VLS Newsletter – October 2023

VLS Newsletter October 2023

Case Summary

Overall the number of cases stands at 96, with 11 products under investigation, 1 not compliant following investigation, 8 compliant following investigation and 76 archived.

Case 010196 – concerns HDDO 5W-30 and its compliance against stated OEM specifications. The case has been accepted by VLS on the 29th September, and is under consideration by the Technical Review Panel.

Case 010195 – concerns PCEO 5W-30 and its marketing claims against several OEM specifications including VW 504 00/507 00 and other applications. The TRP has accepted the case and recommended the outcome which has been communicated to the Named Party with whom we have received a response.

Case 010194 – concerns the OEM specification claims made on 0W-30 PCEO. The case has been accepted by VLS, a sample has been sourced and tested and the results show that the product is in full compliance. The Named Party has been contacted with the outcome of the case and has asked for the results to remain confidential which VLS has agreed to under its process.

Case 010193 – concerns PCEO 5W-30 ACEA C2, C3 and its claim against VW 502 00/505 00 alongside ACEA C2 and C3. The case was received on the 20 July 2023 and accepted by VLS. The Named Party has been contacted and the twenty-eight-day consultation period is due to end shortly following which VLS will publish its findings.

Case 010192 – concerns PCEO 5W-30 Fully Synthetic and marketing claims against ACEA C2, C3, API SN and VW 502 00/505 00. The complaint was received and accepted on the 20 July 2023. The Named Party has been contacted and the marketing claims made have been amended. The website publication notice has been published to the website and the case is subject to a six-month review.

Case 010191 – a case complaint enquiry has been made by a lubricant blender, the case registration form has not been completed and subsequently the case is closed.

Case 010190 – The complaint concerns the OEM specifications claimed on a Central Hydraulic Fluid. The product has been sourced and sent to the laboratory for testing.

Case 010189 – The investigation is complete, and the case is subject to a six-month review.

Case 010188 – The case concerns a Universal Tractor Transmission Oil. The product has been tested and the results shared with the Named Party who have acknowledged that some of the claims need modifying and that they are progressing an investigation. The VLS investigation is concluded, and the results have been published to the VLS website. The case is subject to a six-month review.

Case 010187 – concerns the performance claims on an aluminium synthetic cutting fluid. The Named Party has responded to the VLS letter of the 25 July and amended the claims on the product which have been agreed with a specialist team drawn from the UKLA MWPSG operating under the protocols of the VLS Technical Review Panel. A notice will be published to the website and the case subject to a six-month review.

Case 010186 – The case investigation was competed in July subject to a six-month review and the results published to the website.

Case 010185 – The investigation has concluded in June subject to a six-month review, and the results of the investigation have been published to the VLS website.

Case 010184 – The investigation was concluded in June subject to a six-month review, and the results have been published to the VLS website.

Case 010183 – The investigation was concluded in June subject to a six-month review, and the results have been published to the VLS website.

Case 010182 – concerns a hydraulic oil and its compliance against the DIN 51524 Part 2 standard. The product has been sourced and tested and the results shared with the Named Party. VLS awaits a formal response.

Case 010181 – concerns PCEO SAE 5W-30. The product has been sourced and tested, and the results shared with the Named Party who are arranging for a test on their retained sample. The results of the VLS investigation will be published to the website in early October.

Case 010178 – concerning SAE 10W-40 engine oil and the performance claims made on it. The product is not compliant, and the case is subject to a six-month review in November 2023, at which point if the product is still non-compliant then the case will be escalated to Trading Standards.

Case 010176 – The case is subject to a six-month review in December 2023.

Case 010171 – the case is subject to a six-month review in November 2023.

Case 010167 –  the case is subject to a six-month review in October 2023.

Case 010159 – UEIL has concluded its investigation into the matter and the case is due a Technical Bulletin publication.

To view the case outcomes, visit http://ukla-vls.org.uk/case-outcomes/

To raise a case with VLS, visit http://ukla-vls.org.uk/case-handling-process/

VLS can only investigate complaints made against products available on open sale in the UK. For case submission guidance visit https://ukla-vls.org.uk/publications/

Industry News

UK Government Department for Transport announces new long-term plan to back drivers. The plan for drivers will sit alongside continued investment in public transport and active travel.

UK Government Department for Transport has published its response to the consultation on a mandate for Zero Emissions Vehicles.

UK Government has announced the postponement of the ending of the sale of Internal Combustion Engine vehicles until 2035, previously 2030.

Fuels Industry UK has published its fuel statistics for 2023 showing that the UK took delivery of 278,000 tonnes of lubricating oil imports in 2022.

SMMT report that UK manufacturing fell in August as firms gear up for next generation models.

The IGA (Independent Garages Association) has announced that Mercedes, Hyundai and Kia have added SERMI (Security-related Repair and Maintenance Information) to their technical data pages to assist members in repairing their cars. SERMI is an umbrella scheme which will be delivered by different organisations in each European country.

ATIEL, the technical association of the European lubricants industry, has published an EELQMS (European Engine Lubricant Quality Management System) newsletter on Managing Risk, Ensuring Compliance with the ACEA European Engine Oil Sequence.

ACEA has launched a new light duty sequence on the 23rd September which includes modifications to engine tests and a new C7 category for 0W-16 viscosity engine oils.

ILMA report an AP News story that United Auto Workers have expanded their strike to 38 plants across 20 states.

Media Editorial

Lube magazine, October/November 2023 includes a feature on VLS’s new Chair Jacquie Berryman, page 43.

Lube magazine, October/November 2023, features a ten-page technical review of VLS investigations over the period 2013 to 2023, pages 44 to 50.

autotechnician, October 2023, features VLS’s ten-year anniversary, Page 5.

Garage and MOT magazine, October 2023 report on Jacquie Berryman’s appointment as VLS Chair, page 33.

FACTS Online, September 2023 features and article by VLS on ACEA heavy duty engine oil sequences, what workshops and fleet operators need to know.

Professional Motor Mechanic, September 2023, featured an article from outgoing VLS Chairman Mike Bewsey on the role of motor factors in upholding the highest standards in Europe for lubricant manufacture.

Autoresource, September 2023 features the announcement of Jacquie Berryman as the new VLS Chair.

CAT magazine and CAT LinkedIN social media channel, September 2023, features the announcement of Jacquie Berryman as the new VLS Chair.

Aftermarket Online, September 2023, features the announcement of Jacquie Berryman as the new VLS Chair.

Lube report EMEA, September 2023, features the announcement of Jacquie Berryman as the new VLS Chair.

PMM Online September 2023, features the announcement of Jacquie Berryman as the new VLS Chair.

PMF Online September 2023, features an interview with outgoing VLS Chairman Mike Bewsey to mark ten years since VLS’s inception.

Autotrade News September 2023, features the announcement of Jacquie Berryman as the new VLS Chair.

Facts Online September 2023, features the announcement of Jacquie Berryman as the new VLS Chair.

Transport Engineer Online September 2023, features the announcement of Jacquie Berryman as the new VLS Chair.

As a member, we would encourage you to disseminate the materials and content generated by VLS through your own communication channels.

Media Advertising

autotechnician, October 2023, half page advert page 43.

Garage and MOT magazine, half page advert October 2023, Page 15.

Lube magazine, October/November 2023 half page advert on VLS, Page 43.


The Lube conference on Succession and Sustainaiblity will be held in London on the 18th October.

ACI European Base Oils & Lubricants Summit, 15/16 November, Barcelona, Spain.

The 54th Lubricants and Base Oils Symposium, 22/24 November, Zagreb, Croatia.

Social Media

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To follow VLS on Twitter click here.
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To follow VLS on LinkedIn click here.

Stay Up To Date

We would encourage all members to make use of the content generated by VLS and share this to your own communication platforms. If your media team would like access to VLS press releases, newsfeeds and notifications from our social media accounts, please email admin@ukla-vls.org.uk, and we will add your name to our list of contacts.

Jacquie Berryman
VLS Chair

VLS (UK) Ltd | UKLA House | 13 Chess Business Park | Moor Road | Chesham | Bucks HP5 1SD | UK | 01442 875922 | admin@ukla-vls.org.uk