement as VLS believes it has gone as far as it can with the case. VLS believed that the product is not as described, fails to meet the stated technical specification regarding its HTHS value, and, in the public interest, the product can cause accelerated wear to gears and bearings in application which, if left unchecked  could lead to eventual failure in key components of the engine.

    Worcestershire Trading Standards took up the case on behalf of VLS over the summer of 2020, and engaged with the Named Party, agreeing a number of steps to resolve the matter. Trading Standards reported back to VLS in October of the steps that had been identified, agreed and implemented.

    VLS are satisfied that the issue has been resolved and the case can be concluded.

    David Wright, Company Secretary – VLS (UK) Ltd says “We want to ensure we have the highest standards in Europe for lubricant manufacture, blending and marketing, and we want a ‘level playing field’ for all participants, so that we protect the interests of the consumer and other end users.

    In the Verification of Lubricant Specifications (UK) Ltd, we have set our course for stronger industry self-regulation by working positively towards more open and transparent competition that benefits all lubricant organisations. By working with the sector to resolve non compliant products in an independent and impartial manner, we can support companies to compete on a more equitable basis in a highly competitive marketplace.”

    November 2020

  • VLS Newsletter – November 2020

    VLS Newsletter November 2020

    Case summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 66, with 2 products under investigation, 0 not compliant following investigation, 0 not compliant following six month review, 1 product not proven to be compliant and escalated to Trading Standards, 0 product compliant during investigation and no further action taken, 0 compliant following investigation, 1 compliant following six month review and 62 archived.

    Case 010166 – concerns the OEM and ACEA claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil. The case is currently anonymous and under investigation.

    Case 010165 – concerning the cold weather properties of an automotive engine oil and the use of a non-approved formulation has been archived on the 12th October.

    Case 010163  – concerning the claims made against manufacturer specifications has been investigated and the product found to be in compliance. The case will be archived on 30 November.

    Case 010159 – remains under investigation and has been passed to UEIL regarding the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil.

    Case 010154 – due to non-compliant HTHS properties identified at the six month review, the case regarding an automotive engine oil has been escalated to Trading Standards who have contacted the Named Party.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    For details of how to submit a lubricant product complaint to VLS, go to

    Industry News

    Australian Lubricant Association has launched its own lubricant verification programme in response to concerns raised about lubricant compliance.

    ACEA report that the fuel types of new cars in the third quarter of 2020 were petrol 47.5%, hybrids 12.4%, electric 9.9% market share with electric vehicles accounting for nearly one in ten cars sold.

    SMMT reports the UK van market sees order boost ahead of Christmas season, up 13.3%.

    EU review of the Motor Vehicle Block Exemption regulation (MVBER). The EU is currently undertaking an evaluation of the MVBER and will report back in May 2021 ahead of the expiry of the regulation in May 2023.

    Media Editorial

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop October 2020, included an article from VLS on winter servicing, Page 36.

    Car Mechanics magazine, September 2020 featured an article by VLS on the right lubricant selection, Page 13.

    Lube Magazine, October 2020, VLS talks about the latest revision to the ACEA engine oil sequences.

    VLS has produced a short introduction to the ACEA engine oil sequences which is available on the homepage of its website.

    Media Advertising

    Garage magazine, October 2020, half page advert on page 31.

    In response to the coronavirus pandemic, VLS has rephased its promotional campaign over the summer period and will re-commence advertising in the trade press from September 2020.

    The current plan includes

    Aftermarket magazine, November 2020

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop, December 2020.

    Garage magazine, January 2021.

    Professional Motor Mechanic, February 2021.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop, February 2021.


    ACI European Base Oils and Summit, has been rescheduled to 17/18 November 2021, Amsterdam.

    Lubmat, will take place online on the 15-17 December 2020.

    ICIS, the first ICIS World Base Oils & Lubricants Live will take place on 16-18 February 2021.

    ELGI, Hamburg will take place on 24-27 April 2021.

    UNITI, Stuttgart will now take place on 28-29 April 2021.

    ChemUK has been moved to 12th and 13th May 2021 at the NEC, Birmingham, UK.

    Automechanika Frankfurt will now be held on 14-18 September 2021.

    Automechanika UK has been moved to 7-9 June 2022, NEC, Birmingham.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here.

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Andrew Goddard

    Chairman of VLS

  • VLS Bulletin – September 2020 – VLS010163

    VLS 010163 – Gulf CX 5W-30

    On 25/10/2019 the case was reported to VLS.

    The complaint concerned an allegation that there is no technology currently available on the market to meet the combination of the latest OEM specifications PSA B71 2290 and BMW LL-04 (including N20 and B48 performance). The claim on the Technical Data Sheet, dated February 2018, to meet PSA B71 2290 did not specify which iteration and therefore risks misapplication as the latest iteration (2019) requires LSPI (low speed pre-ignition).

    The Named Party stated that there had been a subsequent formulation change and change in product pack labels in December 2018 / January 2019 and the TDS dated February 2018 had been superseded. Since then there had been no formulation changes but there had been periodic changes to the Technical Data Sheets/product labels to align with the changes in OEM specifications and approvals of the product. As evidence the Named Party provided updated copies of the latest TDS dated October 2019, and latest product labels reflecting the current claims made.

    “The latest version of the Technical Data Sheet removed the marketing claims against the following specifications for which manufacturer approvals had been obtained for MB 229.51, MB 229.52, BMW LL-04, VW 505 00 & 505 01. The marketing claim against PSA B71 2290 was withdrawn. ”

    VLS undertook a six month review of the case and found the actions implemented by the Named Party to bring the product into compliance had been maintained at the six month stage. Consequently VLS is satisfied that the product remains in compliance at the six month review and the case is concluded.

    David Wright, Company Secretary – VLS (UK) Ltd says “We want to ensure we have the highest standards in Europe for lubricant manufacture, blending and marketing, and we want a ‘level playing field’ for all participants, so that we protect the interests of the consumer and other end users.

    In the Verification of Lubricant Specifications (UK) Ltd, we have set our course for stronger industry self-regulation by working positively towards more open and transparent competition that benefits all lubricant organisations. By working with the sector to resolve non compliant products in an independent and impartial manner, we can support companies to compete on a more equitable basis in a highly competitive marketplace.”

    September 2020

  • VLS Newsletter – October 2020

    VLS Newsletter October 2020

    Case summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 66, with 2 products under investigation, 0 not compliant following investigation, 0 not compliant following six month review, 1 product not proven to be compliant and escalated to Trading Standards, 1 product compliant during investigation and no further action taken, 1 compliant following investigation, 0 compliant following six month review and 61 archived.

    Case 010166 – concerns the OEM and ACEA claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil. The case is currently anonymous and under investigation.

    Case 010165 – concerned the cold weather properties of an automotive engine oil and the use of a non-approved formulation. Upon independent testing arranged by VLS, the product was found to be compliant regarding its cold weather properties and insufficient evidence was obtained whether the product was using a non-approved formulation. Consequently the case will remain anonymous until archived on the 12th October.

    Case 010163  – concerning the claims made against manufacturer specifications has been investigated and the product found to be in compliance. The case was reviewed in September as part of a six month review and was found to be in continued compliance at the six month stage.

    Case 010159 – remains under investigation and has been passed to UEIL regarding the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil.

    Case 010154 – due to non-compliant HTHS properties identified at the six month review, the case regarding an automotive engine oil has been escalated to Trading Standards who have contacted the Named Party.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    For details of how to submit a lubricant product complaint to VLS, go to

    VLS has also purchased UK lubricant marketer test data from the Institute of Materials for nine products over the summer period and for five test properties for each of the products. All samples concern 5w30 automotive engine oils with the exception of one 10w40 automotive engine oil. Four of the samples were found to be non-compliant by way of their HTHS values and have been escalated to ATIEL.

    Industry News

    ACEA report that Commercial vehicle registrations were down by 28.2% for the eight months into 2020; -0.9% in July and -18.0% in August.

    ILMA report that EU and Britain far apart as key week of Brexit talks begins.

    SMMT launches Safe Harbour scheme to secure supply chain.

    Media Editorial

    Professional Motor Mechanic, October 2020, Andrew Goddard talks about the latest revision to the ACEA Engine Oil Sequences.

    Garage magazine, September 2020. Does a classic car need a classic engine oil?

    Lube Magazine, October 2020, VLS talks about the latest revision to the ACEA engine oil sequences.

    VLS has produced a short introduction to the ACEA engine oil sequences which is available on the homepage of its website.

    Media Advertising

    In response to the coronavirus pandemic, VLS has rephased its promotional campaign over the summer period and will re-commence advertising in the trade press from September 2020.

    The current plan includes

    Garage magazine, October 2020.

    Aftermarket magazine, November 2020

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop, December 2020.

    Garage magazine, January 2021.

    Professional Motor Mechanic, February 2021.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop, February 2021.


    ILMA Virtual Annual Meeting October 26-27 to be held online with #EssentialILMA as the theme. Registration from $49 for members, $100 non-members.

    ACI European Base Oils and Summit, Nov 25-26, Rotterdam.

    Lubmat, Bilbao will take place on the 1st and 2nd December 2020

    ICIS, the 25th World Base Oils Conference will take place on 17th to 19th February 2021 in London.

    ELGI, Hamburg will take place on 24-27 April 2021.

    UNITI, Stuttgart will now take place on 28-29 April 2021.

    ChemUK, has been moved to 12th and 13th May 2021 at the NEC, Birmingham, UK.

    Automechanika Frankfurt will now be held on 14-18 September 2021.

    VLS will be exhibiting at Automechanika UK at the NEC in Birmingham on 8-10 June, 2021

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here.

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Andrew Goddard

    Chairman of VLS

  • VLS Bulletin – September 2020 – VLS010160

    VLS 010160 – Impetus Automotive Ltd trading as Toyota First

    On 02/11/2018 the case was reported to VLS.

    The case complaint concerned the number of conflicting claims made for the product which, taken together, were not technically feasible. These concerned both industry standards such as the ACEA engine oil sequences, as well as various OEM specifications from different manufacturers. The technical information also contained errors in the promotional material and claims made against obsolete industry standards.

    VLS worked with the Named Party to resolve the conflicting claims, remove reference to obsolete claims and present the product’s technical information in a compliant manner. VLS followed its marketing claims procedure and asked for a copy of the Candidate Data Pack (CDP) for the formulation employed by the product. The CDP provides details of how the claims made on a product have been met through either rigorous testing or through the attainment of formal approvals.

    The Candidate Data Pack was not provided by the Named Party, in breach of the ATIEL Code of Practice which defines the requirements on marketers of engine oils making claims against the ACEA sequences. VLS therefore could not independently verify or validate that any of the claims made for the product had been supported by the technology provider either through appropriate and rigorous testing or from formal approvals being granted by the relevant OEMs. We therefore had to conclude that no evidence had been provided that the product is capable of meeting all or any of the claims made for it.

    As Section 7 of the ATIEL Code of Practice had not been complied with in this case, VLS reported the Named Party to ATIEL for breaching their undertakings under the ATIEL Code of Practice.

    The case was also escalated to Trading Standards as the claims could not be validated or verified, and no evidence had been provided that the product is capable of meeting any of the claims made against it.

    In line with its stated procedure VLS undertook a six month review of the case. The Named Party asked that all correspondence be referred through Trading Standards whom believed they had taken the case as far as they could.

    VLS escalated the issue of a major motor manufacturer’s non-compliance with the ACEA automotive engine oil sequences with the European Technical Association ATIEL who shared the findings with ACEA. In response to this case ATIEL has changed its product compliance procedure so that now the automotive engine oil products marketed by every major motor manufacturer will be included in their annual sampling and testing programme.

    Subsequently VLS believes that the product is no longer being made available on open sale in the United Kingdom. If it becomes apparent that the product is being sold in the United Kingdom in a non-compliant manner then VLS reserves the right, in the public interest, to take whatever action it deems necessary and appropriate to bring the product back into compliance.

    David Wright, Company Secretary – VLS (UK) Ltd says “We want to ensure we have the highest standards in Europe for lubricant manufacture, blending and marketing, and we want a ‘level playing field’ for all participants, so that we protect the interests of the consumer and other end users.

    In the Verification of Lubricant Specifications (UK) Ltd, we have set our course for stronger industry self-regulation by working positively towards more open and transparent competition that benefits all lubricant organisations. By working with the sector to resolve non compliant products in an independent and impartial manner, we can support companies to compete on a more equitable basis in a highly competitive marketplace.”

    June 2020

  • VLS Newsletter – September 2020

    VLS Newsletter September 2020

    Case summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 65, with 1 product under investigation, 0 not compliant following investigation, 0 not compliant following six month review, 1 product not proven to be compliant and escalated to Trading Standards, 1 product compliant during investigation and no further action taken, 1 compliant following investigation, 0 compliant following six month review and 61 archived.

    Case 010165 – concerned the cold weather properties of an automotive engine oil and the use of a non-approved formulation. Upon independent testing arranged by VLS, the product was found to be complaint regarding its cold weather properties and insufficient evidence was obtained whether the product was using a non-approved formulation. Consequently the case will remain anonymous until archived on the 12th October.

    Case 163  – concerning the claims made against manufacturer specifications has been investigated and the product found to be in compliance. The case is due for a six month review on 27th September.

    Case 010160 – has now been archived.

    Case 010159 – remains under investigation and has been passed to UEIL regarding the claims made on a 5w30 automotive engine oil.

    Case 010154 – due to non-compliant HTHS properties identified at the six month review, the case regarding an automotive engine oil has been escalated to Trading Standards who have contacted the Named Party.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    For details of how to submit a lubricant product complaint to VLS, go to

    VLS has also purchased UK lubricant marketer test data from the Institute of Materials for nine products over the summer period and for five test properties for each of the products. All samples concern 5w30 automotive engine oils with the exception of one 10w40 automotive engine oil.

    Industry News

    API have announced EOLCS licensees have the option to apply for Emergency Provisional Licensing according to the requirements of paragraph 6.9 of API 1509, recognising that the COVID-19 crisis could disrupt the supply of components that licensees use to formulate their API-licensed engine oils.

    ILMA report that the Japanese stock market has been buoyed after Warren Buffet took a 5% stake in five major Japanese companies with interests in mining and energy, including Mitsubishi.

    SMMT have reported that commercial vehicle production in the UK rose 3.6% in July however UK engine manufacturing fell 10.6% and UK car production fell 20.8% over the same period.

    ASTM – VLS has been invited to join the ASTM sub-committee on Global Lubricant Test Standards Collaboration Team which sets out to improve communications between various global standard developing bodies.

    Media Editorial

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop (CVW) Summer 2020 issue reported on VLS’s findings regarding a raft of complaints concerning 5w30 automotive engine oils.

    LubesNGreases  August 2020, featured an article from VLS on the importance of packaging and labelling.

    Lube magazine Aug 20, featured an article from VLS on its new pro-active approach, and a news feature on the escalation of an automotive engine oil case to Trading Standards.

    VLS has produced a short introduction to the ACEA engine oil sequences which is available on the homepage of its website.

     Media Advertising

    In response to the coronavirus pandemic, VLS has rephased its promotional campaign over the summer period and will re-commence advertising in the trade press from September 2020.

    The current plan includes

    Professional Motor Mechanic, September 2020, Page 17

    Garage magazine, October 2020.

    Aftermarket magazine, November 2020

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop, December 2020.

    Garage magazine, January 2021.

    Professional Motor Mechanic, February 2021.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop, February 2021.


    UNITI, Stuttgart will now take place on 28-29 April 2021.

    Automechanika Frankfurt will now be held on 14-18 September 2021.

    ChemUK , has been moved to 12th and 13th May 2021 at the NEC, Birmingham, UK.

    Lubmat, Bilbao will take place on the 1st and 2nd December 2020

    ICIS, the 25th World Base Oils Conference will take place on 17th to 19th February 2021 in London.

    ELGI, Hamburg will take place on 24-27 April 2021.

    VLS will be exhibiting at Automechanika UK at the NEC in Birmingham on 8-10 June, 2021

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here.

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Andrew Goddard

    Chairman of VLS

  • VLS Newsletter – August 2020

    VLS Newsletter August 2020

    Case summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 65, with 2 products under investigation, 0 not compliant following investigation, 0 not compliant following six month review, 1 product not proven to be compliant and escalated to Trading Standards, 0 product compliant during investigation and no further action taken, 1 compliant following investigation, 1 compliant following six month review and 60 archived.

    Case 010165 – concerned the cold weather properties of an automotive engine oil and, upon independent testing which was arranged by VLS through a third party laboratory, the product was found to be complaint and consequently the case will remain anonymous until archived.

    Case 010160 – the six month review into a 5w30 automotive engine oil has concluded and has resulted in ATIEL changing its procedures regarding its compliance monitoring of OEM engine oils under the ACEA engine oil sequences. The case will be archived on 19th August.

    Case 010154 – due to non-compliant HTHS properties identified at the six month review, the case regarding an automotive engine oil has been escalated to Trading Standards who have contacted the Named Party.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    For details of how to submit a lubricant product complaint to VLS, go to

    Industry News

    ACEA, the European Association of OEMs, have published a third revision to the ACEA 2016 automotive engine oil sequences which withdraws the M271 Daimler engine test, and provides an update to the ASTM D892 method used to quantify the foaming tendency of oil.

    ILMA the Independent Lubricant Manufacturer’s Association of North America tweeted that API’s Dennis Bachelder reported the launch of ILSAC GF-6 has been a success with no major problems.

    API has published fifteen cases of oils making unauthorised use of API certification marks.

    UKPIA the midstream refinery association, has published its statistical review of the sector stating that UK demand for oil products fell by nearly 1.5 million tonnes, to 68.5 million tonnes, in 2019. The largest decrease in demand came from transport and domestic fuels, of 1.5% and 1.9%, respectively.

    SMMT report that demand for new car sales rallied in July with an 11.3% increase to 174,887 vehicles, as dealerships across the nation fully re-open, although registrations are currently down by 41.9% YTD and expected to be 30.0% down by end of 2020, totalling £20bn in lost sales.

    Department for Transport announced as at 1 July 2020, there were 18,265 public electric vehicle charging devices available in the UK. Of these, 3,206 were rapid devices. Since 2015, the number of public charging devices has grown by nearly five times to July 2020, with an 11% increase in the year to date. Rapid charging devices have also grown quickly, increasing by 363% since 2015.

    Media Editorial

    Professional Motor Factor (PMF) July 2020, featured an article from VLS on the impact of the new EU Green Deal on the lubricants sector.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop (CVW) Summer 2020 issue reported on VLS’s findings regarding a raft of complaints concerning 5w30 automotive engine oils.

    LubesNGreases  August 2020, featured an article from VLS on the importance of packaging and labelling.

    Aftermarket magazine Jul/Aug 2020, reported on VLS’s move into pro-active testing.

    Lube magazine Aug 20, featured an article from VLS on its new pro-active approach, and a news feature on the escalation of an automotive engine oil case to Trading Standards.

     Media Advertising

    Lube magazine August 2020, features the revised VLS advert on page 26.


    UNITI, Stuttgart will now take place on 28-29 April 2021.

    Automechanika Frankfurt will now be held on 14-18 September 2021.

    ChemUK, has been moved to 12th and 13th May 2021 at the NEC, Birmingham, UK.

    Lubmat, Bilbao will take place on the 1st and 2nd December 2020.

    ICIS, the 25th World Base Oils Conference will take place on 17th to 19th February 2021 in London.

    ELGI, Hamburg will take place on 24-27 April 2021.

    VLS will be exhibiting at Automechanika UK at the NEC in Birmingham on 8-10 June, 2021

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here.

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Andrew Goddard

    Chairman of VLS

  • VLS Newsletter – July 2020

    VLS Newsletter July 2020

    Case summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 65, with 2 products under investigation, 0 not compliant following investigation, 0 not compliant following six month review, 1 product not proven to be compliant and escalated to Trading Standards, 1 product compliant during investigation and no further action taken, 1 compliant following investigation, 1 compliant following six month review and 59 archived.

    Case 010165 – concerned the cold weather properties of an automotive engine oil and, upon independent testing which was arranged by VLS through a third party laboratory, the product was not found to be non-complaint and consequently the case will remain anonymous until archived.

    Case 010162 – the product complaint regarding a 5w30 automotive engine oil will be archived on 15th July 2020, following the six month review which completed on 15th May 2020.

    Case 010160 – the six month review into a 5w30 automotive engine oil has concluded and has resulted in ATIEL changing its procedures regarding its compliance monitoring of OEM engine oils under the ACEA engine oil sequences.

    Case 010154 – due to non-compliant HTHS properties identified at the six month review, the case regarding an automotive engine oil has been escalated to Trading Standards.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    For details of how to submit a lubricant product complaint to VLS, go to

    Industry News

    ACEA, the European Association of OEMs, addressed a letter to European Commissioner Breton to seek support in order to avoid having to stockpile newly-produced vehicles or to stop production. The shutdown of production and sales imposed by EU member states to fight COVID‐19 has caused a significant build‐up of stocks of vehicles meeting current emission standards but not the new standards that will come into force in the coming months.

    ILMA the Independent Lubricant Manufacturer’s Association of North America report record jobs gains in North America of 4.8 million in June smashes expectations; unemployment rate falls to 11.1%.

    API has updated its Pandemic Planning Guide.

    Department for Transport announced at the end of June that the temporary six month suspension of nationwide MOT testing planned to end in September, would end on 1st August to allow the aftermarket and service-fill sector to resume operations.

    Department for Transport has recently finished consulting on statutory instruments to bring the existing EU type approval framework for automotive vehicles into English law, and remove reference to EU institutions.

    The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) announced on 6th July that the UK car market in June was down a third as tentative restart reveals subdued demand. They also announced that the market for Light Commercial Vehicle registrations fell 24% in June.

    The Petrol Retailer’s Association announced that the Department for Transport has allowed the selling of winter fuel beyond the usual cut-off date in June until the end of July to allow forecourts to sell-through current stocks where demand has been affected by the coronavirus.

    Media Editorial

    Professional Motor Factor (PMF) reported on its website of VLS’s moves on pro-active testing by using the engine oils database of the Institute of Materials to analyse 5w30 automotive engine oils.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop (CVW) reported of VLS’s proactive lubricant monitoring programme.

    Auto Repair Focus reported on VLS’s moves to begin a pro-active testing programme.

    Garage and MOT magazine reported on VLS’s moves to begin pro-active testing.

    LubesNGreases Lube Report EMEA reported on VLS’s pro-active testing programme.

    Aftermarket featured news of VLS’s pro-active testing programme in its monthly newsletter.

    Professional Motor Mechanic (PMM) online reported on the escalation of case 154 by VLS to Trading Standards.

    Garage and MOT magazine reported on the escalation of case 154 to Trading Standards by VLS.

    LubesNGreases Lube Report EMEA reported on the escalation of case 154 by VLS to Trading Standards.

    Aftermarket magazine in June 2020, reported on VLS’s move to pro-active testing.

    Media Advertising

    Lube magazine features the newly revised and refreshed VLS advert on page 20, June 2020.


    UNITI, Stuttgart will take place on 23/24 September.

    ChemUK, has been moved to 12th and 13th May 2021 at the NEC, Birmingham, UK.

    Lubmat, Bilbao will take place on the 1st and 2nd December 2020.

    ICIS, the 25th World Base Oils Conference will take place on 17th to 19th February 2021 in London.

    ELGI, Hamburg has been postponed to April 2021.

    VLS will be exhibiting at Automechanika UK at the NEC in Birmingham on 8-10 June, 2021.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here.

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Andrew Goddard

    Chairman of VLS

  • VLS Newsletter – June 2020

    VLS Newsletter June 2020

    Case summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 65, with 2 products under investigation, 0 not compliant following investigation, 0 not compliant following six month review, 2 product not proven to be compliant and escalated to Trading Standards, 1 product compliant during investigation and no further action taken, 1 compliant following investigation, 0 compliant following six month review and 59 archived.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    For details of how to submit a lubricant product complaint to VLS, go to

    Industry News

    ACEA, the European Association of OEMs, have issued a position paper on the Principles for Potential Post Euro 6 and Euro VI emissions regulations.

    ILMA report that new transportation equipment orders fell 47% in April.

    API has updated its list to 15 oil products making unauthorised use of API certification marks.

    Media Editorial

    LubesNGreases EMEA feature an article by Andrew Goddard on the implications for the sector of the new EU Green Deal. June 2020.

    Lube magazine, June 20, features and article by Andrew Goddard on the role of VLS in Championing Lubricant Standards.

    Lube magazine, June 20, reports on the closing of a case concerning a 5w30 automotive engine oil

    Professional Motor Mechanic, May 20, features an article by VLS on the revisions to fuel standards in the UK and the implications for lubricants.

    Media Advertising

    Lube magazine features the newly revised and refreshed VLS advert on page 20, June 2020.


    UNITI, Stuttgart will take place on 23/24 September.

    UEIL Congress will take place in Athens on 29/30 October 2020.

    Lubmat, Bilbao will take place on the 1st and 2nd December 2020

    ChemUK, Manchester will take place on 16/17 September 2020.

    ELGI, Hamburg has been postponed to April 2021.

    VLS will be exhibiting at Automechanika UK at the NEC in Birmingham on 8-10 June, 2021.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Andrew Goddard

    Chairman of VLS

  • VLS Bulletin – May 2020 – VLS010158

    VLS 010158 – Aztec Oils Endurance Premium V 5W-30 Fully Synthetic Engine Oil

    On 16th May 2018 the case was reported to VLS.

    The complaint alleged that product did not meet its stated claims of API SN/CF, ACEA C3, BMW LL-04, GM Dexos2, MB 229.51 and Porsche C30. Additionally the complainant claimed that no formulation existed in the market which could cover the claim for both GM Dexos2 and VW 504 00/507 00. The complainant also claimed to have tested a sample of the product for High Temp/High Shear (HTHS), Sulphated Ash (SA) and Total Base Number (TBN) properties.

    VLS independently procured a sample of the product and tested it for HTHS, SA and TBN properties. The independent product test returned an HTHS value of 3.26 mPa.s which is below the specification value of 3.5 mPa.s minimum, the test for sulphated ash returned a result of 0.71% against an upper C3 limit of 0.8%, and for TBN the test result was 6.6 mg KOH/g against the minimum ACEA C3 limit of 6.0 mg KOH/g.

    Consequently the independent results led VLS to uphold the complaint in terms of HTHS, but not in terms of SA and TBN.

    In response to the complaint the Named Party investigated the cause of the HTHS issue and resolved to review their operational procedures to ensure it did not recur. The Named Party also withdrew the claim against Dexos2 and ensured all claims made on the product’s label were fully aligned with those contained within the product’s Technical Data Sheet.

    On 13th December 2019 VLS undertook a six month review of the case. A sample of the product could not be obtained on the open market. Consequently it was agreed that as the product had been withdrawn from the open market, the case would be closed.

    Consequently VLS is satisfied that the complaint has been fully met and the case is resolved.

    David Wright, Company Secretary – VLS (UK) Ltd says “We want to ensure we have the highest standards in Europe for lubricant manufacture, blending and marketing, and we want a ‘level playing field’ for all participants, so that we protect the interests of the consumer and other end users.

    In the Verification of Lubricant Specifications (UK) Ltd, we have set our course for stronger industry self-regulation by working positively towards more open and transparent competition that benefits all lubricant organisations. By working with the sector to resolve non compliant products in an independent and impartial manner, we can support companies to compete on a more equitable basis in a highly competitive marketplace.”

    May 2020

  • VLS Newsletter – May 2020

    VLS Newsletter May 2020

    Case summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 65, with 3 products under investigation, 0 not compliant following investigation, 0 not compliant following six month review, 2 product not proven to be compliant and escalated to Trading Standards, 0 product compliant during investigation and no further action taken, 1 compliant following investigation, 0 compliant following six month review and 59 archived.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    For details of how to submit a lubricant product complaint to VLS, go to

    Industry News

    ACEA, the European Association of OEMs, report 298 automobile assembly and engine production plants restarted operations in Europe.

    LubesNGreases report that French lubricant demand dropped 5.2 percent in 2019 as the European Union’s carbon dioxide emission reduction targets put pressure on the automotive sector in France and other large Euro economies.

    ILMA report that API has invoked Provisional Licensing for API SP/ILSAC GF-6.

    OPEC Mohamed Arkab, Algeria’s Minister of Energy and President of the OPEC Conference, has called on OPEC Members and non-OPEC oil producing countries participating in the Declaration of Cooperation to fully implement the production agreements reached in April.

    UK Government is constantly updating its advice and guidance to businesses operating during this challenging time regarding coronavirus.

    Media Editorial

    Transport Operator in April reported on the impact of the EU Green Deal on the lubricants industry.

    Aftermarket Online reported on the conclusion of VLS’s investigation into a 5w30 passenger car engine oil.

    Professional Motor Factor magazine in April 2020 reported on ATIEL’s change of process in response to VLS’s investigation into a branded Toyota First product, and the impact of the EU Green Deal on the lubricants sector.

    Media Advertising

    Lube magazine features the newly revised and refreshed VLS advert on page 36, April/May 2020.


    UNITI, April, Stuttgart has been postponed to September.

    Lubmat, Spain has been postponed until 1st and 2nd December 2020.

    ChemUK has been postponed until September 2020.

    ELGI, Hamburg April has been postponed to 2021.

    VLS will be exhibiting at Automechanika UK at the NEC in Birmingham on 8-10 June, 2021.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Andrew Goddard

    Chairman of VLS

  • VLS Newsletter – April 2020

    VLS Newsletter April 2020

    Case Summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 65, with 3 products under investigation, 0 not compliant following investigation, 0 not compliant following six month review, 1 product not proven to be compliant and escalated to Trading Standards, 0 product compliant during investigation and no further action taken, 2 compliant following investigation, 0 compliant following six month review and 59 archived.

    Case 154 has been escalated to Trading Standards as being non-compliant at the six month review.

    Case 163 has been concluded regarding the performance claims made on the product.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    For details of how to submit a lubricant product complaint to VLS, go to

    Industry News

    ACEA, the European Association of OEMs, report that the coronavirus has led to shutdowns of European car manufacturers and a loss of production of 1.5 million vehicles.

    LubesNGreases report that Nigeria’s Federal Executive Council is considering adopting a policy that would crack down on sales of substandard lubes.

    ILMA report that the CITGO 303 THF Class Action lawsuit has been settled alleging that certain CITGO Petroleum Corporation and retailers’ “303” Tractor Hydraulic Fluids did not meet OEM specifications and caused damage to tractors.

    Fuel+LubesAsia reported on oil majors Total and Shell’s response to falling oil prices.

    OPEC announced a cut in production of 15% designed to arrest the decline in the oil price.

    UK Governmentis constantly updating its advice and guidance to businesses operating during this challenging time regarding coronavirus.

    Media Editorial

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop magazine, March 2020, featured an article by VLS on the implications for the sector of the EU Green Deal, pages 16/17.

    Professional Motor Mechanic, April 2020, featured an article on the process change made by ATIEL, the European Technical Association, as part of their global compliance monitoring programme in response to VLS’s case regarding an automotive engine oil marketed under an OEM’ parts programme.

    Lube magazine April 2020, pages 46 and 47 features three articles from VLS on the implications for the sector of the EU Green Deal, the change introduced by ATIEL in their compliance monitoring programme in response to a recent VLS case and a rush of new cases that have been received by VLS.

    Media Advertising

    Lube magazine features the newly revised and refreshed VLS advert on page 36, April 2020.


    UNITI, April, Stuttgart has been postponed to September.

    Lubmat, Spain has been postponed until 1st and 2nd December 2020.

    ChemUK has been postponed until September 2020.

    ELGI, Hamburg April has been postponed to 2021.

    VLS will be exhibiting at Automechanika UK at the NEC in Birmingham on 8-10 June, 2021 

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Andrew Goddard

    Chairman of VLS

  • VLS Newsletter – March 2020

    VLS Newsletter March 2020

    Case summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 65, with 4 products under investigation, 0 not compliant following investigation, 0 not compliant following six month review, 1 product not proven to be compliant and escalated to Trading Standards, 0 product compliant during investigation and no further action taken, 1 compliant following investigation, 0 compliant following six month review and 59 archived.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    For details of how to submit a lubricant product complaint to VLS, go to

    Industry News

    ACEA, the European Association of OEMs, report that over the first two months of 2020 the passenger car market fell by 7.4% to 957,052 vehicles registered.

    API the American Petroleum Institute has identified 15 products making unauthorised claims against the API standards.

    UK Government is finalised its consultation on the introduction of E10 fuel, unleaded petrol containing up to 10% bio matter, currently the UK uses E5 unleaded petrol containing up to 5% bio matter.

    ILMA report that the Corovid 19 virus is accelerating driverless technology.

    Media Editorial

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop magazine for March 2020 on pages 16 and 17 contain an article from Andrew Goddard Chairman of VLS, on the European Union Green Deal and the impact on the lubricants sector.

    Garage magazine Issue 308, contains an article by VLS Chairman Andrew Goddard on page 28, on the impact on the lubricants sector by the announcement by the UK Government of the end of sale of petrol, diesel and hybrid vehicles.

    Auto technician magazine for March features VLS in its regular feature on oils & lubricants, Pages 42 to 44. features an article by VLS on the change to the process adopted by the European Technical Association, ATIEL, on its global product compliance programme in response to VLS case 160.

    Media Advertising

    Professional Motor Mechanic features a half page advert from VLS in its March edition.


    UNITI, April, Stuttgart has been postponed to September.

    ELGI, Hamburg April has been postponed.

    VLS will be exhibiting at Automechanika UK at the NEC in Birmingham on 8-10 June, 2021

     Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Andrew Goddard

    Chairman of VLS

  • VLS Newsletter – February 2020

    VLS Newsletter February 2020

    Case summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 65, with 4 products under investigation, 0 not compliant following investigation, 0 not compliant following six month review, 1 product not proven to be compliant and escalated to Trading Standards, 0 product compliant during investigation and no further action taken, 1 compliant following investigation, 1 compliant following six month review and 58 archived.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    For details of how to submit a lubricant product complaint to VLS, go to

    Industry News

    UEIL, has published a technical bulletin on the PSA Group regarding the invalidation of warranties if a vehicle was found not to be using an approved engine oil following a case it considered through its Technical and Competition committee.

    ACEA, the European Association of OEMs, has published a video by its President and CEO of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) Michael Manley about the future of the EU car industry and the European Union Green Deal.

    ATIEL, the European Lubricants Technical Association, has published a series of presentations from its seminar on regulatory compliance for chemicals in a global market.

    UKPIA, the UK association of refiners, has issued a statement following the UK Government announcement to bring forward the end of the sale of petrol, diesel and hybrid vehicles from 2040 to 2035.

    ILMA reported in January that a class action lawsuit had been settled with Amalie after consumers had accused the company of selling oil that was not suitable for vehicles manufactured after 1930 that carried an API SA rating, an obsolete engine oil standard.

    Media Editorial

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop, Page 42 from January 2020, featured an article by VLS Chairman Andrew Goddard on the effect of cold winter temperatures on engine oils.

    LubesNGreases EMEA, January 2020 page 9 & 10, featured an article by VLS Chairman Andrew Goddard on Countering the Lubricant Counterfeiters.

    CAT magazine, January 2020 page 27 featured an article on the state of the lubricants industry with contributions by UKLA Director General David Wright, and VLS Chairman Andrew Goddard.

    Professional Motor Mechanic, February 2020 featured an article by VLS chairman Andrew Godard on cutting through the confusion of oil specifications.

    Lube magazine for February 2020, pages 50/51, carries an article by VLS Chairman Andrew Goddard on cutting through the confusion of OEM oil specifications.

    Media Advertising

    Garage magazine for February 2020 carries a half page advert featuring the new campaign from VLS.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop magazine for February 2020 features a half page advert with the new VLS campaign.

    Professional Motor Mechanic featured a half page advert from VLS in its November/December edition.


    ICIS World Base Oils, London 19-21 February 2020.

    Argus Base Oils Forum, London 19 February 2020.

    VLS will be exhibiting at Automechanika UK at the NEC in Birmingham on 8-10 June, 2021

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Andrew Goddard

    Chairman of VLS

  • VLS Newsletter – January 2020

    VLS Newsletter January 2020

    Happy New Year

    Case summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 65, with 4 products under investigation, 0 not compliant following investigation, 0 not compliant following six month review, 1 product not proven to be compliant and escalated to Trading Standards, 1 product compliant during investigation and no further action taken, 2 compliant following investigation, 3 compliant following six month review and 54 archived.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    For details of how to submit a lubricant product complaint to VLS, go to

    Industry News

    UEIL, has published a technical bulletin on Hitachi Construction machinery following a case it considered through its Technical and Competition committee.

    API has increased its listing to 15 products which it claims are making unauthorised use of API logos.

    ACEA, the European Association of OEMs, has published a policy paper on European transport after 2020.

    ATIEL, the European Lubricants Technical Association, has published a factsheet on engine lubrication.

    UKPIA, the UK association of refiners, has announced that consumer demand for low carbon fuels is low.

    Media Editorial

    Garage and MOT magazine, issue 302 featured VLS in an article on winter servicing.   

    Lube magazine for December 2019 features a column by VLS Chairman Andrew Goddard on countering the counterfeiters and working to overcome issues of lubricant fraud, page 56.

    Lube magazine for December 2019 includes a report on VLS cases 152 concerning the claims made on a 5w30 PCEO, case  156 concerning the claims made on a 5w30 PCEO, and case 133 also concerning the claims made on a 5w30 PCEO.

    VLS has published an infographic on its activity to uphold lubricant standards during 2019 on Twitter.

    Media Advertising

    Lube magazine features a half page advert on VLS for its December 2019 edition, on Page 59.

    Professional Motor Mechanic featured a half page advert from VLS in its November/December edition.


    VLS will be exhibiting at Automechanika UK at the NEC in Birmingham on 8-10 June, 2021

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Andrew Goddard

    Chairman of VLS

  • VLS Bulletin – December 2019 – VLS010164

    VLS Case 010164 – 5W-40 PCEO

    On 25th October 2019 the case was reported to VLS.

    The claim concerned the use of outdated and conflicting ACEA engine oil sequences, namely A3/B4 and C3 as a combined claim on product labelling made available through an online internet channel.

    VLS reviewed the evidence with reference to the website description, product labelling and Technical Data Sheet of the product which are available on the Named Party’s website. These details omitted the ACEA A3/B4 claim and retained reference to ACEA C3 only. This evidence has been provided to the complainant.

    Consequently VLS do not believe that the Named Party is currently making these claims and instead this is a housekeeping issue of a distributor instead retaining outdated product information, so VLS has raised this matter informally with the company concerned.

    VLS considers that there is no case to answer in this matter and has moved to close the case.

    David Wright, Company Secretary – VLS (UK) Ltd says “We want to ensure we have the highest standards in Europe for lubricant manufacture, blending and marketing, and we want a ‘level playing field’ for all participants, so that we protect the interests of the consumer and other end users.

    In the Verification of Lubricant Specifications (UK) Ltd, we have set our course for stronger industry self-regulation by working positively towards more open and transparent competition that benefits all lubricant organisations. By working with the sector to resolve non compliant products in an independent and impartial manner, we can support companies to compete on a more equitable basis in a highly competitive marketplace.”

    December 2019

  • VLS Bulletin – December 2019 – VLS010161

    VLS Case 010161 – Ferguson & Menzies, Opus Multi HT Plus, 10W-30 Transmission Oil

    On 13th March 2019 the case was reported to VLS.

    The complaint concerned the claims against Caterpillar TO-4 and Volvo wet brake specifications. The Technical Review Panel upheld the complaint as a Caterpillar TO-4 claim on a multigrade UTTO grade is not possible and the Named Party was asked on what basis the claim was made. Additionally the listing “Volvo (+ latest wet brake requirements)” was felt to lead to confusion and the Named Party was asked to clarify exactly what (if any) Volvo specifications are met by this product.

    The Named Party responded stating that the complaint was based on an earlier and outdated Technical Data Sheet that was still available on their website. They provided an updated product label and Technical Data Sheet which clarified that the Caterpillar claim against TO-4 had been withdrawn and instead a claim was being made against Caterpillar TO-2. They also clarified that the Volvo claim was made against WB101 and stated that the earlier Technical Data Sheet had been removed from their website. The Technical Review Panel reviewed their actions and was content that these brought the product back into compliance.

    On 28th November 2019 VLS undertook a six month review of the case which indicated that the amended claims made against Caterpillar and Volvo specifications had been maintained and the product was in compliance regarding the specific complaint made against it.

    Consequently VLS is satisfied that the complaint has been fully met and the case is resolved.

    David Wright, Company Secretary – VLS (UK) Ltd says “We want to ensure we have the highest standards in Europe for lubricant manufacture, blending and marketing, and we want a ‘level playing field’ for all participants, so that we protect the interests of the consumer and other end users.

    In the Verification of Lubricant Specifications (UK) Ltd, we have set our course for stronger industry self-regulation by working positively towards more open and transparent competition that benefits all lubricant organisations. By working with the sector to resolve non compliant products in an independent and impartial manner, we can support companies to compete on a more equitable basis in a highly competitive marketplace.”

    December 2019

  • VLS Newsletter – December 2019

    VLS Newsletter December 2019

    Case summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 65, with 4 products under investigation, 0 not compliant following investigation, 0 not compliant following six month review, 1 product not proven to be compliant and escalated to Trading Standards, 1 product compliant during investigation and no further action taken, 3 compliant following investigation, 2 compliant following six month review and 54 archived.

    Case Update

    One new case (165) has been submitted regarding a 5w30 Passenger Car Engine Oil where the complainant is concerned about the composition of the base oil in the finished lubricant formulation and will be investigated by VLS.

    One case (164) concerned the use of outdated and conflicting ACEA engine oil sequences, namely A3/B4 and C3 as a combined claim on product labelling made available through an online internet sales channel.

    VLS reviewed the evidence with reference to the website description, product labelling and Technical Data Sheet of the product which are available on the Named Party’s website. These details omitted the ACEA A3/B4 claim and retained reference to ACEA C3 only. This evidence has been provided to the complainant.

    Consequently VLS do not believe that the Named Party is currently making these claims and instead this is a housekeeping issue of a distributor instead retaining outdated product information, so VLS has raised this matter informally with the company concerned.

    VLS considers that there is no case to answer in this matter and has moved to close the case.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    For details of how to submit a lubricant product complaint to VLS, go to

    Industry News

    UEIL, has published a technical bulletin on BMW following a case it considered through its Technical and Competition committee.

    API has added some engine oil products from Vietnam which it claims are making unauthorised use of API logos.

    ACEA, the European Association of OEMs, has published a paper on Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM), and Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS).

    Media Editorial

    Lube magazine for December 2019 features a column by VLS Chairman Andrew Goddard on countering the counterfeiters and working to overcome issues of lubricant fraud, page 56.

    Lube magazine for December 2019 includes a report on VLS cases 152 concerning the claims made on a 5w30 PCEO, case  156 concerning the claims made on a 5w30 PCEO, and case 133 also concerning the claims made on a 5w30 PCEO.

    Professional Motor Factor magazine, November 2019 issue Page 46 and 47 ran a feature on VLS and the importance of using the right engine oil.

    FACTS magazine issue 156, ran an article on the case VLS escalated to Trading Standards, Page 128.   

    Media Advertising

    Lube magazine features a half page advert on VLS for its December 2019 edition, on Page 59.

    CVW featured a half page advert on VLS in its November edition.

    Professional Motor Mechanic featured a half page advert from VLS in its November edition.

    Garage magazine featured a half page advert from VLS in its November edition.


    VLS will be exhibiting at Automechanika UK at the NEC in Birmingham on 8-10 June, 2021.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Andrew Goddard

    Chairman of VLS

  • VLS Newsletter – November 2019

    VLS Newsletter November 2019

    Case summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 61, with 1 product under investigation, 1 not compliant and escalated to trading standards, 3 compliant following investigation, 3 compliant following six month review and 53 archived.

    Case Update

    There new cases have been received by VLS regarding two 5w30 PCEOs, and a 5w40 PCEO. These cases are currently going through validation with the Technical Review Panel to ensure technical validity of the complaint. In addition VLS is also currently sourcing two products for testing with our external laboratory.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    For details of how to submit a lubricant product complaint to VLS, go to

    Industry News

    UEIL, the European Association of the lubricants industry, held its annual Congress in Cannes, France on 23rd to 25th October 2019, and announced the launch of market data statistics for European countries.

    API has updated its list of those products making unauthorised use of API logos. API claim that These oils have not been approved by API as meeting any API engine oil standard and are not eligible to display the API certification marks.

    ACEA, the European Association of OEMs, has announced the appointment of Eric-Mark Huitema as their new Director-General, formerly IBM General Manager for GM Travel & Transportation, Government and Automotive.

    Media Editorial

    Lube magazine for October 2019 features a column by VLS Chairman Andrew Goddard on the issue of protecting cars as they age through the use of properly tested and marketed additives rather than relying on untested and unproven additive technology for cars that are out of warranty Page 62.

    Lube magazine for October 2019 included a report on VLS case 160 which has been escalated to Trading Standards for issues of non-compliance, Page 63.

    Professional Motor Factor magazine, October 2019 Page 8 reported on VLS escalating case 160 to Trading Standards for non-compliance.

    FACTS magazine issue 155, featured an article by VLS on blending lubricants for bio fuels.

    Professional Motor Mechanic, October 2019 featured an article on VLS case 160 concerning Toyota First 5w30.

    Media Advertising

    Lube magazine features a half page advert on VLS for its October 2019 edition, on Page 63.

    Future advertising from VLS will appear in the following publications.

    Professional Motor Mechanic – November 2019 and March 2020.

    Garage magazine – November 2019, February 2020, April 2020.

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop – November 2019, February 2020, April 2020.

    Member Survey

    VLS wants to hear from you about your thoughts on VLS. Keep an eye on your Inbox for your chance to have your say on the role of the industry-leading verification service.


    VLS will be exhibiting at Automechanika UK at the NEC in Birmingham on 8-10 June, 2021.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Andrew Goddard

    Chairman of VLS

  • VLS Newsletter – October 2019

    VLS Newsletter October 2019

    Case Summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 61, with 1 product under investigation, 1 not compliant and escalated to trading standards, 3 compliant following investigation, 3 compliant following six month review and 53 archived.

    Case Update

    Case 133 has been found to be compliant following the six month review.

    Case 152 has been found to be compliant following the six month review.

    Case 156 has been found to be compliant following the six month review.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    For details of how to submit a lubricant product complaint to VLS, go to

    Industry News

    UEIL, the European Association of the lubricants industry, is holding its annual congress in Cannes, France on 23rd to 25th October 2019, bringing together the European lubricants sector to debate the current industry challenges including positive disruption and artificial intelligence.

    ATIEL, the European Technical Lubricants Association, are holding a one day workshop with ATC, the Additive Technical Committee in Frankfurt on 23rd October on topics associated with regulatory compliance.

    UKPIA, the UK association of midstream refiners, has published its view on the future of the downstream oil sector in a low carbon world, focusing on energy use and replacement technologies.

    ILMA, the Independent Lubricant Manufacturer’s Association of North America, reports that China has exempted lubricants from import tariffs in the escalating trade war with the USA.

    LubesNGreases report that the Competition Commission of Pakistan served notice last month of a finding that Hi-Tech Blending (Pvt) Ltd. used false and misleading statements in a promotion of Zic brand lubricants.

    Media Editorial

    Lube magazine for October 2019 features a column by VLS Chairman Andrew Goddard on the issue of protecting cars as they age through the use of properly tested and marketed additives rather than relying on untested and unproven additive technology for cars that are out of warranty Page 62.

    Lube magazine for October 2019 includes a report on VLS case 160 which has been escalated to Trading Standards for issues of non-compliance, Page 63.

    Professional Motor Mechanic, October 2019 features an article on VLS case 160 concerning Toyota First 5w30.

    LubesNGreases Sept 2019, reported on VLS filing a complaint against case 160.

    Media Advertising

    Lube magazine features a half page advert on VLS for its October 2019 edition, on Page 63.


    VLS will be exhibiting at Automechanika UK at the NEC in Birmingham on 8-10 June, 2021

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Andrew Goddard

    Chairman of VLS

  • VLS Bulletin – October 2019 – VLS010156

    VLS 010156 – GSF Car Parts Ltd, Vetech 5W-30 ESL PRO Universal Performance Multi-Fleet Extended Service Oil

    On 2nd May 2018 the case was reported to VLS.

    The complaint alleged an inconsistency in the Technical Data Sheet, that the formulation was suitable for applications requiring VW 504/507, VW 502/505, MB 229.51, WSS-M2C913-A,B,C and Dexos 2 and that there were no formulations capable of achieving all of these specifications.

    VLS reviewed and upheld the complaint that the Technical Data Sheet (TDS) for the product recommends its use against a number of specifications including VM 504/507, VW 502/505, BMW Longlife-04, MB229.51, GM Dexos 2 and Ford WSS-M2C-913C which included some recommendations that were mutually exclusive and the typical properties shown on the TDS would not meet all of these specifications. VLS asked that the Named Party re-evaluate the scope of these claims and confirmed the typical properties, that if they believed that the product was suitable for all these applications then VLS asked on what basis this technical assessment was made and asked that this be corroborated by their additive supplier or technology partner.

    In response to the complaint the Named Party provided evidence from their technology provider that the product was suitable for use in VW 504.00/507.00, VW 502.00/505.00, BMW LL-04, GM Dexos 2, MB 229.51 and Ford 913 A/B/C applications. It was also confirmed that the product’s technology was approved/licensed by API for SN plus, and met SN applications. Additionally claims against the ACEA automotive engine oil sequences were being made and VLS asked that the Named Party sign a Lubricant Marketer’s Letter of Conformance with the European Technical Association ATIEL in order to continue make these claims, and for these claims to be valid.

    On the 20th September 2019 VLS undertook a six month review of the case and found that the amended data sheets and labels that were created as a result of the initial investigation were still in place. VLS also received notification from SAIL that an ATIEL Lubricant Marketer’s Letter of Conformance had been signed and submitted by the Named Party.

    Consequently VLS is satisfied that the complaint has been fully met and the case is resolved.

    David Wright, Company Secretary – VLS (UK) Ltd says “We want to ensure we have the highest standards in Europe for lubricant manufacture, blending and marketing, and we want a ‘level playing field’ for all participants, so that we protect the interests of the consumer and other end users.

    In the Verification of Lubricant Specifications (UK) Ltd, we have set our course for stronger industry self-regulation by working positively towards more open and transparent competition that benefits all lubricant organisations. By working with the sector to resolve non compliant products in an independent and impartial manner, we can support companies to compete on a more equitable basis in a highly competitive marketplace.”

    October 2019

  • VLS Bulletin – October 2019 – VLS010152

    VLS 010152 – GSF Car Parts Ltd, Vetech 5W-30 SSL PRO Universal Performance Multi-Fleet ILSAC Standard Service Oil

    On 9th November 2017 the case was reported to VLS.

    The complaint concerned an alleged inconsistency in the Technical Data Sheet, that the product claimed to be produced from Group 2 and Group 3 base stocks, that the formulation was suitable for applications requiring VW 504/507, VW 502/505, MB 229.51, WSS-M2C913-A,B,C and Dexos 2 and that there were no formulations capable of achieving all of these specifications. The complaint also alleged that the formulation was also claimed to be suitable for applications requiring BMW, that the product claimed VW 504/507 when operating on standard service intervals although VW 504/507 specifications do not include standard service intervals. The product viscometrics it was also claimed would not meet the High Temp/ High Shear (HTHS) compliancy.

    VLS reviewed and upheld the complaint as it was not aware of any formulation based on only Group II and Group III base stocks that was capable of meeting the demands of the VW 504/507 specification. The sulphated ash level quoted on the datasheet of 0.79% was outside the requirements for VW 502.00/505.00 and thus VLS recommended that this product’s suitability for applications requiring this specification should be withdrawn. VLS was also unaware of any formulation that met MB 229.51 in addition to Dexos 2 and Ford WSS M2C913-C, so we asked the Named Party to provide details of the technical assessment that underpins these claims by way of a simple letter from the additive company providing the technology. The product also claimed to be suitable for BMW applications, however there are numerous different BMW specifications and we asked them to make it clear which are met by this product.

    In response to the complaint the Named Party’s technology provider provided a letter supporting the claim that the product was suitable for use in VW 504.00/507.00, BMW LL-04, GM Dexos 2, Porsche C30, MB 229.51 and Ford 913 A/B applications. It was also confirmed that the product’s technology was approved/licensed by API for SN plus and meets SN applications.

    In line with our stated process, VLS undertook a six month review of the case. Our review found that the amended data sheets and labels that were created as a result of this investigation in December 2018, were still in place. Consequently VLS concluded that the product is still in compliance at the six month review stage, the complaint has been fully met, and the case can be closed.

    David Wright, Company Secretary – VLS (UK) Ltd says “We want to ensure we have the highest standards in Europe for lubricant manufacture, blending and marketing, and we want a ‘level playing field’ for all participants, so that we protect the interests of the consumer and other end users.

    In the Verification of Lubricant Specifications (UK) Ltd, we have set our course for stronger industry self-regulation by working positively towards more open and transparent competition that benefits all lubricant organisations. By working with the sector to resolve non compliant products in an independent and impartial manner, we can support companies to compete on a more equitable basis in a highly competitive marketplace.”

    October 2019

  • VLS Bulletin – October 2019 – VLS010133

    VLS 010133 – Millers Oils, Trident Fully Synthetic Long Life 5W-30

    On 27th April 2018 the product was re-notified to VLS by an end user who raised concerns about the claims made on the product against VW specifications VW 504 00/507 00.

    VLS investigated the concerns and worked with the Named Party to ensure the product was fully aligned with the claims that were supported by their technology provider. This necessitated the removal of the claims made against PSA and FIAT specifications to ensure that only those claims fully supported by the additive company were made on the product.

    A six month review was undertaken and consequently the product was found in compliance and the investigation into the product completed and the case closed on 9th September 2019.

    David Wright, Company Secretary – VLS (UK) Ltd says “We want to ensure we have the highest standards in Europe for lubricant manufacture, blending and marketing, and we want a ‘level playing’ field for all participants, so that we protect the interests of the consumer and other end users.”

    “In the Verification of Lubricant Specifications (UK) Ltd, we have set our course for stronger industry self-regulation by working positively towards more open and transparent competition that benefits all lubricant organisations. By working with the sector to resolve non compliant products in an independent and impartial manner, we can support companies to compete on a more equitable basis in a highly competitive marketplace.”

    October 2019

  • VLS Newsletter – September 2019

    VLS Newsletter September 2019

    Case Summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 61, with 1 product under investigation, 5 compliant following investigation, 1 non-compliant following investigation and 53 archived.

    Case Update

    Case 010160 regarding Toyota First 5w30, VLS are progressing a complaint with Warwickshire Trading Standards which is the home authority of Impetus Automotive Ltd. An additional complaint against Toyota First 5w30 has been raised with the Advertising Standards Authority for misleading advertising, and a further complaint has been raised with ATIEL, the European Technical Association concerning non-compliant claims made on the product.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    For details of how to submit a lubricant product complaint to VLS, go to

    Industry News

    UEIL Technical and Competition Committee  

    The role of the Technical and Competition Committee to UEIL, the European lubricants association, is to monitor supply chain and technical developments in the European lubricants market and to directly challenge anti-competitive behaviour amongst OEMs where found.

    The bulletins that are issued by the TC/CC at the conclusion of their European investigations, can be found on the UEIL website.


    ATIEL, the European Technical Lubricants Association, has produced guidance for lubricant marketers on making performance claims on additive packages following the results of their ongoing product compliance survey which has highlighted some claims being made against obsolete sequences and non-compliant combinations.


    ILMA, the Independent Lubricant Manufacturer’s Association of North America, reported on 27th August 2019, of the New York’s Attorney General collective $1.2 million settlement with Dollar General, Dollar Tree and Family Dollar for selling expired products, including obsolete motor oils, and for failing to accept empty bottles under the State’s bottle deposit law.

    Media Editorial

    Lube magazine for August 2019 features a column by VLS Chairman Andrew Goddard on the ACEA engine oil sequences and whether the advent of the electric vehicle will spell the end of the sequence updates on Page 46.

    Lube magazine for August 2019 includes a feature on the VLS launch of the mew marketing claims guidance and the outcome to VLS case 010155 on Page 47, and the outcome to case 010153 on Page 48.

    Professional Motor Factor Online reported on VLS case 010160 which has been escalated to Trading Standards and ATIEL.

    Media Advertising

    Aftermarket magazine, July/August 2019, half page advert Page 37.

    Lube magazine features a half page advert on VLS for its August 2019 edition, on Page 35.


    VLS will be exhibiting at Automechanika UK at the NEC in Birmingham on 8-10 June, 2021

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Andrew Goddard

    Chairman of VLS

  • VLS Newsletter August 2019

    VLS Newsletter August 2019

    Case summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 61, with 1 product under investigation and 51 cases archived.

    Case Update

    Case outcomes have been published for Case 010160 regarding Toyota First 5w30 and the case has been escalated to Trading Standards and ATIEL for issues of non-compliance.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    For details of how to submit a lubricant product complaint to VLS, go to

    VLS has recently changed its marketing claims guidance, to view the guidance please go to

    Industry News

    EU Block Exemption  

    Two cases have been referred to UEIL, the European lubricants association, concerning the refusal of some OEMs to pay for customer’s warranty repairs if they do not use lubricants which have been specifically approved or recommended by the OEM.

    UEIL has produced some guidance on the EU Block Exemption Regulation which can be seen here;


    ATIEL, the European Technical Lubricants Association, has produced a report with Ricardo on the contribution of lubricants to fuel economy.  The report can be seen at


    ACEA, the European association of OEMs, reports that in the first half of 2019, commercial vehicle registrations were up 5.8%, and passenger car registrations were down 3.8% over the same period across Europe.

    Media Editorial

    Lubes N Greases EMEA July 2019 carries a feature on VLS’s new marketing claims guidance.

    Lube magazine August 2019, Andrew Goddard, Chairman of VLS, asks if the advent of electric vehicles has heralded the end of the regular programme of ACEA engine oil sequence updates.

    Aftermarket magazine
    , July 2019 carries a double page spread on VLS following its press lunch in May to launch the revised marketing claims procedure, Page 36 and 37.

    Aftermarket magazine 
    July 2019 referred to the launch of VLS’s marketing claims guidance in Alex Well’s Editorial column on Page 3.Media Advertising

    Lube magazine, August 2019, half page advert, page 35.

    Aftermarket magazine, July/August 2019, half page advert Page 37.

    Media Advertising

    Lube magazine, August 2019, half page advert, page 35.

    Aftermarket magazine, July/August 2019, half page advert Page 37.

    Autotechnician magazine, July/August 2019, half page advert Page 56.


    VLS will be exhibiting at Automechanika UK at the NEC in Birmingham on 8-10 June, 2021

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Andrew Goddard

    Chairman of VLS

  • VLS Bulletin – July 2019 – VLS010155

    VLS 010155 – SAR Lubricants Synmax Spectrum 5w-30

    On 23rd April 2018 the case was reported to VLS.

    The case concerned the number of OEM specifications for which the product was claimed as suitable for use.

    VLS worked with the Named Party to reduce the number of claims made to those which were directly supported by their technology provider.

    On the 24th March 2019 VLS undertook a six month review of the case in line with its stated procedure.

    VLS is content that the revised Technical Data Sheet for the product dated 3rd August 2018, and the product label provided by the Named Party, accurately reflect the claims made on the product which are fully supported by the technology provider. Consequently VLS believes that the product remains in compliance at the six month review stage.

    VLS now considers the case resolved and the complaint fully met.

    David Wright, Company Secretary – VLS (UK) Ltd says “We want to ensure we have the highest standards in Europe for lubricant manufacture, blending and marketing, and we want a ‘level playing field’ for all participants, so that we protect the interests of the consumer and other end users.

    In the Verification of Lubricant Specifications (UK) Ltd, we have set our course for stronger industry self-regulation by working positively towards more open and transparent competition that benefits all lubricant organisations. By working with the sector to resolve non compliant products in an independent and impartial manner, we can support companies to compete on a more equitable basis in a highly competitive marketplace.”

    July 2019

  • VLS Bulletin – July 2019 – VLS010153

    VLS 010153 – Aztec Oils PCMO Fully Synthetic 5W-30

    On 7th December 2017 the case was reported to VLS.

    The case concerned the product’s non compliance with its own stated HTHS and Noack volatility parameters.

    VLS procured and tested a sample of the product and found that the HTHS parameter was non-compliant with the product’s HTHS specification, although it was compliant regarding its Noack parameter.

    When initially independently tested the product failed the HTHS limit of 3.5 cP minimum. The result obtained through testing of 3.44 cP would round down to 3.4 cP. This value was below the specification limit but within the reproducibility of the test.

    The Named Party agreed to amend the formulation to make it more robust with respect to HTHS.

    On the 12th March 2019 VLS undertook a six month review of the case. VLS procured and independently tested a second sample of the product with a batch code showing the date of manufacture as January 2019, after the initial investigation was complete.   The HTHS result for the second sample made some time after the agreement to amend the formulation showed no sign of an improvement. The obtained result of 3.43 cP would round down to 3.4 cP. This value was below the specification limit but within the reproducibility of the test.

    Production figures for HTHS supplied by the Named Party and quoted to 2 decimal places show results both above and below the 3.5cP minimum specification limit against a certified sample of 3.54cP, but all would round to 3.5 cP so would therefore constitute a passes.

    Consequently VLS considers that the case is closed.

    David Wright, Company Secretary – VLS (UK) Ltd says “We want to ensure we have the highest standards in Europe for lubricant manufacture, blending and marketing, and we want a ‘level playing field’ for all participants, so that we protect the interests of the consumer and other end users.

    In the Verification of Lubricant Specifications (UK) Ltd, we have set our course for stronger industry self-regulation by working positively towards more open and transparent competition that benefits all lubricant organisations. By working with the sector to resolve non compliant products in an independent and impartial manner, we can support companies to compete on a more equitable basis in a highly competitive marketplace.”

    July 2019

  • VLS Newsletter July 2019

    VLS Newsletter July 2019

    Case summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 61, with 2 products under investigation and 51 cases archived.

    Case Update

    Case outcomes have been published for Case 10153 regarding Aztec Synthetic 5w30 C3 following a six month review, and Case 10155 regarding Synmax Spectrum 5w30, also following a six month review.

    The outcome at the end of the investigation for Case 10160 regarding Toyota First 5w30 C3, has been published and the case escalated to Trading Standards.

    To view the case outcomes, visit

    Industry News


    Outgoing Secretary General Susan Hancock has been replaced by Christine Marlet


    ACEA welcomes the conclusion of a trade deal between the European Union and the South American trade bloc, Mercosur

    ACEA revised its forecast for passenger car registrations in 2019 to -1%.


    Car Mechanics magazine, June 2019

    Featured an article on VLS’s role and purpose.

    Autotechnician, June 2019

    Reported on the new VLS marketing claims process.

    CAT magazine for June 2019

    Reported on the issue of lubricants and Brexit from VLS’s perspective.

    Scots Auto Scene, issue 164

    Featured and article by VLS on choosing the right oil for the vehicle.

    Scots Auto Scene, Issue 163

    Featured a double page spread on the need for lubricants to help meet lower emission standards.

    Transport Engineer, June 2019

    VLS warns that CO2 emission reductions could end up invalidating warranty claims made by garages.

    Also in Transport Engineer June 2019, VLS Chairman Andrew Goddard commented on the impact on lubricants of bio fuels.


    FACTS magazine, Issue 151, Page 21, half page advert

    Professional Motor Mechanic, June 2019, half page advert

    Scots Auto Scene, issue 164 Page 69, half page advert

    Scots Auto Scene, issue 163, Page 109 half page advert

    Commercial Vehicle Workshop magazine, June 2019 half page advert

    Aftermarket magazine, June 2019 half page advert

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Andrew Goddard

    Chairman of VLS

  • VLS Newsletter June 2019

    VLS Newsletter June 2019

    Case summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 61, with 2 products under investigation and 8 products compliant following case investigation and 51 cases archived.

    Case Update

    VLS is has completed its investigation into a 10w30 transmission oil, VLS case 0010161, the case publication notice can be seen at:-

    VLS is finalising its investigation into the claims made on a 5w30 passenger car engine oil.

    Marketing Claims

    VLS has revised and updated its marketing claims process to take account of the integrity of the underlying data package in a finished lubricant formulation. The revised marketing claims procedure can be seen on the website at ;

    VLS will be presenting its new marketing claims guidance at the ATIEL Technical seminar to be held on 13th June in Brussels.

    Pre Case Submission Test Protocols

    In response to requests by members, VLS has issued a procedure setting out under what basis it will accept test results submitted alongside a case registration form.

    The procedure can be seen at

    VLS Process Flowchart

    The VLS Process Flowchart has been revised to take account of the Pre Case Submission Test protocol and can be viewed at 

    Industry News

    ATIEL Code of Practice

    ATIEL, the technical association of the European lubricants industry, has updated its Code of Practice to include a new Viscosity Grade Read-Across (VGRA) guideline for use in the development of high-quality passenger car engine lubricants.

    The updated ATIEL Code of Practice for engine lubricant development and formulation, Issue 21, remains aligned with the ACEA Oil Sequences 2016.

    The main changes are:

    • a new VGRA Guideline for the EP6CDT engine test and worked examples;
    • clarification of some definitions;
    • updates to sections on the European Engine Lubricants Quality Management System (EELQMS) to align them more closely with the EELQMS document and;
    • amendments to Sections 9 and Appendix D to take into account the change to administration of the Letters of Conformance scheme to SAIL – the Services to Associations and Industry in the Lubricants Sector company.


    In April Aselube, the Spanish lubricants association, announced that it had begun a pilot programme of compliance testing of members’ products. Although this was a one-off it was hoped that further testing programmes would result in future. The programme details and results can be seen on the Aselube website at

    This programme is in addition to existing compliance programmes in Europe including VLS, ATIEL’s continuous monitoring programme and German association FSQ’s quality control programme which can be seen at:-


    Press briefing

    VLS hosted fourteen members of the trade press at a briefing held at the RAC club in London during May. The purpose of the briefing was to launch the new marketing claims guidance and to explain the rationale behind the revised process. VLS is grateful to those members of the trade press who attended.

    Lubes N Greases  EMEA

    David Wright, Company Secretary of VLS, spoke to Lubes N Greases about the impact of blending lubricants for bio fuels in June’s edition.

    Transport Operator May 2019, featured an article from VLS on the way lubricants are adapting to meet lower emission standards (Page 31)

    Garage Magazine in April 2019 featured an article from VLS on the drive for lower emissions forcing lubricants to act.

    Professional Motor Mechanic May 2019, featured an article on the work of VLS to raise standards of compliance in the UK, Page 61.

    FACTS magazine issue 150 featured an article by VLS looking at the impact of Brexit on the lubricants sector.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Andrew Goddard

    Chairman of VLS

  • VLS Newsletter May 2019

    VLS Newsletter May 2019

    Case summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 61, with 3 products under investigation and 7 products compliant following case investigation and 51 cases archived.

    Case Update

    VLS is currently completing its investigation into a 10w-30 transmission and gear oil, as well as concluding its investigation into the claims made on a 5w-30 passenger car engine oil.


    Facts magazine issue 150. VLS looks at the impact of Brexit on the lubricants market.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Andrew Goddard

    Chairman of VLS

  • VLS Newsletter April 2019

    VLS Newsletter April 2019

    Case summary

    Overall the number of cases stands at 61, with 3 products under investigation and 7 products compliant following case investigation and 51 cases are archived.

    Case Update

    VLS Case 010154 – Kerax Hyperdrive, PCMO Fully Synthetic 5W/30 C3

    VLS has concluded its investigation into the complaint, subject to a six month review. The complaint concerned the product’s HTHS and NOACK evaporation limits. VLS worked with the Named Party to reformulate the product to achieve compliance.

    You can read more about our case outcomes at


    Professional Motor Factor March 2019, coverage of VLS case outcomes, Page 16.

    Facts magazine, issue 149, Page 22 featured an article from VLS on confusion over claims continues to cause issues for lubricants. Click here.

    Social Media

    To follow VLS on Twitter click here.

    To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here

    Stay Up To Date

    If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

    Andrew Goddard

    Chairman of VLS

VLS (UK) Ltd | UKLA House | 13 Chess Business Park | Moor Road | Chesham | Bucks HP5 1SD | UK | 01442 875922 |